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New Seagate 500gb portable HDD

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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-21 14:14
New Seagate 500gb portable HDD

Ok, I scored lucky on this! A friend of mine went to Officemax and bought this this wednesday, and took it home and hooked it to his computer, and couldnt get it to work, so he calls me and I come over, and I get it hooked up, so I pulled out my verbatim flash drive to check write speed, and he was more amazed at the size of the flash drive. Must have never seen one before, and was asking questions about it. I transfered all the data I had on my flash drive to his hard drive, and it read fast! He didnt like the drive, so here is where I got a steal! I ended up trading the flash drive and $10 for the 500gb portable drive! The flash drive was $30, and I gave him $10, so I basically paid $40 for a 500gb unit and he paid $130 for it that same day and thanks me everyday for the flash drive. Lol, I thank him for the drive because now I got all the space:) Luckily, I have another 4gb flash drive I use on my key chain to transfer files from other computers. Does anybody have one of these? It is a Seagate Freeagent.

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
I have a 1TB Seagate

I have a 1TB Seagate Freeagent. It does its job; what didn't your friend like about it?


Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-21 14:14
size he said

He didnt like the fact he couldnt store it in his pocket and was afraid to knock it around for fear of breaking moving parts. I bought a protective case for it and use it primarily at home, but will take it other places for if we have card night can hook it up to the computer and play music.


NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
Kind of external HDD?

What kind is it? The big kind that needs its own power supply, or the little one that gets power from the USB port?

I'm considering moving up to a portable hard drive. I don't need that much space; even a 40GB hard drive would be more than enough. Anyway, are they really faster than flash drives?

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-30 11:10
i thing that might of been

i thing that might of been one of the big ones unlike the Freeagent GO (completely usb powered)

kind of tough to find a portable hard drive onder 250gb but you can find those for $60

and i prefer portable hard drives over flash drives because of size (3 times the cost for like 20 times the capacity?) and for reliability (all flash drives i ever had died within 2 months)

just be careful with portable hard drives

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-21 14:14
Usb powered

Yes, it is a usb powered, and came with the usb cable, and is extremely fast! I am looking to get the docking port for it, as it keeps the drive in a vertical stance, and it comes with 2 usb plugs for more power and faster read/write speeds. The thing I like about these is they will last longer than most usb flash drives, plus you get more memory for the price. I got mine for a trade, but officemax had them on sale for $89, when usually $119 for back to school, and the verbatim drive, which was $30, I picked one up for $15. They are great because they are fast, and also can be defragmented to keep running fast. Its not recommended to defrag a flash drive because it can shorten the life of the drive by making un necessary write cycles. If a drive gets slow, I back up the data, reformat it and but the data back on and its fine. A portable hard drive is great for storing huge things like a big library of music photos and stuff like that, you just got to be more careful cause they have moving parts.


Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-21 14:14
jnw222 is right!

I got a drive for transfering, but not permanent storage. I paid $30 for the 4gb verbatim @ first, and the hard drive was free, but had I paid for it, would have been $110. That would only be a 16gb flash drive @ $30, as compared to a 500g which is only pennies per gb compared to the 500g. Even a 250gb for $60 or 320gb for $80 your still better off with price and value. Plus hard drives have a warranty with them. Mine has a 5 year warranty, and bought the 2 year plan from office max in case something should happen. Flash drives have been known to give up the ghost in less than 2 years. Do yourself a favor and upgrade to a portable hard drive. You will be glad you did.


Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-21 14:14

i take it to friends house to listen to music while playing cards, and take to my in laws so the kids can play games. I also use it for diagnostics on other peoples comps. I carry a defrag program, avast antivirus, games, music, office tools, and many other things and still havent used 4gb of the memory yet. The only one thing about the drive is keep it in a place where air can get to it, not between a wall and your main drive, as heat will degrade these, because they dont have fans. No you can buy desktop external drives that have fans, but they are not portable like mine. Bottom line is, if you need alot of storage, and can be careful in carrying the drive, its really the way to go. I recommend buying you a carrying case also, just in case it gets bumped or dropped, the case can cushion the drive. My usb flash drive is now used specifically for transfering files only from a computer to my portable drive, as I dont carry it everywhere with me, for fear of being lost or stolen.


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