Application: SongbirdCategory: Music & VideoDescription: Songbird is an open-source customizable music player that's under active development.Songbird Portable Pre-Release 1
Release Notes:
Development Test 4 (2009-08-11):
- Fixed a typo in the launcher that would prevent local Songbird Crash Reports from being backed up.
Development Test 3 (2009-08-05):
- Launcher re-write V2.
- Launcher now updates all files required to fix the Watch Folders.
Development Test 2 (2009-07-21):
- Launcher re-write. Takes care of registry entries and folders.
Development Test 1 (2009-07-12): Initial release
- App has been tested on XP Pro SP3 and Vista Business with both admin and limited/guest accounts.
- Thanks for all the help from fellow Devs
- Credit to Ryan McCue for his previous work on Songbird Portable 1.0 whose launcher I used
- Thanks in advance for testing!!
Enjoy the long awaited update of Songbird Portable!!!
And as always - please post any and all issues you see here
Songbird has been upgraded to Songbird Portable Pre-Release 1.
*basks in the glory of Songbird Portable*
Thanks Gizmo ^_^
(btw first post :P)
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Thanks Gizmo = )
EDIT: Working a dream. Used on XP SP3 with and without rights. Loving the features of the new version. Advocate
I shall give this a spin right away. Thanks for this
There's a twenty second delay when I restarted, after initial setup, from the splash screen to the program showing anything useful. Beyond that, no problems.
EDIT: Nevermind. I just installed Songbird on my HD, and it's a bit slow on it's startup anyway. There are no performance issues.
Hey! Where'd it go?
But I thought Zach was doing this one? He give up?
Zach got tied up with other things and got busy. I checked with him first before I started.
He seemed to have a lot on his hands.
he did. And I figured why not
and I said sure why not, here you go
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
It does not seem to change the drive letter because I used it on one computer and pointed it to my portable music directory and moved to another computer with a different drive letter and could not find the directory.
May the Shwartz be with you
I will look into this.
I just moved drive letters with music, and besides getting a managed music popup error, everything works fine. Going to talk to SB folks tomorrow.
Over 150 Downloads as of this morning! Glad to see it's being used/tested. Keep it up!
Time to address some bugs:
Registry keys left behind
Folders left behind:
Other stuff:
Tested on WinXP SP3 Admin
With admin privs on XP Pro SP3. I'll work on the files first, need more testing for the registry though.
As for the copyright, I must've missed it when I copied my header over it...I'll readd it into the source..
But going on what I've seen here, I'm just going to re-write the launcher, it seems as if there is some stuff that has been deprecated that I can remove, and some stuff that I'll need to add.
I waited ages for that one!
Just installed it and everything seems to work fine, even with updates of the plugins.
I also did an update from Songbird Portable 1.0 Development Test 1 with a custom skin, everything worked out fine.
Great work, I love it!
Ps: Testet on Win Vista 64x Business
What's the download count like now and for how many hours? Advocate
we are at 269 downloads since 2300EDT and it's now 1430edt, so that would be just over 63 hours.
Funny coincidence is that I brought my external drive to work today to fix up some folders and music attributes, and now I can update it with the new Songbird too!
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
I expect to have a new release up for this sometime midday, Thursday, July 16th (EDT). This should fix all of the above issues and check for a few other things too!
I majorly missed this deadline. I had some unexpected family things to take care of and didn't get the time I wanted to work on the launcher. I'm also having issues with getting some code ironed out. I am hoping to have this up soon....
I have upgraded Songbird portable previous dev release with with the 1.2 portable version and now it is not starting can you help?
Rename your SongbirdPortable\Data\profile folder to "old_profile" and launch it again, See if it starts up. It might be something corrupted in the profile.
thank in principle it works, but since i am using my old profile I am wondering if there is any way to get it back?
I'm not sure. You can check with the songbird folks, there might be a file or two that needs to be updated/deleted/fixed. But there are a lot of files that deal with your local profile, so I can't say for sure what exactly will fix it.
Thanks for making it portable.
Looking forward to the version were the "problems" with the registry and folders will be fixed.
When starting Songbird 1.2 Portable Dev Test I receive the following error messages:
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\gst_libs.txt
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\kPlaylistCommands.jsm
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\sbAddToPlaylist.jsm
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\sbColumnSpecParser.jsm
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\sbFileSystemEventsBase.dll
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\sbLibraryUtils.jsm
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\sbMediacoreBase.dll
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\sbStorageFormatter.jsm
- Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\App\songbird\components\sbTimeFormatter.jsm
- Error: Permission denied to call method Location.toString
- [last-fm] handshake got not enough lines: ["FAILED Invalid/Missing Parameter(s)", ""]
- Error: GStreamer error: GStreamer encountered a general stream error. Additional information: qtdemux.c(2007): gst_qtdemux_loop (): /GstPlayBin2:player/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin1/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin21/GstQTDemux:qtdemux0:
streaming stopped, reason error
Try Reinstalling. It sounds like there is some type of issue with permissions, or all the files that you need aren't installed for whatever reason.
I did reinstall Songbird 1.2. After another installation I see the same errors plus an additional one (I guess it is due to the Add-on-page loaded after installation):
Error: SQLite compile step:
select count(*) from cities
caused the error
no such table: cities
Strange: Name of the directory is correct and files are found in the directory... Wonder if the length of the path is too long? Could that be?
That's possible. I'd try that...I've NEVER seen any issue like this.
I tried it again on a different path but the same result. The only Songbird Portable version that worked fine on this computer was version 0.7...
I would try a local install and see if the same thing happens. If it does, you'll need to file a bug report with Songbird.
what do you mean by local installation? I do not have admin rights on this computer and I installed Songbird on a C:-drive which is the local one...
I rather try it on a stick...
Edit: and the installation on the stick shows the same loading problems...
I reported the problem as Bug 17186 in the Songbird Bugzilla
Maybe they'll find something I'm not thinking of.
Still the same problem here with the newest version...
It's still a bug within Songbird then
Keep an eye on your ticket with them.
I have a copy of my portableapps directory in my work PC, something like c:\aa\aa\Portableapps.
Yesterday, I ran Songbird while my USB key with the portableapps was in. I am not sure which Songbird I ran, I believe the harddrive one but it could be the USB.
Next time I checked my USB key, it had a E:\AA\AA\PortableApps\Songbird\Data directory.
Can you please double-check and let me know exactly what happened? It'll be easier for me to track down.
I will have to go back to work so Monday if I am lucky... or given that I feel like I got the flu it my take a while longer. But I will check.
Ok. Just let me know what you find.
While trying to get through to my doctor on the phone, I tried a few things and here is what I belive happened:
I installed Songbird portable on the hard drive in: c:\aa\aa\PortableApps\
I played a bit with it and though I can put it on my USB drive so copied the SongbirdPortable directory there.
Now when I launch songbird from the USB drive, it creates the following direcrtory structure on my USB drive:
In the db directory, I have 2 files:
I hope this helps
One last question, what is the location to the same folder, at least where it SHOULD be on your USB drive?
Your launcher replaces $LASTDRIVE by $CURRENTDRIVE. I think it should sometimes replace $LASTDIRECTORY by $EXEDIR.
You could look at the Dia Portable launcher (sorry for this ad :))
That's one of the things I'm doing in my re-write. I noticed a few things like that, that weren't well...good.
The same folder on the drive is what you get if you remove \AA\AA
K, Thanks.
Now takes care of registry entries and folders left behind. There is still a bit of work left, but I wanted to get this out there.
Thanks again for taking this up. Basically I'm loving it
Can I suggest people have a look at the Aero Bird Pro Feather.
EDIT: I've found that since I updated to DT2 Songbird seems to have issues loading up skins. Not sure why. Didn't see in DT1.
EDIT2: Actually on second look it appears this issue affects all addons. Can anyone else confirm this? Advocate
Go to your Data\profile\ folder and copy the extensions.ini to pastebin or something, or even put it here in some code tags, and I"ll take a look, I have a feeling that's what the problem is.
EDIT: Just regressed to DT1 to test if the issue was isolated to DT2 and my beloved Aero Bird Pro feather loaded without any issues, oh and all my other extensions
So yeah appears the issue is isolated to DT2. Advocate
Thanks. This was almost exactly what I'd doesn't replace the directories in the extensions.ini like it should.
You could try adding a start delimiter, i.e. "="
${ReplaceInFile} "$PROFILEDIRECTORY\extensions.ini" "=$LASTEXEDIR\" "=$EXEDIR\"
[Edit] Or maybe try using the ReplaceInFile.nsh with StrRep.nsh instead of the TextReplace plugin...
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
this is exactly how it's set in the FFP launcher. I just have to modify my code to do better searches...the issue, I believe, is that the ini file isn't getting updated like it should, so it's searching on an empty string and filling the extensions.ini with jibberish...
Also, please paste the contents of your \Data\settings\SongbirdPortableSettings.ini file also? Advocate
That's what I expected. I'll work on this and hopefully take care of it.
In the meantime, you can add this line to it, and you should be able to use DT2 w/o issues.
And then delete your extensions.ini, and it should work.
That thing you were talking to John about with trimming a GUID after ConfigRead. You only need one StrCpy, not two.
(String length of $1 is 6 less than $0, and starts at the second character after the start).
Also remember that if you feel like it you can add the "{ to the ConfigRead and then you can just do
StrCpy $1 $0 -4
.I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I'm just using some ${StrStrip} for now. It's working well, might be a little different than StrCpy, but it gets the job done, and it's easier for me to maneuver the way I need it.
I've got a good start on this, the last thing I have to do is modify the drive letter and the .tree file so I can get that changed. If I can get it figured out tonight, I hope for another DT. If not, it'll be later this week (though hopefully by tomorrow night).
For anyone who cares where the status is currently on the launcher/progress, it's here.
I'm trying to modify a file, well, it's all in the link. It takes you to NSIS' discussion forums on
I hope to have an answer tomorrow to wrap this up. We're ||
Thanks for the status update Giz Advocate
I'll take a look at it tomorrow (probably about 14 hours time) and offer any more suggestions I have.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I've pretty much got it now. I just have to work it into the launcher. I should have a DT3 out sometime later today.
And I've failed...I ran into some more troubles with my modifications. I'm still working on it guys. Thank you EVERYONE for being so patient and supportive!
I am trying to use Songbird portable on a flash drive with my music, but the drive letter changes from time to time. How do I give Songbird a relative path to my music? The library still shows up, but tells me the path to my watch folder is unavailable, and all the songs are unplayable because it can't find the directory.
It seems like instructions or a default way to do this would be a necessity to make it really portable, although it is already convenient as is.
That will be the end result. But this is currently a development test while we iron these issues out. The new Songbird release changed a few things and the older launcher is being updated to handle it all. In the end, you'll have Songbird Portable and all your music on one device and be able to use it everywhere.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks John. Jeremy Cox - I'm working on this right now, I hope to have a new release with everything updated by this evening.
FINALLY Updated to DT3!!
Enjoy! Please post ANYTHING you see wrong
hmm the only thing I see wrong is that it isn't a pre-release I mean it finally fixed the watched folders bug (tested this on 3 different computers) I say this could be the one Gizmokid2005
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
You should now think about compacting the files as it is extremely unresponsive on an old PC with USB1.1 and vista. It works, slowly but it works, when it is compacted.
Thanks lot!
Will test and modify tis post with feedback later. Just wanted to say thanks straight away
EDIT: Umm.. Dont know what to say.. No Issues period Advocate
Only 61 downloads of DT3 so far??? Come on, I know there are more of you testers out there who were using this
on DT3.... no issues at all (so far...........)
On windows 7 (build 7100)
It's creating Songbird2 folders in both my roaming and local AppData folders. Only a minor issue, but It's still stopping 100% portability. The first folder in Roaming is Roaming/SongBird2/Crash Reports/InstallTime and the second is Second is Local/SongBird2/Profiles
These should automatically be cleaned up close.
It makes these folders but deletes them on close. I've tested and watched it remove these folders on XP SP3 though can't test Win7 or Vista. Have you checked to make sure these are removed once you close Songbird? Advocate
Anyone else find any issues???
I'd really like someone with Win7 to test version seems to be messed up.
I don't see any issues with either Vista or XP.
DT4 has been released to fix a typo. Please upgrade.
Working on Windows 7 Professional here (msdn release) nothing is left behind at all. not in the application data or the temp folder
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
JohnTHaller - What do you think about PR or Final now?
Tried Songbird Portable since test 3, so far so good in Windows 7 RC. Even works in Ubuntu with wine.
Thanks for the report!
on vista home premium 64bit
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
What kind of error(s) do you get?
is that when i click on the programs exe the splash screen pops up and that's it nothing else happens it just keeps running in the background an dose nothing
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
The first run usually takes a while. for me, at least, there's a twenty second wait from launch, to actually being able to use the program.
Hey! Where'd it go?
Yes, the launch always takes quite a while, even non-portable songbird takes a bit to load up. If this isn't a fresh install, try that. Or else, give it some more time. I can't really fix anything if I can't figure out what's wrong. You can try the local version too and see if you get the same issue.
try that
EDIT: it worked i had to wait like 20 minutes but it worked
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
I figured. It's really slow on slow drives. There's quite a bit it does on launch.
i'm going to upgrade need 2 upgrade from my 2 gb memorex usb i think im going 2 to get a u3 sandisk drive and uninstall
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
That's not a bad idea. The Corsair FlashVoyager GT model are AWESOME drives too. I got REALLY good performance out of them, but I used it too much and killed the chipset. Now I just run a 2.5" USB EXT HDD.