I don't have any more to say:
But curious. I have the 9.10 beta (AMD64 CD-ROM) of Kubuntu installed via Wubi, so I can boot into it, but I didn't have to partition. Dolphin will not let me delete the Firefox profile, nor copy mine over, so that's bugging me. I've done it before, but perhaps with another file manager. It's pretty, though. I want to switch, but I'm so comfortable with Windows XP.
what? Ubuntu 9.10 has been released... or are you talking about new themes for it?
[Edit: Nevermind... I was thinking of 9.04]
If a new versions comming out.. then yes.. I AM EXITED!!!
Gluxon's Emotions have left the building.
Ubuntu 9.10 looks win
I just realized that your avvy is a white kirby...
He is so much better then Mario
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
lol, so true
I am excited about the new release, just can't wait.
P.S. gluxon? EXITED?
May the Shwartz be with you
I was telling a friend my wife works with about Ubuntu 9.10, and he said don't wait, get Fedora 11 today.
Got me thinking. Both use the Linux kernel. Both use the GNOME desktop environment, though I usually switch to KDE or use a distro customized with KDE (e.g. Kubuntu, or Fedora 11 with KDE if I went that way). They both use the same apps, e.g. Firefox, OpenOffice, etc. Presumably, with either Ubuntu or Fedora, I could download stuff in the other missing from the one I choose. Like say Ubuntu, which is "waiting on" KDE 4.3.2, say I pick Fedora, I could just update to KDE 4.3.2 with apt-get or Synaptic or whatever it offers (yum when I last used Fedora, but that was Fedora Core 3).
So... what is the big difference between one distro and another? Ubuntu has gotten quite popular lately, and I do like it, but is it Ubuntu I like or the collection of software that makes it up? Or, what is Ubuntu (or Fedora)? Is it just the name of the collection? It isn't the kernel. It isn't the desktop environment. It's not the file manager. Is it... just a theme?
Ubuntu is backed by a huge company. The menu layout is intuitive and makes sense. And, most importantly, Ubuntu ships free copies of itself!
Distros are collections. But people also choose what to leave in and out. They try to optimize the code. In my experience, Fedora is a lot faster on my slow desktop, but it doesn't have the p54usb drivers so I can't use it on my Linux box.
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Ubuntu uses a third-party shipping company, ShipIt, IIRC, and they probably ship other distros. But I'm on 3Mbit DSL, I'll download my distros.
Also, Fedora is backed by Red Hat. When I think "Linux + big dogs" I think of Linus Torvalds first, and Red Hat second. Ubuntu, as a distro, is a little more popular now, but I don't think the folks behind it are bigger dogs in the park than Red Hat.
Red Hat was the first Linux I used... 4, 5, or 6... and I loved it, which is why I went to Fedora Core after Red Hat became more of an enterprise solution, Fedora Core their home OS.
I do like that you said Fedora is faster... Fedora 11 or an older one? I only have an AMD64 3200+ with 2GB of RAM and a 256MB video card. It ain't enough for Vista or Win7, but it's more than enough for XP. Kubuntu (9.10 beta) under Wubi seems to run good enough, but I can't get it to do stuff I need. I'm sure I can get another file manager (why Dolphin can't seem to delete stuff, I don't know) but maybe it's the Wubi thing. I really wish I just had a dedicated Linux box to tinker with and leave the Mrs. to Windows, let her come off the Dark Side (Redmond) on her own.
I actually got the Fedora is faster tidbit from a Linux Distro Chooser :p. Linux Mint runs a bit slow on this Dell Dimension 4500. 768 MB ram, Pentium 4.
Anyway, I finally figured out why Red Hat named their distro Fedora. It's because...
Fedora is a kind of hat!!! I figured it out after all these days!!!!
BTW, Linus Torvalds said that Linux is bloated. I prefer GNOME to KDE because the panels are so much easier to deal with. Linux Mint makes it so much awesomer by doing the Windows taskbar thing.
When I think of Linux, I think of Tux.
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Oh, man, reading some of Torvalds' notable quotes on Wikiquote, not sure if I hate the guy or like him. Probably the latter. "Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems." Ouch. Anyway, if Linux is bloated, he must be from the school of thought of sticking with the command line. And that was fine in 1983. The future, though, by its nature, calls for innovation. The GUI represents innovation, bloated as it may be.
Can't you switch between GNOME and KDE anymore? When I used Red Hat, when it started up, I could choose between GNOME, KDE, and X-WINDOWS.
Mint's nice, too. Might have to give that one a spin, too.
Wow, these blockquotes are full of surprises :).
Yes I can, but I don't have the internet connection or attention span to do so yet (as of now, I am setting up Synergy between my 2 really old machines--one Linux, one Windows).
I don't want to use them interchangebly because then it bloats my menu up with identical-featured apps (though I really do like Dolphin, I would switch but not until I can find a compatible theme for KDE).
BTW, how do you do that blockquote quoting thingy?
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Replace symbols appropriately and tT
{blockquote}{cite}digitxp{/cite}BTW, how do you do that blockquote quoting thingy?{/blockquote}
to make:
Replace { with
Pretty easy, though I partially automate it with the BBCode extension. I highlight what I want to copy, copy it, right click in my comment window, right click, BBCode, Custom Tags, PA.c Quote. I manually fill in the CITE tag with the person's username. On other forums I've changed the attribution argument to something like "some idiot" or some other colorful language. It's really funny, but would never work here. Like changing the quote itself, which should also never be done on a serious forum.
When I used Fedora Core 3, my GNOME apps and KDE apps weren't on one another's menus. It was annoying, because I liked some of the games on one and some on the other. At the time I thought it was dumb, but it was really like having 3 computers in one. Sort of.
Dolphin's alright, but for some reason it doesn't want to delete files. The option is greyed out. Seems under GNOME (in Ubuntu 8.04) I was able to get my Windows Firefox profile into my Linux Firefox profile just fine.
Yeah, I had that going in fedora when I ran fedora 10. I gave up because of screen res problems.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
We're doing life functions in science.
Ubuntu has to reproduce to survive! It's easier to reproduce throught attraction to humans of FREE. Ubuntu is a survivor!
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Apples to apples I guess.
I used to use it, but it had driver problems with my laptop, so I siwtched to Mepis. Which still has driver troubles
But I think my problem in the case of Mepis is a PEBCAC.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Beep Beep
I am a robot with no emotions
My advice is to: if you plan to upgrade, force upgrade to the release candidate version, that is what I did, or else, when the final comes out, most likely the update servers will be overloaded and you wont be able to upgrade.
If you plan to install from scratch, I advice you to get the CD trough torrents when it comes out (Ubuntu allows that option on their downloads page).
Ubuntu 9.10rc FTW
Generally thats the best way for me, btw took me a long time to install fglrx on my computer xD darn resolution wouldn't correct itself until I forced it to change
(commandline FTW)
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Only 15 more days until 11.2 comes out!
I want to slap you :P.
After it comes out, I'm waiting for Linux Mint.
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(nasty things are said here that starts a vicious Distro War MCXII)
Actualy Linux Mint aint so bad but it wont work on most of my spare hardware. (neither will suse )
i wanted to test ubuntu 9.10 but i cant find the LIVE CD version. i downloaded the I386 Alternitive.
The Mirror i use is Kernel.org because the speeds they offer in this area are PHENOMINAL. i can get 1.8M /s
The "normal" desktop CD IS the live CD
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
That ubuntu is a piece of JUNK. its a stipped overpowering simplified so much that its complicate peice of junk!
I am trying to use it to test a 2.2ghz Centreno Thinkpad R40 with 512mb ram. I cant get a single darned mp3 to play. why? because it cant find the bloody codec. so i google. i spend 2.5 hours doing work and searching for a gawd darn mp3 decoder. i waste 128megs of space on my USB drive filling in dependency errors because this machine cannot be connected to the net (Dont ask its a solid rule end of story). and still i cant play a stupid mp3 file. Ubuntu is a piece of junk! if their repo is so difficult to manuver that one cant find the NOSS Mp3 codec or one massive file with EVERYTHING its a pice of junk to me. RAGGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!! oh candy (ohm nom nom nom)
I am going to try this new Knoppix 6.1DVD i got a hold of. it should provide me with a MUCH better experiance than ubuntu does. now i remember why i despise ubuntu.
Just install Ubuntu Restricted Extras.
The answer to your problem was the first result from a
ubuntu mp3
search.With the network, you usually should connect it via ethernet and let the Hardware Drivers util. take over.
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i know why they dont allow it but googling the answer was such a pain and the other issues like the windows crashing the package manager crashing and whatnot where highly annoying.
Also did you not read what i wrote? the computer being tested will never see the internet ever again (at least until its surplused)
Download the package and its dependencies/recommendations from here and transfer them by means of sneakernet (we are PortableApps.com, eh? :P).
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They can't include the mp3 decoder because they don't want to pay royalties to the format. Pretty sure every free distro makes you get drivers, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Matter of fact, all Linux distros are much better once you get them online, get all the necessary updates (fewer if you got it when it was new), and install some software. I've never had a Linux distro do everything I expected right out of the box.
And Ubuntu 9.10 was released -- digitxp, update the topic title, please.
usualy its a bit easier to find it and download the package for netless install than my experience with ubuntu has been
A netless install of Ubuntu packages isn't easy. Someone around here, TheOneMrO (aka excid3), made a tool to do it. I use it to do major updates every now and then (stupid dialup...) while I'm on my college wifi.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
A netless install of Ubuntu packages isn't easy.
Actually, it's pretty easy. There's this wonderful thing in Ubuntu--they call it GDebi. It installs packages out of these files called a DEB. It's one of the best technologies found in a Linux install.
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Suse and Fedora have a similar thing with rpm packages. i dont see whats so special about .deb other than there are a sh!ton of them out there.
Actually, the problem with a net-less install is that most often, when you go get the packages to another PC, you can't simply know which of the dependencies you need to get, and which you need not.
To solve the problems of a net-less install, a good solution is to use excid3's Keryx, that basically records your software's version on an net-less PC, and on other PCs, makes the download of the new versions list, together with all other packages necessary.
For a moment there I thought Linux Mint kept all the drivers intact. Does Ubuntu work on it?
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Is there an easy option to update Ubuntu 8.04? Apparently I can't do it from the update manager, but can I boot up a 9.x liveCD and just choose, update me please?
I don't really have the time or patience right now to fiddle with Linux, but it would be nice to update.
EDIT: Don't worry about answering this, unless it's an easy "yes". I can see that I should get off my lazy @$$ and read on the Ubuntu website. It seems the path from 8.04 to 9.10 is a long an torturous one.
In which case, I guess my question becomes, is it worth it? My biggest concern is that I'm using older hardware (P3 800Mhz) and so I don't want to upgrade if the system requirements have increased and I'll suffer a performance hit. Any thoughts?
Why can't you do it from the update manager?
What errors?
Well first I figured out that because 8.04 is Long Term Release, Ubuntu hides other non-LTS by default. Then secondly, you can't jump from 8.04 to 9.10, it just can't happen. You have to go from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10... a royal pain but there you go. I guess it'll be worth it in the end.
Wow, that is a pain.
Well the biggest issue was that it's a spare PC and I basically had it sitting around doing nothing for a good few months. Had I followed the updates more closely I wouldn't have to have done them all in one go.
I understand why they do, it's much easier to figure out what needs updating from one version to the next, rather than trying figure out all the combinations of skipping versions. So I'm not gonna complain, it just takes an age to do!
btw, I kinda messed up in my previous post, it's L.T.S. which stands for Long Term Support... the next Long Term Support release will be version 10.04 (April of next year). I forget exactly what it means (it's on the Ubuntu website) but basically they support regular releases for 6 months or something like that, and LTS releases for 3 years or something.
In the past I thought that was a big deal, but I guess it's probably more important if you're an organization/business, personal users are probably fine just to keep updating to the most recent stable release.
I just upgraded my test PC to Mint 8 (in progress). What I did, following these instructions, I did a search and replace on
, then ran this line:apt update;apt install mint-info-main;apt install mint-meta-main;apt upgrade;apt dist-upgrade;apt install mint-meta-main;apt upgrade;apt dist-upgrade;apt install mint-meta-main
(semicolons to let you run more than one thing at a time, last part repeated just in case). But after going through some apt man pages, I think this would've been better:apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes update;apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes install mint-info-main;apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes install mint-meta-main;apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes upgrade;apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes dist-upgrade;apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes install mint-meta-main;apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes upgrade;apt --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes dist-upgrade;apt install --fix-broken --fix-missing --force-yes mint-meta-main
I'm not responsible for crashing your system, even though I am.
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You work for Microsoft don't you...
I just happen to be submitting patches to them every couple hours :P.
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