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Enhancement for Portable Apps dot com menu

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 22:39
Enhancement for Portable Apps dot com menu


I 'm a real fan of this portableapps and [name of illegal site removed - this is your final warning about linking to and mentioning illegal websites - mod JTH] website but I reckon i'd like it way more (heaps in fact) if I could use arrow keys up and down the list with Tab function then enter to open the chosen program.

Can this be made possible by the next release eg not beta?

Thanks all the legendary developers (and hackers) alike you are brilliant bright spark people.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-24 14:51
Trivial to implement

This sounds pretty reasonable - using the cursor keys to select and enter to activate is pretty basic Windows functionality, so should be pretty trivial to implement.

Assuming it doesn't do this already?!!

(I'm not sure what the URL removed was, though from the censor comment, I don't see why mentioning it would have been relevant in the first place?!)

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 22:39
Yeah well it's all about

Yeah well it's all about intellectual property but so long as permission is sought then threats of that nature are meaningless.

Anyway, I tried 1.5.2 and it did this from memory, albeit half-baked but prior releases didn't do anything at all in relation to arrow keys etc. What I'm asking for is for it to go a bit further that's all, so I can tab around all the menus and use enter where appropriate otherwise take over with the mouse.

Makes sense don't you think to build on previous functionality?

Anyway guys it's a great little program, I've got a link to it sitting in my RocketDock at the bottom of the page just waiting to refresh the list but again it won't stay always on top until dismissed, as well it won't appear if I click on the link a second time, this is a most sad aspect of the application.

Hope you people can do something.

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