I've got a whole bunch of old avi files I want to share with a relative; they're encoded with Divx 5. She's really into portable apps, so I wanted to see about playing them for her off a USB-drive.
My question:
Is there a way to somehow package the codec with VLC Portable, without installing extra stuff on my aunt's machine? Or would I be better off re-encoding the files (which I can do, technically, but find a pain).
VLC doesn't use codecs installed on any PC, they're actually embedded within VLC itself. See if they'll play in VLC Portable. If not, you should re-encode them.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'm about 99% positive that VLC will play any Divx files. I know it can play Divx 3, 4, and 6 versions. No logical reason it won't play 5.
Since VLC uses its own internal plugins, what one VLC will play, another will too.