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notepad++ 5.4.4 bug

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Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-17 05:10
notepad++ 5.4.4 bug

I'm posting this not to complain about a bug, but to ask for a recompiling of the portable version, as the bug was fixed.

this is taken from the notepad++ forum (the first 2 posts in

RE: Notepad++ v5.4.4 released
By: Showmaster (showmaster) - 2009-07-05 17:46

Thanks for the new release, Don.
But found a little bug... if you are normally in the npp window and click on the app-entry in the startmenu-bar then the editor window minimizes, but immediately pops up again.
Minimizing the window using the icon on top right works normally.
RE: Notepad++ v5.4.4 released
By: Don HO (donho) - 2009-07-05 21:51
Thank you for the hands up, Tobias.

I just did a quick fix, so please redownload it and try again.
Please notice me if you find any anomalies.

other than this, when can we expect a portable build of 5.4.5 ?

Best Regards,
Bogdan Coanda

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
I noticed

that bug too. Its really annoying. I am sure there will be a portable version out soon.

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muskrat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:24
Same here with a twist

Just tacking on my $0.02 worth...

I too have noticed that if one clicks on the start bar to to minimize the NPP window that it will minimize and re-maximize.

My twist occurs when one has minimized the NPP window using the windows control for minimizing and then when one clicks on the startbar to restore focus. My workstation will restore focus, then resize it to the last size I made it to view in another application in the background. Kind of weird and a little annoying. I have had to switch back to using Alt+Tab. But, meh! What's a little more keyboarding exercise, right?

/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum Wink

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 8 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Get 5.4.5

5.4.4 was pretty buggy. Grab the 5.4.5 release that was just posted.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-17 05:10
glad 5.4.5 appeared :) thank

glad 5.4.5 appeared Smile

thank you very much. I work extensively with notepad++ and those tiny bugs were quite annoying.

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