Currently, the version-numbers for all the programs that are part of portable-apps
are only shown on their respective download-pages, and those of the last few updates in the news-sidebar.
It would be useful to have a summary-page showing the version-numbers
(and the date of the last update) for all programs, e.g. as a table.
This will be primarily handled by the updater coming in the next platform release. If you missed the recent postings in the frontpage feed, just click on more news and you'll get a nice table of recent releases (all of them):
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Why not just add the current version after the name of each program on ?
Simple, for most users it's just extraneous information and it clutters the page. Same reason the menu doesn't list the version next to every app. Same reason Windows' start menu doesn't either.
Anyone who'd like to be sure they're current can easily use the updater. Anyone curious about recent releases can easily see it in the list.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Could always throw the information into the ALT attribute for the IMG tag for the program's icon. Mouseover the Firefox icon, for example, and see "Current version: 3.5.2". Just an idea...