Application: ZSNES
Category: Games
Description: ZSNES is a SNES/Super Famicom emulator for x86 computers. It runs on Windows, MS-DOS and Linux/FreeBSD and supports mode 7, sound, Super FX, and a lot more.
Download ZSNES Portable Development Test 3 [1.03MB download / 1.77MB installed]
(MD5: a418acd0f46489259fda80de7b16b93f)
I'm still working on a rewrite but this is just a bug fix for the original launcher I worked on
Release Notes:
Development Test 3 (August 9th 2009)
- not much changed other than added in the execution process SetOutPath $SETTINGSDIRECTORY which should force the data to the settings directory
Development Test 2 (April 2nd 2009)
- Fixed a bug where the settings were being overwritten by the launcher
Development Test 1 (April 1st 2009): Initial release
- Updated old code provided by JohnTHaller
- The Adjust Paths section I left as is as when I spoke with John about it he said it was still good and could be left as is
ZSNES is good stuff, but it's been stalled at 1.51 for a few years IIRC. What's the .0.1? Just the launcher bundle?
I actually have ZSNES on my USB drive, but isn't it portable already? It stores its settings in, IIRC, zsnes.cfg in the app directory and that's that - though, one time, I registered the various ROM formats in Windows Explorer. Worked like a charm, double click one and they load right up in ZSNES. Step two was to make Start Menu shortcuts to the games themselves. THAT was slick.
I'm not sure ZSNES can get any better, unless you add IPS auto-patching. Gotta use SNES9x for that, or use an IPS patcher to patch your game. I can't find my copy of Zelda Hell aka Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds I patched, but I still have Zelda 3 and the Parallel Worlds IPS file. Probably still have the patcher somewhere. Now that is an evil game. Gotta do the first dungeon Metal Gear style - run by when they aren't looking. And did you know the Armos Knights (I think they're called) take about 100 hits with the sword should you happen to waltz in without any arrows, or face them as a mini-boss in the first dungeon before getting the bow and arrows? Yeah, that game's pretty rough but at least it isn't Kaizo Mario World. I won't even touch that.
Oh, one last question, does this have a real splash screen or the Development Test one? Because AFAIK it's portable (enough) already, but I wouldn't mind having the proper PAP integration if it's got a nice splash screen... as trivial as that sounds.
the .1 is the launcher version and no development isn't stalled on zsnes
if you follow their forums closely you'll know that they are working on a rewrite and going with the QT Gui Library for C++ so thats why it's taking them a long time to do stuff atm
this makes it compatible with our platform
and yes ZSNES is portable but not in our format
and if it says Development Test (especially on all my apps) then it's the dev test splash screen until it gets pre-release status
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I never thought I'd see this update, either the base app or the portable version. Thanks for taking the time to update to the latest specs and for the info that ZSNES id still being developed.
I can confirm it works on XP with and without admin rights.
Thanks again Advocate
*downloads Downloads Downloads*
Thank you very much ZachThibeau!
Nice work too!
Development Test 2 is posted please review the Release Notes for changes made
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
In the realease notes for dev test 2 is it supposed to read "by the launcher" as it currently reads "but the launcher".
Thanks for working on this Zach Advocate
are you so sure
I only see by the launcher myself
(thanks for that though, I wouldn't of seen it myself)
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I'm Loving it
Thanks Zach!
I use John's Adjust Paths code in my ZSnes for U3, it works very well
I was just looking into working on this myself, but then at the last minute decided to check the forums first
Is this going to move forward to pre-release/release track? It should be pretty close to done as-is, since adjusting the paths in the .cfg file is the only thing needed to make it portable... I'd love to see this released 
Edit: The download link is dead *cries*
Edit 2: I can view the directory /portableapps, and it only contains DVDStyler might want to disable index viewing
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Hey Zack. I think your link for the download is dead too. I couldn't get on to it. Do you think you can post a new link up? Thanks.
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
sorry having issues with the main server, will upload as soon as I can
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Can you please try to upload it to a different host like scourgeforge or mediafire please?
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
Here's Development test 1 on mediafire:
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
thanks, seems my backup was gone and so I'll edit my top post with the link and continue to work on the launcher rewrite
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Alright. Thanks to both of you for helping.
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
Just noted doesn't seem to save settings as every time I play I have to reselect video filters. Also looks like it wipes out saved games?:( Advocate
no that it's there just look in ZSNESPortable/App/ZSNES you will find the settings there. For some reason it does that, I'm working to get that fixed as it does that periodically
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
ZSNESPortable Dev Test 3 released please test. first post updated
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
First thanks for the update. Haven't tested settings yet but wanted to note the weird splash behaviour is still there.
EDIT:Video filter settings still not carried = (
EDIT2: Just noticed that running ZSNES also seems to mess with window sizes for other applications running. So far I've noticed it affect Songbird Portable, Firefox Portable and Excel 2007. Advocate
ok video settings issue found but elaborate on the splash behaviour? I'm not getting anything wrong with the splash screen
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
The splash shows at first for a second correctly but then once the app launches it flashes repeatedly very fast almost as if it and the emulation window were both trying to force to the front of screen. Not sure if that makes sense. Unfortunately Wink won't screen capture it properly Advocate
odd as I can't reproduce this at all on all of my pc's and laptop's I have (which altogether number 5)
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Not sure what to say. XP SP3 with NVIDIA GeForce 9400 GT graphics card? I can't say I've had this behaviour with any other apps splash. Is there anything in the code that would cause both the splash and the app to try and force to front of screen cause that's what it looks like on my screen. Advocate
I'll experiment a little bit with the source and see if I can fix this for you, also if any other user that are using this please let me know if you are having the same issue as horusofoz
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I would guess the cause is exactly what horusofoz was describing, because the splash screen does try to force itself to the front, and depending on the display mode of ZSNES (e.g. if it's opening fullscreen) ZSNES is as well. horusofoz if you can recompile the launcher, try adding the /PASSIVE flag to the newadvsplash::show line right after /NOUNLOAD and recompiling. That won't necessarily be the "fix" but if it stops the flickering then it's likely that's the issue.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Sorry I only just found this as started playing with ZSNES on my Ubuntu netbook.
In response to your comment qwertmodo, I don't have the software or knowledge of how to compile a source Advocate
If you wanted to test out the fix I described, all you would need to recompile is the launcher, which is really pretty easy. Just grab NSIS Portable and open /Other/Source/ZSNESPortable.nsi to compile. PortableApps launchers are typically a snap to recompile from source (unlike some software projects...).
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
hmm I think I should revive this project, with the latest work of pal this should be a cinch to make it proper now.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
If the download version is correct, the title is outdated btw.
lol well I'm the original author of the portable version
it's just a matter of fixing a few things I left off.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I meant 1.51 != 1.53.
no I don't know where you are getting that version number but the latest 1.51
checking the board and the project page all says 1.51 being the latest with the current development source under secret appearently going with a qt interface but that hasn't been released yet and will be considered 2.0.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
ZSNES 2.0!
I 'm a happy person now. I thought ZSNES was dead for a while.
Wait, I had it backward.
You have the download listed as "Download ZSNES Portable Development Test 3"
is this portable app dead or not?
Link's dead. Did you still want this one, or can someone else take over it?
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
I've been looking at a few Hardware Emulators recently and can pick this one up if it's now lonely and homeless.
I actually had my eye on it
but if you want it go for it.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
More than happy for you to take it if its 'abandoned', I've still got plenty of projects backed up to keep me busy!
i was hoping to take it over myself, being as i happen to love zsnes. but this would be only if no one else wants to...
Feel free, I've got a couple other apps to look after, and a couple I haven't posted... yet
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
ok, its now under new management.
Did you get a response from Zach Thibeau?
It's currently his app, so it would be polite to get his approval for the take-over (though if Zach is unreachable, then I suppose it would be OK since it's been quite a while since he's published anything.)
If you haven't got a hold of him yet, I'd recommend either posting on his forums or using his Contact Form (unless you know a better means to communicate with him), and giving him a little time to respond before you really take-over and post a new DevTest.
P.S. (I was considering asking to take this over, but I'll leave it to you.
However, if you ever decide to quit maintaining it, please post something somewhere we can find stating as much so someone else can take-over without needing to try to make contact first [incase you become difficult to contact :)])
I have contacted him and am awaiting a response. i wont post an updated installer/launcher until i have either heard from him or have waited a reasonable amount of time for a non response. and thank you for covering my rear end on that. and i will make sure my permanent email address is part of my profile here so that i can be contacted in case i have gone incognito. and if i have to drop my apps because of unforeseen circumstances i will post a message
if you contacted me then I didn't get the message, I just only stumbled on this by chance, zsnes 1.51 is fairly difficult to work with settings wise and it's severely outdated so I'm dropping it and working on bsnes which is constantly being updated and more accurate in it's emulation than zsnes
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
So is that permission for Alysher to take over ZSNES Portable?
Also it would be appreciated if you're latest Development Test Release (3 I think) could be re-uploaded somewhere (and a link provided), either so that Testers can get to it, or so that Alysher can include any improvements you've added since the ZSNEZ Portable Pre-Release by John T Haller when he starts work on this ;).
I don't have the release anymore and I wouldn't reupload it, the old code was a mess anyways if you haven't read previous comments on this thread, it's best to start from scratch and using the Launcher, as for snes emulation I'm working on bsnes currently fixing a few things and uploading that asap.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau