Application: SongbirdCategory: Music & VideoDescription: Songbird enables the seamless synching of all your music, and provides intuitive and powerful music management features. With Songbird, your music is organized and presented exactly as you like. Because your music listening experience is as individual as you, Songbird allows you to customize your player so you get exactly the features important to you. Can’t live without song lyrics or album art? Songbird gives you a custom fit for you listening experience.
Songbird; Experience music exactly as you like it. Your music, your player, your custom fit. Features:
- Media Importing/Exporting: Add media to Songbird by importing from your file system or iTunes. Export your tracks and playlists back into iTunes.
- Library Files Organization: Automatically organize the files contained in your library. Consolidate your media in one location. Customize the structure of the folder and file name based on metadata contained in every track.
- Watch Folders: Automatically import media from a defined folder.
- Library Management: Browse, organize, sort and search your media.
- Smart Playlists: Create dynamic playlists that automatically update based on criteria you set.
- Album Artwork: Display the currently playing track's album art and write new artwork back to the file. Automatically fetch missing album art from the web.
- Media Playback: Songbird supports MP3, FLAC, and Vorbis on all platforms; WMA and WMA DRM on Windows; and AAC and Fairplay on Windows and Mac.
- Gapless Playback & Replay Gain: Skips padding data due to encoding and chains files for gapless playback experience. Adjusts the playback gain appropriately if a track's metadata contains replay gain information.
- GStreamer: Songbird uses GStreamer as the main media playback system, across all platforms.
- Web Browser: Songbird includes an integrated web browser with features like bookmarking, tabbed browsing, and more.
- Multi-language Support: Over 25 completed, community-contributed localizations and growing!
- Custom UI: Make Songbird your own by choosing from dozens of different
skinsfeathers. - Developer Support: Songbird is getting better everyday thanks to its open platform and growing developer community.
- Now with in-development CD Ripping support.
Download Songbird Portable 1.4 Beta 3 Pre Release 2 [13.6MB download / 66.5MB installed]
(MD5: 270feef81dd907bd61c3465bb153dba8)
Release Notes:
Pre-Release 2 Beta 3 (2009-11-19): Pre-Release 2
- Updated the launcher to clear out some unneeded code.
Pre-Release 1 Beta 3 (2009-10-13): Initial release
Pre-Release 1 Beta 2 (2009-09-29): Initial release
- This is the test release of Songbird Portable 1.4 with the included CDRipping Support.
- If you wish you use your current Data just copy the Data folder from SongbirdPortable and put it in the SongbirdPortableTest directory.
Over 50 downloads and no feedback. I'm going to take this as a good sign??
Come on guys, feedback good or bad please!
The link to the download is bad. Can you fix it please? Thanks.
The link has been fixed.
ok, i just downloaded it and it looks very nice indeed
I've never used this program in any form.
does it convert CD audio to mp3's??
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
I don't recall what format cds are automatically ripped to.
The left couple of pixels of the letter C in the word Ctrl is missing on my system. It's most evident on the Edit menu where there are more Ctrl key options. It only happens on the greyed (unavailable) options, and it only happens on my system, I have just discovered, because I have ClearType enabled, I use WinXP.
I have modified my avatar to show what I'm seeing. Is the menu perhaps a little too tightly packed sideways?
Doesn't changing the path break some settings?
Disclaimer: I haven't looked at the new release.
I was thinking about that, but this is assuming your music isn't in your SongbirdPortable Profile location. The launcher should take care of the change from /SongbirdPortable to /SongbirdPortableTest.
If there are any issues, let me know and I'll look into it.
I still have problems when starting Songbird Portable.
Error console says as follows:
Fehler: i is undefined
Quelldatei: file:///C:/Notfall/portable/PortableApps/SongbirdPortableTest/App/songbird/xulrunner/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm
Zeile: 115
Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortableTest\App\songbird\components\gst_libs.txt
Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortableTest\App\songbird\components\kPlaylistCommands.jsm
Failed to load XPCOM component: C:\Notfall\portable\PortableApps\SongbirdPortableTest\App\songbird\components\sbAddToPlaylist.jsm
After some more of those I get:
Fehler: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsISupports.QueryInterface]" nsresult: "0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///C:/Notfall/portable/PortableApps/SongbirdPortableTest/Data/profile/extensions/ :: sbMSC_SPS_onDeviceEvent :: line 307" data: no]
Quelldatei: file:///C:/Notfall/portable/PortableApps/SongbirdPortableTest/Data/profile/extensions/
Zeile: 307
Fehler: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsISupports.QueryInterface]" nsresult: "0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///C:/Notfall/portable/PortableApps/SongbirdPortableTest/Data/profile/extensions/ :: mtpServicePaneService__deviceInfoUpdateFromEvent :: line 388" data: no]
Quelldatei: file:///C:/Notfall/portable/PortableApps/SongbirdPortableTest/Data/profile/extensions/
Zeile: 402
And then some warnings follow such as:
Warnung: Deklaration erwartet, aber '*' gefunden. Übersprungen bis zur nächsten Deklaration
Zeile: 1090
Best regards,
I'm pretty certain this is still an issue with the local version as well. If you want to verify and create a bug report with the guys at Songbird, that would be best.
Everything looks great and works well.
The only thing I can find that isn't good is that I still can't import my Winamp playlist (exported from Winamp as an itunes playlist) but I think that's probably like that in the local version too. It might be a problem with the Winamp plugin...?
Toshiba is better to the environment than a lot of common electronic companies. Check out Greenpeace's Guide To Greener Electronics 8)
Most likely. I can't say for sure, I don't use Winamp. You can try importing into a local version, and if it doesn't work, you can always file a bug report
To Beta 3. No other changes.
I'm going to try an update over the top of 1.2 (I don't really care if I lose anything, it's not that hard to set back up anyway), so I'll post back once that's done.
After looking at their rather ambitious roadmap, I must say once 1.6 goes stable I may install it locally and never go back to WMP/iTunes again! Video support is the only blocker for me there at the moment. I have SMPlayer and VLC, but I can't wait to be able to sync videos to my iPod without iTunes. That was my only real letdown with Songbird, syncing my iPod and losing all the videos. That and album art, which is a much lesser issue, but I do have several autographed album covers that I scanned and imported into iTunes...
This is looking great. Here's looking forward to the awesome progress this project is making
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Weird issue, though it's probably an issue with SB itself. I tried updating over the top of 1.2, it found the proper updates for all of my plug-ins (yay), then it re-built the sorting data for my library. When it finished, the first thing I saw was Currently, my 500GB USB HDD (where SBP is installed), and an 8GB MicroSDHC card in a USB card reader are the only USB storage devices plugged in. I killed the process with task manager and that dialog immediately popped up again (just the dialog, no library window) without the corrupt characters.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Yes, that seems to be an actual Songbird issue. If you uncheck the box to manage and then there should be a continue box, it'll just forget about that, and move along.
So it's probably failing over some of the characters or whatever and that's the issue. I haven't seen any issues with B3 either. They're certainly getting there.
I made the mistake of NOT telling it to ignore that device, and now every time I open SBP, it tries syncing to that device, which still has corrupt characters. Do you know how to tell SB to ignore a device once you've already told it to sync with it? Oddly enough, I think the device it's trying to sync to is the HDD that SBP is installed on, so it's syncing its library with... its library. This never happened in 1.2, perhaps they need to add in a check to make sure the device isn't the same drive as the one SBP is installed to. But obviously, that's an issue with SB itself...
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Go into the Prefs, in the main page, at the bottom, you'll see "Ignored USB Devices" you can try clearing that and see if it'll help. I don't know outside of that.
Your best bet is to probably check on their IRC channel irc:// or check their site.
I had a hard time figuring that out too, I think you have to select the device and then you can cancel the sync. Plus there should be a right click option somewhere to ignore it.
Oh FYI it creates a file in the device's root in order to keep track of the fact it is ignoring the device. Which is annoying to me.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
What file does it put in the root directory of the device? I haven't seen any, and there's no way I could clean them up, but I'm curious.
I tried the beta and had no problems with it except that the MinimizeToTray Extension didn't work (though that is obviously no fault of yours, and it IS a beta...), so I decided to go back to the official 1.2 release and I just thought I'd chime in and say that I had no problems after
1. Installing 1.2 and using for several weeks
2. Installing 1.4 beta OVER THE TOP OF 1.2 (i.e. in /SongbirdPortable, NOT /SongbirdPortableTest)
3. Reinstalling 1.2 again, over the top of both previous installs.
...actually, the one issue I had was I had to reinstall almost all of my add-ons because 1.4 updated all of them to their 1.4-compatible versions, then upon reinstalling 1.2 they were incompatible but there were no compatible updates because the currently installed versions were higher version numbers than the 1.2-compatible ones. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Downgrades are almost universally not supported by applications with plugins, add-ons or extensions.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Good to hear everything is working as it should so far.
Like John said, downgrading usually isn't graceful, and typically breaks things.
I wasn't complaining about it, and it was relatively painless to reinstall the correct add-on versions (thanks to the integrated web browser). The funny thing is, it seems the MinimizeToTray add-on just plain doesn't work, it wasn't a 1.4 issue... so I may go back to 1.4 again
I realize that the vast majority of what I do with a computer is not how most people do things. It's just more fun that way
I was just reporting my experience.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
You can use "MinimizeToTray revived (MinTrayR)". This basically replaces MinimizeToTray. I think development stopped on MinimizeToTray...
Toshiba is better to the environment than a lot of common electronic companies. Check out Greenpeace's Guide To Greener Electronics 8)
No worries, I know.
I like MinToTray add-ons as well. I've got one for FFP and TBP and use them religiously. I wasn't aware there was even one for SB
Yeah, it's an absolute must for TB, so you can start it minimized with Windows and leave it running for alerts. I don't so much need it for FF though. And jimmyjeremiah, thanks for the heads-up on the "revived" version. I think I saw it, but didn't try it. I'll look into it.
[Update] Yay, MinToTrayR did the trick
...I now have no real reason not to go back to 1.4b3...
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Do they plan to have CD Ripping as an addon in the final release as they do in the beta or will they actually have it built-in?
I don't know for sure, but from what I know CD Ripping is supposed to be built into the 1.4 release.
That is, if they ever release it.
Like Firefox Portable, maybe you should by default have the update option set to "Ask me what to do."
Hmm, I'll have to look into that.
I figured you might know, but uh... where's SB 1.4? All the targeted bugs seem to be fixed. Are they just going to do what they did with 1.3 and basically skip it?
and I haven't seen anything in the way of news for 1.4, beta or otherwise. Trust me, I'm keeping a close eye out, it's going to need just a bit of testing on release date (or shortly before) just to be safe. As soon as I know something, so will
Looks like it won't be until next month.
Glad they gave an update in their blog though.
Yeah, I keep an eye on the blog. Looks like they are going to be skipping to 1.4.1? At least from what I understand. I suppose we'll see.
Wish they picked a better name for it.
Updated to Pre-Release 2. See Release Notes for details.