This is the first release of the new Libertà app, Portable Utility and Security Suite (PUSS for short). It contains all of the functionality of Sync and Backup as well as the never released Secure module. I haven't written the documentation yet but it should be coming early next week. Hopefully once it is mature I'll halt the individual bits, after one code base is easier than three.
Enjoy and please post any bugs below. You can get it from
There are quite a few new feature such as a real sync mode that compares files modification times, a much speeded up backup part and a encryptor. Note at the moment the encryptor just copies the files to an encrypted archive but I'm looking to change that in the future.
NOTE: You must use the options dialogs before clicking go, or it will use your last settings.
Wow, this makes backing up important stuff so much faster and easier. Thanks!
When I say Update Source, does it mean make the source the same as the destination or vice versa?
will copy the newer files from the destination to the source.
Steve Lamerton
that there is no point in having both Update source, and update dest, I'll scrap the source one in the next release. I think that I'll also update the interface a lot, all of those popups are annoying me.
Steve Lamerton
you have the options in the bottom right corner.
It's a bit empty at the moment.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Right now when I use Update Source, it takes the files from the source and puts them in the destination. I'm not sure if that's how it should work or how you want it to work since you're taking out the option.
I probably got a bit muddled, I had been programming it for six hours straight, that is with Ryans constant nattering in the background
It will all be clearer in RC2.
Steve Lamerton
I was working on lilina too
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Well, have you changed the icon yet?
BTW in Sync, have you fixed the subdirectory not copying problem?
Steve, why don't you use the URL, it's faster.
Oh, and I also added a forum post about this under your name on the Libertà website.
Edit: What happened to the default catagories?
Edit 2: I just had something weird happen. I went into Sync options and couldn't change the Copy Files tick boxes until I selected something else.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I'll look into the copy files stuff, as for default categories I forgot and I fixed the sub directory problems (I think). I didn't use that actual site as I didn't have time to put up a post.
Steve Lamerton
How the .org used to redirect to
Turns out it doesn't anymore.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Steve Lamerton
Love it!
be a LOT easier to use, which is a guess the whole point, easy to use so that even beginners can manage their portable apps.
Steve Lamerton