has announced the winners of the Community Choice Awards and is the big winner. Sweeping 4 of the 12 categories, a new record, also closed the night by winning the coveted Best Project award at the awards party and ceremony at the annual O'Reilly Open Source Convention in San Jose, CA. In addition to Best Project, also won Best Commercial Open Source Project, Best Visual Design and Most Likely to Change the Way You Do Everything.
We would like to thank our designer, DJ Carey, our site admins (Marko Moeller and Ryan McCue), our developers (Chris Morgan, David Dixon II, Geoff Shearsmith, Jacob Mastel, Kevin Porter, Marko Moeller, Michon van Dooren, Nathan D., Oliver Krystal, Patrick Patience, powerjuce, Ryan McCue, Shawn Faucher, Simeon Kühl, Steve Lamerton, Travis Carrico, Zach Hudock, Zach Thibeau), our forum moderators, our translators, our 90,000 community members, our millions and millions of users worldwide, our fans, our friends, our families, (for hosting our downloads and organizing the awards), Drupal (the open source CMS on which our site runs), all the projects that have worked with us to make their software portable, everyone we have worked with in the past and everyone we will work with in the future.
This would not have been possible without everyone who helped, so you all deserve thanks and a round of applause. You should be proud of what we've done together. Just wait til everyone sees what we accomplish next!
Videos Online: The videos are now online.
Congrats, although I still
Congrats, although I still don't get the 'Best Commercial Open Source Project' award other than PA being on a .com domain. Anyway, congrats!
It's commercial because JTH is seeking partnerships with flash drive manufacturers. They'll pay JTH/PA a percentage of what they sell the flash drives for, likely similar to how U3 did business. Only PA will (hopefully!) remain open and free to all.
Still, it's an impressive win, because none of those deals have actually closed (or at least, we aren't seeing results yet, e.g. in stores).
Hopefully the publicity
Hopefully the publicity gained in these wins help close some deals and get some cash to pay for server/bandwidth/etc.
(I stuffed the ballot box for for the competition BTW
Darn, now that everyone else knows about PA, I won't look like such a genius...
many people I talk to don't know about Even after the awards. I'm sure that many people who know about it now knew about it before the CCAs. And about the genius part, I get that a lot. When I help people with their computers, they're all like "wow your so good with computers." I don't tell them no but I don't say that I am either.
Congrats, this is the result
Congrats, this is the result of this very good job that you make during all this time.
Parabens e continuem assim.
is the brazilians Congrats.
Well deserved!!
Keep up the good work. This is one of the most useful tools I use.
A Great Preformance.
Keep up the good work
Great NEWS!!!
This is well deserved. Keep up the great work.
Congrats to all!
Thank you John for having the vision and perseverance to make it to this milestone.
Can wait to see the next one!
Keep plugging away and keep your high standards.
I'll drink to your success tonight.
We'd be nothing without John's help and expertise. (I hope i spelled that right.)
It was his idea from the start and we decided to take the time out of our lives to assist him along the way, to help him provide these wonderful portables!
Thanks Johnny! and Good Job!
You did spell it right
Hearty and heartfelt congratulations
Well done, well deserved! PortableApps DID Change the Way [I] Do Everything after a friend in another forum brought it to my attention a few years ago. It was a revelation that applications could run without having to be installed... and oh, the freedom! I've been a strong proponent ever since and continue to steer friends and acquaintances and co-workers to the marvels that can be found here. The apps are solid, well chosen, well developed, well supported, and often downright fun to use.
I'm delighted you have succeeded so brilliantly, and that I could help in my tiny way by casting my votes and encouraging others to do so. Rah! ROCKS!
Cheers forever,
awesome news
HA! made my day, congratulations PA crew.
Glad PA won "Most Likely to Change the Way You Do Everything", so true.
Congratulations to the whole team!
Just wondering, was that any sort of price other than good karma, like some kind of financial support to the winners of each category?
That would be great if you got some money to help support the project.
We do get some cool trophies though.
Sweet :)
I am betting we won't see
I am betting we won't see those trophies on eBay anytime soon
Well done! Drinks all round. Drinks on John's tab
And the winner is....
un grand bravo pour ces prix mérités!
(web5S FRANCE)
Congrats PortableApps Team!
You guys deserve it.
Thanks again for all the hard work
Indeed, a VERY well deserved honor!
good job
well done!!!!!! you deserve this
Well done!
Congratulations guys!
Congrats! Well deserved
Your work has definitely made my life easier. I use portable Thunderbird, FireFox and MPlayer every day on at least 3 different computers. Thanks!!
Well deserved!
And BTW, PortableApps DID Change the Way I Do Everything!
One man with a dream ...
... and the strong will to make it happen.
Thank You John for the initial flash, all the time (and money) You've spent on and with
What can words more say? ...
Yay! Much deserved everyone
Yay! Much deserved everyone congratulations!!!
Sinceras felicitaciones y agradecimientos por el gran trabajo.
Is there a video or some pictures of the event?
They're coming on The whole event was professionally shot and shown live online. They're putting together some highlights. I think my interview/acceptance speech at the end will be in it.
I hope they put your speech in it...
(they almost have to do it cause you/we/ won 4 times)
They are online now. Nice one John!
Is there ANY way to get a hold of one of these cool flash drives???
Working On It
I may do a limited run of them for folks who want them. I made 100 for the show and just have a couple left.
CONGRATULATIONS! thanks to all you guys at PA, and yes, it changed my life, too - made it much much more convenient. besides, it's so much fun - i'm looking forward to your next useful ideas.
"Most Likely to Change the
"Most Likely to Change the Way You Do Everything" is definitely your prize!
During my thesis you save my life thanks to gimp portable
Now the 80% of programs I use is a portable version (No more mess with reg file).
The Awards Going To PortableApps
Fantastic!!! Those who contributed to the overall development of PortableApps deserve much thanks. I really benefited from your hard work like so many others have. I wish everyone of you the best of luck with all that you do.
I'm glad I voted
If every little bit counts, then I'm glad I voted for PortableApps. A well deserved win for everyone involved.
Hearty congrats to John and the entire PA team! I've used Portable Apps daily via hard drive since its early days. Each and every program within the suite runs very smoothly on all types of hardware configurations, with rarely ever a glitch. IMHO, Portable Apps are the defacto model of what Windows programs should be; nonintrusive and streamlined simplicity in design, installation and operation. They make computing less intimidating to the novice, as well as more enjoyable to the experienced. I'm a huge advocate of the suite, and demonstrate & recommend them to clients & friends on virtually a daily basis. All of the awards are definitely very well deserved, and change the face of personal computing as we know it. Keep up the great work, PA team!
Congratulations, John!
Glad my vote was able to help - but you deserve it for not only the hard work but also for your dedication to FOSS.
Parabéns! Congratulations!
I fully expected to see win in at leat\st one of the categories, but four... Wow. Great work everybody.
You Deserve It!
Best wishes to John and the entire team at Portable Apps.
Can't wait to see what's coming next!
A fan and supporting member for life.
From Roswell, GA.
Mark Strelecki
Happy to see this!!!!!!!
P.D.:Cute new smilies. Glad they don't get over 8·)) or 8·D
A lot of names are missing in the dev list, like Kai, MaienM, and I and a bunch of other people?
Also no mod names are even mentioned
Team Page
It's from the team page. Michon van Dooren = MaienM. Does Kai have a released official app? I didn't list out the forum or IRC mods or the translators. I spose I could though
Oh, okay...
Oh, okay...
Well done Portable Apps team!
Well done Portable Apps team!
...what's a portable again?
Yeeeeeessss!! a well deserved price for this AMAZING project, I love it! everyday I look forward to see what's new on the site and I love it and can't wait to see what the future holds!.
Congrats for this new achievement. Great
kinda cool, if you look at
kinda cool, if you look at the graphs showing how many votes there were, around July 18 there was a huge spike in PA.c votes in all the categories, in 2 or 3 cases those spikes made them win.
Anyway, keep up the good work. whenever i work in Windows, i always use PortableApps. They're a ton faster and easier on your system.
.: previously I was one of the loyal IE users until my friend showed me Firefox then. And after one fateful encounter, I am using portable Fx since it still in 1.x.x.x (didn't remember the exact version) and since then my closest USB buddy is this superb PA software. Million of thanks for the great work guys, and i hope Fx can be the best browsers of them all! :.
We are very very happy. Because result is deservedly.
lookin' 4 a link
Are the awards ceremony videos available online yet? If so, post a link plz!
Yes :)
They are on the Sourceforge CCA 2009 page.
hope you guys see this comment!!, sencillamente una serie de ideas brillantes, esyo facinado de su trabajo y lo presumo mucho con mis amigos ademas de que es un conjunto de utlidades varias, de verdad les aplaudo mucho, MUCHO su trabajo y estoy muy contento, you did a really nice job keep doing that hard work, i'm very very grateful with your apps. THANK YOU!!!