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StepMania Portable

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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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StepMania Portable

"StepMania is a free dance and rhythm game featuring 3D graphics, dance pad support, and a step editor."

This is the latest intermediate (BETA) release (20070325). The program itself is under MIT license (used to be under GNU) and is open source. Source is located here. In the zip file are (non-copyrighted) sample songs and courses. All EXEs and DLLs were UPX'd by the developers.

My launcher does the following:

    If there is no profile in the Data folder, the default profile is copied to it (this will happen on first launch if you do not put a profile there, instructions below).
    If there is a StepMania profile in the My Documents folder (this variable is found through the registry), it will rename that folder to SM temporarily. Else it will skip this step.
    It copies the profile in the Data folder to the My Documents folder and then launches StepMania itself.
    When StepMania exits, the launcher copies the changed profile back to the Data folder.
    If a local profile was backed up, that folder will be again named "StepMania CVS" just as before.

To put your existing profile into this, just copy the "StepMania CVS" folder from your My Documents folder to the Data folder of this application. It is recommended you clear your Cache folder or not include it at all.

To add songs, go to App\StepMania\Songs and add as normal. If you have never done this before, the idea is to have songs in a group folder then the song has its own folder (e.g. Songs\DDR 1st Mix\Butterfly\). For more info, see the official instructions, especially step 3).

To add courses, go to App\StepMania\Courses and do as above, with groups and course files past the group folder (e.g. Courses\DDR 7th Mix\Pop

I would only recommend to stay with the default theme as other themes have not been thoroughly tested with this version.

Basically, you can take your StepMania game anywhere (that has Windows and a decent graphics card) and your scores and settings will all be saved. I don't recommend changing graphics settings as you do not know if every computer you run into is going to run this game at 1280x1024 with 75 Hz refresh rate at a 16:9 AR, etc.

This does not have any kind of splash screen because it causes problems with window focus for this game, which by default goes into full-screen.

Performance on a flash drive is about the same as on a hard disk, but I would not recommend putting a lot of songs as it would cause the program to take longer to load, especially on older computers (non-USB 2.0).

If you've never seen StepMania (or DDR), here is the official site.


Thanks everyone.

EDIT: This does work with older versions (only ones that use a StepMania CVS folder in My Documents for the profile), including builds with the DDR-style arrows included (the new build does not have it and uses a different format), if you are concerned with themes and noteskins. All versions prior to the StepMania CVS My Documents change are already portable, as all of the profile data was stored in Data folder of StepMania's folder.

tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-11 08:02

You beat me to this. I was going to look at this shortly for my missus, as she loves DDR style games. I am going to d/l this and have a look later on.

Visualize the possibilities!

Dell XPS M1530 Laptop
Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz
4GB Ram
256MB GeForce 8600M GT

Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-02-16 12:35
The link

The link is broken. Could you fix it please?

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-12-03 13:01

I was looking for this, guy. I can't install anything on the PC I use, so this was a big found.

(Fix the link please. I don't wanna install StepMania here to portabilize it by myself D:)

TStodden's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-21 16:29
Sounds interesting...

I've been a StepMania user for years & I'm interested in trying this out, but there's a few things that need to be addressed.

1) Please fix your link -- I cannot access the file... much less the server. Try using MediaFire ( ) to store the file as their servers are stable & their services are free.

2) Please use version 3.9 as your initial base -- While Version 4.0 beta is nice, the StepMania dev team are bit of a perfectionist when it comes to version 4 (hence why it's still in beta mode all these years). Version 3.9 works well, especially on older computers & should be the preferred version to work with.

3) If you haven't already, please make the StepMania package manager portable as well. -- It's optional, but it does make the process of installing songs & other files easier for those who aren't tech savy.

Other than that... It'll be a pleasure trying to break this in.

SUPPLEMENTAL: The Stepmania website ( ) does include multiple songs on their site that you can download. All the songs either have the permission of the owner OR carry a Creative Commons license, to make things legal... For those who are looking for songs.

Game Monkey Likes You!

justineo14's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-12-22 13:39
"3) If you haven't already,

"3) If you haven't already, please make the StepMania package manager portable as well. -- It's optional, but it does make the process of installing songs & other files easier for those who aren't tech savy."

I thought this would be nice as well

so with about 10 seconds of messing around

just do this
open appinfo.ini
find [Control] and replace it with this
Name1=StepMania 4 alpha 4
Name2=Stepmania Tools

im still trying to find the how to set the icon


Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
yeah... i got the same

yeah... i got the same problem: link doesn't work. you should fix that.

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 00:35
Awesome! I need this!

Some people say that stepmania is stupid without feet. Try St. Scarhand on feet, then tell me Biggrin
I'll try it as soon as i find my flash drive!

Biggrin Hi! I'm Tangerine

scremingwhisper1720's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-07-15 18:50
can u

plz re upload

60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2012-10-02 08:20
Latest Version

Here's the latest version. IK its open source dueto the fact that i got it from sourceforge... Actual license (i think) gpl. It uses PAF platform w/ launcher & installer. Appdata appears clean, however needs regshot. Click here for link. Tell me if doesn't work.

Acela944's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2015-01-15 21:46
Re: Latest Version

The link is broken, can you re-upload it please? Thanks.

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