Hello together
A few days ago, I worked on my weekend-PC. I don´t know the rason, but on this day I thougt that the usb-ports are slowly (external HDD). After I restartes my PC the USB-Stick seems to be empty.
On the root I can only see files with a size of 158kb and in the "new" folder there are exactly 10000 Files with the ending "*.chk". They are 97MB.
But on the Stick is shown, that there are 2,55GB Files.
Does anybody know, that has happend?
Does anybody know, how I can restore the files?
please look at the both pictures:
Sorry, but it looks like your disk has died. While it still partly works, it's reporting the wrong things, and so the unit has probably died. You might wish to try checking for errors just to make sure (though it looks like you've done that by the fact that there's the FOUND.000 folder). In the disk properties window, there's a button in the "Tools" tab in English - maybe the "Extras" one in German?
It is extremely improbable that you can restore the files, especially if the disk is faulty.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I think the files are lost, too. But I don´t think, that the disk is death. The one is, that the manufacturer gives me 30 years warranty on the stick. The other reason is, that the tool "hd-tune" don´t find any damaged sector. Unfortunately the tool shows 1605kb for one sector.
Do you know a tool, whis is able to scan each bit?
Well, I think, I beginn to formate the stick, and upload my last backup. (to surf with a DVD-Backup is pedantically)
checkdisk seems to have renamed/changed your data..
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>Do you know a tool, whis is able to scan each bit?
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Aren't .chk files scandisk error files?
You did take a backup, right?
Uh oh... One of the screenshots you posted shows as "Trashes" file - have you checked it with an antivirus program? It sounds like you've got some kind of virus which trashes data? ("THRASHES-Datai" - I assume this is your language for "Trashes data"?)
It's been used on a Mac, that's how they do trash on drives, USB included.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1