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Flash Plugin for Firefox Portable 0.1 (Functional Test Release)

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 29 min ago
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Flash Plugin for Firefox Portable 0.1 (Functional Test Release)

I've put together a functional test of some code I'm working on to automatically download and install the flash plugin for Firefox Portable. It's simple yet seems to work quite well even with many proxies as long as they are properly defined in IE/Windows and doesn't leave anything behind.

When run, it'll download the plugin from Adobe's server and install it into your copy of Firefox. You just select your FirefoxPortable directory in the installer and it does the rest. Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you. If not, please provide details (your OS, directory installed to, error message received, etc).

Download Flash Plugin for Firefox Portable 0.1 [120KB download / 2.8MB installed]
MD5: ded948227cac3e8825a53c663747303b

PORTABILITY NOTE: Adobe Flash is not portable and will store Local Shared Objects (aka Flash Cookies) on every PC you visit. Firefox does not have access to these and they are not deleted when you delete private data though you can use the Objection extension to view them.

TStodden's picture
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It may be a while...

While I thank you for making this installer... I've already done the runaround to add Flash support to Firefox Portable. However, most users are either too lazy (or don't know how) to install Flash manually, so this'll like be a godsend for them.

When Adobe releases an updated version, I'll definitely give this a spin.

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Re_It may be a while

I've just tried instaling this instance of Flash Player and hoping it going to work...Crossing fingures

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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this thread is 3 years old

this version of flash is very old, without the numerous security fixes in newer versions of flash. I highly don't-recommend you use this version of flash.

il Monco
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But why the installer does

But why the installer does not download the latest version from Adobe?

Pyromaniac's picture
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Older versions of flash were packaged in a way that you could just extract the flash plugin from the installer. Fairly recently, however, Adobe changed their distribution in such a way that the Installer can't extract it.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
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Thanks man, this is usefull.

Thanks man, this is usefull. Maybe also usefull for other plugins one day, who knows.

About Shared Objects, isn't there a way to copy SO's which have a high chance of heing created during your session be be backed up on USB? Maybe through time/date or something? Or if portable version runs backup old and have exclusive FFP folder as long as it runs.

Problem is that the SO's are used across all browsers thus might be hard to keep isolated. And you could end up taking SO's with you from other possible Browser or application sessions. So it's probably very hard to impossible to do.

Anyway thanks for a great additional tool and hopefully it will be included in FPP installer in the future.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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It will be a separate download because we need to warn users that flash isn't portable before installing. I've been debating adding LSO support... or partial support... to the FFP launcher, but it could get messy.

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TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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how about maybe moving the

how about maybe moving the local LSOs to a temp directory, let firefox do its work, moving firefox's LSOs to the drive, then finally move the local LSOs back?

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Kevin Porter
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Works well, and it's really convenient. Thanks, John.

I agree with TStodden, this is really good for users who don't know how to install Flash for Firefox Portable, or they are too lazy.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook

BuddhaChu's picture
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Ok, I'm confused...

Ok, I'm confused...

If I extract the PortableFirefox 3.0.1 file into a new directory (start with a fresh setup) and go to a Flash enabled website with it, the Flash displays fine. What exactly is this little program supposed to do for me over and above what's already in the PFF 3.0.1 file? (Yes, I read the description above...but PFF already runs Flash fine without running this little downloaded thing...hence my confusion)

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 29 min ago
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Varies By PC

That PC already has flash on it then. If the PC you're on already has flash, FFP will use the local copy. If it doesn't, it won't display flash at all.

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Simeon's picture
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I think

Firefox checks the loca install for flash. So if you have flash installed for your local Firefox, it works with the portable even if you don't use Johns installer. To really test it you have to visit Tim (:)) or find another flash-less PC.

EDIT: Oh John was fast!

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BuddhaChu's picture
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Thanks guys. I didn't know

Thanks guys. I didn't know Firefox used Flash from the host system if present. Makes sense now.

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BuddhaChu's picture
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BUG: (I don't know if this is

BUG: (I don't know if this is "fixable" as it may be just how the file tree menu works)

Run your PortableFirefox 3.0.1 file and have it install to the root of your hard drive. I used D:\Firefox2 (this was for testing as mentioned in the post above)

Now run the Flash Plugin Downloader test program. When the menu comes up for me, it prompts me to select the D:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable directory where my "normal" install lives. I use the "Browse" button to select the test directory D:\Firefox2 and the installer insists on appending FirefoxPortable on the end so the target path becomes D:\FirefoxPortable2\FirefoxPortable which doesn't exist. I have to manually delete the \FirefoxPortable part and then hit the "Install" button.

Yes, this is easy to work around, but I'm thinking of making this downloader more user friendly for the computer inept here. As stated above, I'm not sure if this can be fixed or not.

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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That may be a bug in NSIS itself. It seems that all the recently recompiled installers do that (and this is based on old code) when they're not set to. I'll look into it.

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John, it's not a bug. See

John, it's not a bug. See the NSIS helpfile regarding InstallDir. Basically, if you don't end the InstallDir command with a "\", then whatever follows the previous "\" is automatically appended to the end of the browsed directory.

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Sounds like I'm glad I'm

Sounds like I'm glad I'm actually mentioned it as this may help all the installers.

NSIS helpfile: InstallDir


Sets the default installation directory. See the variables section for
variables that can be used to make this string (especially $PROGRAMFILES).
Note that the part of this string following the last \ will be used if the
user selects 'browse', and may be appended back on to the string at install
time (to disable this, end the directory with a \ (which will require the
entire parameter to be enclosed with quotes). If this doesn't make any
sense, play around with the browse button a bit.

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The MAZZTer's picture
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Most plugins will work if you just copy your plugins folder from your local Firefox to the Data\plugins folder of FirefoxPortable. Although some plugins (QuickTime I think, and Java) will require local files to also be installed. Still, this means it'll work if the local user has the required programs installed. Of course I believe some plugins like Adobe Reader don't like it if the local version doesn't exactly match the plugin version (but hey, what can you do?).

Some other plugins will hide in other folders. Sometimes they are single files that you can copy to Data\plugins anyway. Sometimes they are a plugin with dependency DLLs so they're in a separate folder to keep things tidy. You can try copying these too. Sometimes they'll work, sometimes not. Experiment. You probably need to use a different computer (or a virtual machine) to fully see if something will work or not.

"But MAZZ," you say to me, "how do I find these hiding plugins?!?"

I'm glad you asked.

In your local Firefox, open the url about:config and skip the warning screen (as long as you just do as I say you'll be OK). put "plugin" in the filter and look for the plugin.expose_full_path value. If it's set to false double click it to set it to true. If you can't find it, right click > New > Boolean and call it plugin.expose_full_path and set it to true. Then you can go to the url about:plugins and you'll see the full path of any plugin, so you can check it out in explorer.

This also helps if you want to selectively import plugins instead of importing all at once (EX you probably don't want to import an anti-virus plugin since it most certainly isn't going to work on any other computers).

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Not all plugins came over

After installing John's portable flash, copied the plugins from C drive to I/portableapps/app/firefox/plugins and see several are listed as drive I (thumb drive). However, many are still listed as C in about:plugins (although I haven't restarted) --

flash (marcromedia) npswf32.dll
itunes npitunes.dll
silverlight npctrl.dll
google upater 2.2.969.23408 & npcldetect11.dll & npgoogleonecheck7.dll
java platform SE6 VII
msft drm npdrmv2.dll & npwmsdrm.dll

Does that mean that all of those need again downloading and installation?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 29 min ago
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Off Topic

This is off topic. Most "plugins" are just connectors to local software and can not be made portable. If you wish to discuss further please post a new topic. This is for discussion of the flash installer only.

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Tim Clark
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Location ?

John, I will download and test this on monday.
Quick question, will the default location be :



Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 29 min ago
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\FirefoxPortable\App\firefox\plugins which is the one officially supported by Mozilla.

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J Neutron
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Correct me if I am wrong, but:

1. user-data is supposed to live in the \Data subdirectory, not the \App subdirectory. That way, it gets backed up by your PAM's backup thingie and since new upgrades don't touch the \Data fork at all, user-data is always preserved during the process.

2. The \Data\plugins subdirectory has a plugin_readme.txt file that says:

Place Firefox plugins in this directory (Flash, Shockwave, etc)

3. Finally, according to about:plugins in FirefoxPortable, both locations (and the local machine) are loaded. I was rather surprised to find that the one this test release downloaded was newer than the one I already had installed in FirefoxPortable and that one was newer than the local machine, so about:plugins saw and reported THREE versions of the Flash plugin.

neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

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App\Firefox\plugins vs. Data\plugins

After having troubles with the portability of the Flash plugin I finally found a work around.

When copying/installing the 2 files to the App\Firefox\plugins directory which does the Flash installer 0.1 then with the first run of Firefox the path of the Flash plugin is fixed. That means, if you move your Firefox to another location Flash does not work there.

If you however copy the two plugin files from the App\Firefox\plugins directory to the Data\plugins directory before the first run (maybe it works later too) then your Flash plugin becomes portable.

So for me it's not anymore a principle question which directory is better.

powerjuce's picture
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is this code the one i used?

to download the files for reshaker and babywebserver?


Please search before posting. ~Thanks

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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I wrote this myself.

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Simeon's picture
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I just came across a PC without Flash and wanted to check which has flash for its charts. So I installed this plugin and it worked b-e-a-utifully.

Thanks John for this handy thing.

PS. is there a sourcecode somewhere?

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

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flash player

It went so easily and quickly I didn't even know it was completed until I checked the folder firefoxportable/firefox/plugins and there it was!

Now I have to figure out how to get the other plugins into the folder, of which there are many. Hopefully I won't need to download all of them again! Perhaps a simple matter of copying from the folder in C to the same plugin folder in portable?

Ryan McCue
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Under the self-promotion guidelines, you must post source code for this.
"The code for this product must be available from the page you link to in your post"

So, pony up. No one is exempt. Blum

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

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thank you also...

Thanks for the simple upload and installer. I appreciate the simplicity. While I have some knowledge, the workaround was just not working for me and this was very simple.

Thanks for making my workday more entertaining!


Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Error message while installing

I was able to download the file, but when I try to install it to my flash drive, I get this error:

ERROR: HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authentication to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied. )

Help! Smile

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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Flash and shockwave plug in installin

To Sofia

I was having trouble installing the latest plugins for flash and shockwave.
I tried the quickie way of downloading and then installing and got the same msg you did. I finally got it to work by 1 getting a friend of mine to fwd me the 3 files I needed ( Flashplayer.xpt, NPSWF32.dll & NPSWF32_FlashUtil.exe) and ADDED them to
FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins directory and voila it worked...

Hope this helps.

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I got the same error

I got the same error on Win7 and WinXP. Tried it several ways but nothing worked.

consul's picture
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does this need updating?

I needed a current version to the flash so I tried installing it again.

I tried 3 methods of installing flash, first was using adobe's installer directly to the FirefoxPortable folder. Installed fine, but I still got the message. Then I tried copying the file directly into the plugin directory (I tried both of them) and that worked easily but still didn't work. Even tried this plugin, which installed fine with no error message, but this also didn't work.

This extension did work for me last year when I used it.

WinXP fully updated. When I manually copied the files over, I tried first FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\Plugins and then FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins

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Here's how to update

Until the author of this plugin comes back from the dead, here's how to update the plugin (that is, only its NPSWF32.dll file which is the actual flash):
The last page of,114856

Pyromaniac's picture
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It works fine for me (on ffp

It works fine for me (on ffp 3.5)

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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to clear LSO's try the

to clear LSO's try the BetterPrivacy addon for firefox. It works well for me.

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flash player not installing

hello I downloaded this file to my flashdrive under the firefox portable app. I ran the file set the installation to the same folder and nothing happens.... help?

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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That's probably because the

That's probably because the installer is one year out of date. The installer uses a hard-coded download location which is probably no longer valid. In addition Firefox Portable and the Platform have both received updates since then which may be causing compatibility problems.

Try this to get flash on your Firefox Portable:

- Using a non-IE browser (it's important not to use IE so you install the correct version of Flash. You can use Firefox Portable itself if you do not have any other browser available) go to Adobe's Flash website and make sure you have the latest version of flash, and install it if necessary.
- Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash.
- Open the Folder X:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\plugins in another window, where X is replaced with your portable drive letter. Create the plugins folder if it does not exist.
- Copy the following files from Flash to plugins: NPSWF32.dll NPSWF32_FlashUtil.exe flashplayer.xpt
- You can repeat this process any time to upgrade Flash for Firefox Portable on your portable device.

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NathanJ79's picture
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The MAZZterNPSWF32_FlashUtil.exe

What's this one do? I have the other two, but not the .exe, and Flash stuff loads fine for me. At least YouTube,'s live weather map, and my local NBC affiliate's videos. Don't really go to other Flash-powered sites.

Slightly better way involves migrating to Portable Firefox from a locally-installed Firefox. Just find the local plugins folder, and copy it to the portable one. I have Acrobat, AIR, Flash, Shockwave, Quicktime, and a bunch of other plugins I had on my installed Firefox. IE's been the default browser on my computer for most of this year now - I've been using Portable Firefox, even at home. So I don't think I've ever had that .exe.

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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It appears to be the updater

It appears to be the updater tool (run it and see).

I guess it wouldn't be needed for a portable installation, then.

Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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I just tried it and it downloaded and installed, which is the current version. Maybe it doesn't do upgrades of it. I'll look at it later today.

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The MAZZTer's picture
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Perhaps he had Firefox

Perhaps he had Firefox running with the Flash plugin DLL loaded and running? Smile That would certainly mess it up. The installer should check for a running Firefox Portable if it doesn't already.

Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 29 min ago
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Good Point

I need to update this to use the current installer rather than the old custom one I did anyway. And add one for Chrome Smile

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

mmd123's picture
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*now to just copy over updated ff to hdd and i ish set, again...*


please and thank you...

srfox23's picture
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Local Shared Objects

There is a plugin for Firefox that erases the LSO cookies called BetterPrivacy. This works after the browser closes so you don't leave any flash cookies behind.

Steve F

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I tried it out. It worked fine the first time I used it. I switched computers and then firefox didn't recognize the flash plugin. So I thought it might be the addon so I disabled it... still wouldn't let flash work. So I uninstalled it and only then did flash work again. I don't know why this happened (since its not supposed to disable flash) but I guess it somehow did.

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Probably didn't find LSO folder

It probably didn't find the Local Shared Objects folder. You might want to go to Options -> BetterPrivacy, Options & Help tab, and check "Portable mode" so that will always find your LSO folder.

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BetterPrivacy is also more up to date than the Objection extension.

horusofoz's picture
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Hi John

Is it possible for this to be updated?I just ran it now and according to the Firefox Plugin Check page it isn't getting the latest version of flash.

Thanks Smile

EDIT: Can I again further this request with the added note that an outdated version of flash is a serious security vulnerability. Therefore FFP users with this flash plugin are currently at risk Sad Advocate

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Well on the FF update page

Well on the FF update page ( it says my Adobe Flash Plug-in is outdated, but on the page it points to - it says the latest version of the plugin is which when I go to my plugins list is the same version, so it seems I do have the latest version obtained from John's installer - but for some reason it doesn't detect it?

Can someone please explain this?


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Just bumping it in hopes that

Just bumping it in hopes that maybe someone will be able to provide some help...

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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it worked.

it worked. If you have a local install it detects those plugins. Maybe the local install is outdated?

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Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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download flash and search for

download flash and search for it. I got that message too but I copied a local install and I stopped getting that message

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its quite simple

just unpack the install_flash_player.exe with an extractor (as universal extractor) and copy&paste the npnul32.dll and the NPSWF32.dll to "...\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\plugins" - et voilá!

in that particular folder the file flashplayer.xpt should be contained.

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Tried that - there was no

Tried that - there was no npnul32.dll in the exe file. The NPSWF32.dll was the same as the one John's updater downloaded... I have no idea why it would not work. Sad

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
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Installer is broken

When I used the installer, Flash stopped working completely. It wouldn't even load the local copy. But I just extracted it this way and it works perfectly. I'm not sure what I did wrong with the installer but it didn't work.

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Beware: Downloading outdated plugin

Hi there,

JFYI this is a warning!

The "Flash Plugin for Firefox Portable 0.1" downloader is downloading and installing an out of date flash plugin.

The newest version is

The installed old and outdated version including security risks.
The version installed is

Please fix it ASAP, John.



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Works Good but,

For some reason I have to run it every time I run FF portable. Gonna try the manual workaround and see if it's more permanent. ??

Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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seriously, a updated version

seriously, a updated version of this would me a must have.
why can't this just me made into a FF extension and be done with it!?!?

OliverK's picture
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it is a firefox extension.

it is a firefox extension. But neither adobe nor mozilla will allow us to ship it with firefox.

Adobe has also changed the way flash is handled. Me? I just keep chrome handy and watch youtube with HTML5.

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Update this?

John can you update this to install the latest flash? ( ATM)
And maybe also make a version of this for Chrome?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 29 min ago
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Adobe updated their flash installer to one that can't be disassembled. We're working on something else.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Well Adobe likes closed

Well Adobe likes closed proprietary stuff, so they have to make a one of a kind installer for flash to XD

Good luck with getting this done. Smile

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
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I extracted it!

I used it with Universal Extractor and it was able to extract the Files in the Installer but I can't find the Plug-In. Hmmmmm... They've hidden it well. I'll post a Zip of the Files to see if you guys can figure it out.

[Link removed, think about why, considering the above comments - mod Chris]

Hope you guys have luck finding it.

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Don't extract the installer

Rather then extracting it, install the latest Flash and then look in the following folder for the NPSWF32.dll file.


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Logos A
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Not sure if its still active

I dont know if your installer project is dead,but it might be a good Idea to sticky where the installer will install the plugins and what the plugins names are.That way there wouldn't be so much confusion in this support thread.

timdawg's picture
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Batch file to install Flash 10.1 on Firefox Portable

It seems that Adobe didn't update the flashplayer-win.xpi file to 10.1, which this installer depended on.

So I created a batch file that copies the flash 10.1 plugin installed on your computer's hard drive into your Firefox Portable plugin directory. This solution isn't as good as the original, but since it seems that Adobe is not updating the xpi file anymore, it is better than doing it manually every time.

1. Open Notepad

2. Paste the following code into notepad:

@echo off
copy %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\Flash\flashplayer.xpt App\Firefox\plugins /Y
copy %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll App\Firefox\plugins /Y

3. Click File and Save, browse to [your usb key]\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable (or wherever you have Firefox Portable installed), then under filename type "update_flash.bat" (with quotes)

4. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash Player installed on the local computer. Download and install it if necessary.

5. Browse to [your usb key]\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable (or wherever you have Firefox Portable installed) and double click on update_flash

6. Open Firefox Portable and go to to check your Flash Player version.

My hope is that this continues to work with future versions, so that when you update Flash Player on your computer, you can just run this batch file to update the Flash Player in Firefox Portable.

Logos A
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-08-13 04:32


I have tried so many different methods and researched numerous forums.But your approach was the simplest way I found.It would take a monkey to mess it up.I'm going to keep that batch file on my USB drive in the firefox portable folder.

I only have one question.Is the folder that the plugins are installed to the correct folder for Firefox Portable? Why are there plugin_readme.txt in the following folders advising you to install plugins to those folders?


Yet your batch file installs the plugins to the following folder


Which folder,or folders are the plugins supposed to be?Or can they be in any of the folders?or all?

And are these the only actual plugins you will ever need?


timdawg's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
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I don't know for sure, but I think that FirefoxPortable\App\DefaultData is the defaults for if the Data directory does not exist. Therefore installing a plugin here wouldn't work if you already have a Data directory.

I do not know what the difference is between FirefoxPortable\Data\Plugins and FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\Plugins, but they both seem to work.

I'm pretty sure that the Flash Plugin for Firefox Portable 0.1 installer also used FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\Plugins.

It seems that Mozilla's intention was to have all plugins stored in a sub-directory called plugins, under wherever firefox.exe is located (FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\Plugins).

The batch file should work either way. Simply replace App\Firefox\plugins with Data\Plugins.

The only plugin files needed for Flash in Firefox are:

npnul32.dll is the Mozilla Default Plugin, so I wouldn't touch it.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-29 12:10

Dear Tim,

Thank you so much for this simple solution.

I see myself as one or those monkeys Logos A referres to in his/her reply.

I did what you asked and all worked out well.

Thank you !
Kun from Belgium

Koen Van Praet - portableapps fan

Last seen: 14 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-01-15 10:59
is this like adobe flash

is this like adobe flash player

Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-22 18:39
Plugin pointing

OK, this has been a fascinating thread to read. I've learned a number of things. In implementing the info about plugins.expose, I find a number of strange (to me) things.

In my setup, C: is my boot drive with Windows 7 but D: is my programs and data drive. Some things insist on installing to C: but I try to put everything that gives me a choice in either D:\Program Files or D:\PortableApps. My copy of Portable Firefox 4.0b9 resides, of course, in D:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortableTest.

About:plugins reveals that many of the plugins reside in C:\Users\PSW\Appdata\... Others are in C:\Windows\System32\... A few in D:\Program Files\... NONE are in the Firefox Plugins folder.

Portable Firefox 3.6.13 seems a bit more like I would expect. Most plugins are at least somewhere under the FirefoxPortable folder structure. But all of the Quicktime plugins and the Windows Genuine Advantage plugin are in C:\PoertableApps\FirefoxPortable\... This is especially confusing since there is no C:\PortableApps folder. (The referenced files do exist in the equivalent folders on the D: drive.)

So, (1) Is FFX4 doing plugins differently?; and, (2) is there a way to edit the locations shown in about:plugins? I'm thinking some things might work better if the plugins were where they could work.


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Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
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remote instances woes.


Downloaded OK.

On remote instances of XP it reports that proxy server verification is required. I suspect it is still trying to change the registry.

I will try on a less strapped down PC (even right click is banned on all but Portable FF, Commander etc) - I am at a public library terminal (running Vista locally not that you could witness it).

I did once load Flash (hate it - rarely does it provide information, only eye candy)
and lost the instructions pre your wheeze. Not lazy - I have 6 websites with upwards of 1600 lines of JavaScript on a page to maintain and a very limited mindspace for frippery.

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-03 08:35
This doesn't work

Also, I am unable to extract the necessary .dll file from the install exe from

Logos A
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-08-13 04:32
Simple Instructions for installing Adobe Flash Player plugins

1) First Download and install the latest Adobe Flash Player from here
(You dont need any browser installed ,it will install it anyways.)

2) Then go to this folder on your computer C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash

3) copy these two files

4) paste them into this folder in Firefox portable X:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins

5) restart Firefox Portable and go to this page and VIOLA!!! your updated

6) uninstall the adobe flash plugin from your computer

Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-30 16:19
Not so simple

Your method asumes that you have administrator rights on a computer connected to the internet since Adobe makes you download a downloader to install flash nowadays.

Well, i have admin rights on my home computer and access to the internet only trough public computers. I finaly managed to find what looks like an offline installer, but it seems to be 10,3,183,10 instead of

Adobe is really strating to p... me off

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Last seen: 11 months 4 weeks ago
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Adobe webpage with Flash download links

a short while ago I found an Adobe web page with the download links for Adobe Flash

just be carefully you select the right one for you (32 vs 64 bit and for Firefox you'd want the Plugin-based browsers version)

I hope that helps

(as I go looking for offline installers out of habit now, I've bookmarked that page)

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-25 21:33
Thanx. After trying other


After trying other instructions from this thread to no avail I finally got flash working in Firefox. Maybe the moderator should try to highlight the methods that are actually working.

Thumbs up Logos A!


Last seen: 12 hours 2 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
old thread

may be you should note the date of the postings, then you will understand.

World has changed since all those methods were invented and so did adobe change many times the flash player.

At present, fully portable flash is probably not so simple as the flash pages tend to more introduce those supercookies to computers, those would have to be cleaned as well etc.

You can have flash use when copying the NPSWF32.dll to your plugin directory from %windir%\system32\Macromed\Flash

That is all you need.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-18 05:35
don't word

This Portable application don't work. I'm just tring with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Portable and 7.0.1 Portable and no one works.

Logos A
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-08-13 04:32
follow my instructions

I got it working on the same firefox version.Its simple

Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-12-29 09:14

I'm using some project which has Aurora portable already installed in Firefox Folder. Every time i try to install Adobe Flash Player, it download the plugin and keep installing it like forever. So i can't view any videos, is there any way to install it? knowing that i already tried to install Download Flash Plugin for Firefox Portable 0.1 in FireFox Portable>Data>Plugins, it gives this ERROR: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found


Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2014-03-24 09:06
Has anyone tested this plugin

Has anyone tested this plugin recently? For me I can't even get it downloaded. It also means both links from are dead.

Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2012-12-02 15:30
Not being developed.

It hasn't been updated since 2008.
The project has simply been abandoned.

If at first you do not succeed, use more sticky tape.

Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Joined: 2006-08-01 21:44


This is a SFX file you can view the source by extracting the install.bat

Signature automatically removed for containing links

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