I've been getting into the Rock Band Customs scene, and found that most of the tools used for creating custom charts for Rock Band are natively portable, so I started using the PortableApps Menu as an easy launcher for all of those tools. I decided that my PAM could use a custom facelift as well, and here's my result
I like it!
This will be my new theme.
What do you mean, Rock Band custom scene? You mean taking apart the PS2 version and putting custom songs in? (If so, got any Nightwish?) Or the new Rock Band Network?
Actually, I have a Wii using RawkSD (WAAAY easier than the disc method for PS2), but yeah, same idea. And once RBN goes live, I'm planning on releasing it there too
So far it's only songs from my own band from high school, so sorry, no Nightwish. If you look at the screenshot, the apps I have make up pretty much everything you need to create a custom song (other than Magma, which would be required for making an official RBN package file, but I'm not sure if that's portable or not).
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
MAGMA is .NET 3.0 unfortunately
EDIT: Great theme btw
Yeah, I don't really mind not having Magma portable. It's only the final package compiler, and since I don't have an XBox, it doesn't do me any good anyway (RawkSD does basically the same for the Wii, but it's homebrew), so for now I won't really use Magma until RBN goes live...
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.