I get the folloiwing error when installing the google Chrome app. Anyone else having the sam eproblem or perhaps know a solution to this issue.
ERROR: (chrome.7z > App)
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Please let us know the location the installer is downloaded to (full path), the location you are trying to install to (should be X:\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable) and how much space is left at both locations.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'm installing to U:\utility cd backup\USB-Portable\internet\browsers\chromeportable
I downloaded the installer to U:\utility cd backup\USB-Portable\internet\browsers.
The c:drive has 8gb free(temp directory?), the U: drive has 30gb free
I am the admin of the machine as well as the domain.
I'm having the same EXACT problem with the skype install.
Tom Zucker-Scharff
Director, Computing and Info Services
Albert Einstein Cancer Center
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, NY, USA 10461
Could you try installing it to the standard location (X:\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable) and see if that works properly for you? That will help us determine if it is a path issue in the installer.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Just saw your reply. You were correct. Installing to a shorter path works fine. I use PStart launcher though, which allows me to put the apps in a folder structure that makes a whole lot more sense than a bunch of folders in a single portableapps folder. So the question then becomes why do Google chrome and Skype portable not install like every other app I've gotten off your site? I use almost all of them, plus a ton of apps from portablefreeware.com.
I installed it to U:\GoogleChromePortable (which is actually a folder on my hard drive). It runs from there perfectly. While you are beta testing the new version are you going to be addressing this? If so I would be happy to help beta.
Tom Zucker-Scharff
Director, Computing and Info Services
Albert Einstein Cancer Center
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, NY, USA 10461
Might be a permissions problem, like the guy below had. I suppose it could be a long folder path too but I don't think it was THAT long.
I have installed it to F:\Downloads\USB Thumb Drive\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable
which is also kinda long.
Maybe John could put more verbose error reporting in that particular error (hint hint).
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
It's an installer bug. It can have issues with spaces in the install path.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'm getting a similar error. And there was a suggestion that either I didn't have permission to write to the temp directory (which I do) or that there wasn't enough space in the temp directory/drive (which there is). So if you find any answer please post it.
To be more specific:
I download the file from PA.com
run the installer (paf file)
it connects and downloads a larger file
it creates some folders and extracts some files
I then get the error above
Tom Zucker-Scharff
Director, Computing and Info Services
Albert Einstein Cancer Center
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, NY, USA 10461
I nearly cann't believe, that is possible for have Google-Chrome as a portable. I just removed the ordinary version, as it is a pain to performance and security. Someone experienced mind to inform about what is written to systemfolder and registry? Thanks
I can only install to X:\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable. When I attempt to install to my machine I get errors.
I use many portable apps in place of regularly installed apps on my machines for many reasons and Chrome is the only one I have trouble installing on the machines.
I have tried both the online installation and a full download. I tried to install the app to my USB drive X:\portableapps\Googlechrome and on my PC. All the above gave the same error.
My USB drive has 16GB. So plenty of space available.
My problem occurs when installing the app from a mashine where I have no privileges. I just installed the app with succes from my own PC where I have admin privileges.
Another update:
The google chrome apps runs only runs on a PC where I have admin privileges. The app doesn't startup at all on my company PC where I have no privileges.
Weird. Unfortunately given the way some corporate PCs are locked down it might not be possible to fix, even if you can figure out what's wrong.
You can try checking Task Manager to see if chrome.exe ever starts running, or if the launcher never ends up starting it.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
I also have the same problem, and when I saw your suggestion I went to the task manager and saw that there's one chrome process that's still active even though I have closed all browser windows. I ended the process and tried the installation once more, and it installed successfully.
I know this is old but in case someone else has this problem.
Disable your Antivirus.
Avast blocked me from installing Chrome Portable, but after disabling, I was able to install just fine.
May be applicable to other antiviruses as well. (Antiviri?)
Have multiple machines with same PortableApp paths (not the default).
Latest Chrome installs fine on one machine but fails on other (with subject error) - both have same path. The failing machine is larger, more free space, and faster.
Failing machine is Win 7 Pro and working machine is Win 7 Home.
I am attempting on installing GoogleChromePortable_34.0.1847.116_online.paf.exe on my USB drive using my home computer.
The installer is on the USB drive ("G:\") which has 14GB+ of available space. I cleaned out my temp folders. The destination is "G:\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable".
I even tried installing it on my desktop.
Just to make sure I disabled my firewall and antivirus.
Nothing seems to work. Any answers?
It's working just fine in all tests here. Are you sure you're able to download the full Google Chrome installer (should be about 35MB and have an MD5 sum of 5547ab584ca80a42f1a0cfc6405d0ee7 once downloaded)? And are you sure your TEMP directory has proper permissions setup allowing modification by all users (sometimes can fail if you have some Adobe apps installed which mess up TEMP or if you define a custom TEMP directory and don't properly setup permissions)?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!