New thread could be found here.
Application: MuseScore
Category: Music & Video (formerly Education)
Description: MuseScore Portable is a free portable music composition & notation program
Features: (from the homepage)
- WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet"
- Unlimited number of staves
- Up to four voices per staff
- Easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or MIDI
- Integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer
- Import and export of MusicXML and Standard MIDI Files (SMF)
License: GPL 2, or later
Language: Multilingual
Download MuseScore Portable 0.9.5 Development Test 1 [14.5MB download / 22.4-40MB installed]
(MD5: f607c138d266389f42d537433cdb0af4)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2009-08-18): Initial release
Known Issues:
- If you use ConvertAll Portable and/or FreeMat Portable and MuseScore Portable at the same time and don't close them in reversed order, registry keys will be left behind and/or the original (local) keys will be overwritten. To avoid issues, never use them together!
- Thanks to Patrick Patience for hosting
- Thanks to all devs for pieces of code
- Thanks in advance to all testers.
Old thread could be found here.
it's up
hit hitman deadly
[unrelated href link removed by mod Tim]
I have been using the full version on my computer for sometime now. I'm going to test this out as soon as I get home. Tell you how it goes a little later.
DNA... Forget it, it's too long to write.
Alright, this is a MuseScore bug. Normally there is no need to change the language within MuseScore itself, when you're using MuseScore Portable (cause the launcher sets the language to the platform language).
Steps to reproduce:
Don't play with the language setting
Thanks for the report. If you find more bugs please add them directly to the issue tracker otherwise they are likely to not get looked at or easily lost.
And welcome to
I didn't even know I was particularly interested in musical scoring software until I found this!
VERY nice. Intuitive interface (if you are at all familiar with sheet music). Portable side of things went smoothly. I'm only fluent in 1 language so setting the language issue misses me.
Love the output to a wav!
I hate being asked this question, but I'm compelled to ask it myself: any idea when it'll be out of development?
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
I use this handy notation software frequently on my school computers (mostly due to the fact that we have four different versions of Finale on our computers, none of which interact with each other very well). I seem to be having issues with your included portaudio library. Before I installed the precompiled PABLIO.dll (from the PortAudio website), I was unable to even select a device. I'm going to further test the library from the website to see if it will run without the other portaudio library.
Has the local (non-portable) MuseScore the same issues with the included portaudio library? If yes, it isn't a portable bug and should be reported to the original MuseScore developers. If no, maybe the UPX-compression of the portaudio.dll causes the issues.
I have noticed - and I don't have MuseScore non-portable - that when I add a percussion staff, the app becomes unstable.
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
Sorry to bump...
Bart.S: Are you still working on this? I just found this program today and fell in love with it
I'd like to take over if you don't mind. Fell free to say no, you found it first.
I'm using the WinPenPack version, but I'd love to see it here!
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
it IS here. It has >500 downloads but almost no feedback. And we have at least 2 original MuseScore developers in the boat. (see #, #)
This points out one of the biggest weaknesses of our beta system.
How many apps languish in this stage due to lack of feedback?
While we can't require anyone to beta test, maybe we need to find ways to encourage users to provide feedback, and give them some basic tips on beta testing.
BTW, I'll DL this and let you know what I think.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Too many.
Only the buggy apps get enough feedback. They seem to be popular and become official, but the stable apps die at development test stage. That's the sad story of
It's up-to-date, so no work necessary at the moment.

Feel free to write some bug reports and then I'll write whether I'm still working on this.
...gluxon: Where is your test report?
No major issues found.
No additional registry keys found.
No local files left behind.
All menu options work OK.
Saved as all file types.
Opened files in other apps - .svg doesn't display notes correctly.
Opened files in MuseScore - .ly crashes app.
MuseScore Portable run from hard drive.
My OS is Win7 Home Premium 64.
I know those two bugs MIGHT be from the original app, but you did say you have 2 of the original devs helping...
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Opening *.ly is marked "experimental" in the open file dialog here. Crash -> no surprise
Oh, and I didn't say the devs are helping. They are around and use/test MuseScore Portable. And they found my bug reports here.
BTW: The next MuseScore release is around the corner: 0.9.6 RC 1 is available.
Edit: Lilypond import issues, see here.
The new MuseScore installer has the following EULA. What do you guys think, should I include this in the portable installer or just ignore it?
It's basically common practice that anything created with a GPLed app (like documents, pictures, spreadsheets, PDFs, etc) are not forced to be GPL. MuseScore is a little different as you're adding in a GPLed font directly into your doc. But I don't think the user needs to 'agree' to this to use MuseScore, which is what an EULA in our terms is for. So, I think it can be omitted as basically an end user is free to just use it as they would expect.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
It's still a beast to make portable.
Me wishes for some commandline parameters or environment variables to redirect settings at %appdata%, %localappdata%. And what is "qtsingleapp-mscore-49a2-0-lockfile" in %temp% for?
@PortableApps devs: Do we have something like "MoveFiles.nsh" that can handle moving directories to different drives?
@MuseScore devs: Press F1 and you won't get help (if installed to a path containing spaces)!
I have been using this for a few weeks. So far, it seems to work as well as the newest version of MuseScore.
I have only had 2 crashes, but I think it may have been a read/write access problem with my USB thumbdrive.
Keep up the good work.