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Google Chrome beta and AdBlock +

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Google Chrome beta and AdBlock +

Has anyone successfully installed AdBlock+ Google Chrome Extensions? It says it should work with version 4. But I keep getting "Extensions are not enabled."

I have tried to enable-extensions in the ini file even though it says it is not necessary for version 4. It still doesn't work.

AdBlock is the only thing stopping me from dropping firefox.

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Read help.html, the section

Read help.html, the section above the changelog discusses how to enable extensions. If that doesn't work, post back. Someone else had a similar problem I couldn't reproduce and it would be nice to be able to reproduce it if it really is a bug. Smile

AdBlock+ should indeed work with any version of 4 AFAIK.

I think the directions for AdBlock+ that say it should work with 4 are from before the Beta branch was bumped up to 4. The Dev branch has had extensions enabled by default for awhile, but the Beta branch may need that command line switch described in help.html for extension support.

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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Ok thanks for the update. I

Ok thanks for the update. I did not appreciate the difference between the beta and dev. The help file seems to suggest enable extensions is not needed any longer.

I did try the ini file for command line options, however I did not try very hard. I wish there was an indication in the options somewhere that extensions are enabled.

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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enabling extensions in beta


if enabling extensions is about adding this to the ini:
AdditionalParameters=--enable-extensions --enable-sync

... then i think it's not really working (at least not for me).
starnge thing is that I can see that chrome is actually launched with these options. it just doesn't help. example command of a running chrome:

"C:\chrome\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe" -user-data-dir="C:\chrome\Data\profile" --disk-cache-dir="C:\DOCUME~1\xxx\LOCALS~1\Temp\GoogleChromePortable" --enable-extensions --enable-sync


The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-17 15:31
Does "Extensions" appear

Does "Extensions" appear under the tools menu? What happens when you try to install AdBlock+ (or any other extension)? How does it differ from the following:

1) You click on an install link to a .crx file
2) The download bar appears and asks if you want to download the extension
3) A modal dialog asks you if you REWALLY want to install the extension
4) The extension installs. In the case of AdBlock+ a button appears on the toolbar.

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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No extensions does not appear

No, extensions does not appear in the tools menu.

First I drag the adblock2.crx file onto chrome.

Then it asks me to save.

I get a non-modal dialog saying extensions are not enabled. The title is "Extensions Install Error"

I have the ini file in the GoogleChromePortable directory with the added --enable-extensions line.

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-17 15:31
Last I checked,

Last I checked, --enable-extensions was working. I will have to test it again, I guess. It did seem to be working the last time I did, though.

Anyways it sounds like Chrome is not enabling extensions for some reason, try a "bare bones" ini maybe?


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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Dev or Order

It could be that some Dev builds it is working and some it is not.

It could also be that the order of the command line parameters matters (even if it may not have in an earlier build).

Ping me via email when you do the new Dev build and I'll post it up.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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I will update the help.html

I will update the help.html file, I forgot I mentioned that 4 enabled extensions by default, that was before the 4 beta was released with them disabled.

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Same here

Same story here, running the beta build
Put the correct lines in the ini file, no extensions support. I also tried the --enable-user-scripts switch, to no avail.
I know the options are being read from the ini, because sync support is working, just not extensions or user scripts.

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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It's possible extension

It's possible extension support is only available for the dev channel. I'll check it out.

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NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 weeks ago
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Google and Adblock?

I thought one of the big reasons behind Chrome's push was that its owner, Google, an advertising agency (among other things) wanted to push a browser that couldn't block ads, since that had become so popular in Firefox.

Chrome is a nice browser, but it does remind me why I switched to Firefox from IE 6 -- a browser I actually liked, unlike many others -- the Internet is just so trashy with all the ads. Firefox makes it so much better. I can whitelist ads on sites that I want to support, but I had to use Chrome or Opera, one of the two, a few weeks ago, and I was looking something up, and here's this flashing red and white, seizure-inducing ad. Have the advertisers really learned nothing from why people have been blocking ads for so long? To their credit, at least Google is on the right track.

Chrome also stole borrowed Personas from Firefox. Their gallery is filtered a little better, but what I find to be their best themes don't work as good as they perhaps could. Still, I really like the feature. Hopefully Chrome catches up with Firefox in the features that people enjoy using. Because that's what it's about, being able to pick and choose your own special features.

Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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Well what google may have

Well what google may have wanted and reality are two different things. Adblock plus does and will continue to exist for chrome and filter ads.

If google doesn't like it we will switch to Chromium or SRWare Iron.

If they didn't want ad blockers they wouldn't have released the browser as open source. In fact it is impossible to block adblockers. At least in current versions of modern OSes. You can always block ads at the OS level.

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Chrome OS?

vsnyYou can always block ads at the OS level.

That's why they're making Chrome OS? *puts on tinfoil hat*

No, really -- how do you block ads at the OS level? That bit is new to me.

Anyway, the "battle" between advertising agencies and consumers who don't want to see ads will continue to take new and unexpected terms. We've been winning for years now, but they're the ones with the money, it's only a matter of time before they one-up the ad blockers. I wonder how much the Adblock Plus developers have been offered to call it quits. Web sites have had scripts to block the original Adblock (Adblock Plus can dodge this now) and NoScript tried to disable it, etc., etc.

I agree there will always be choices.

It's funny, I've used SRWare Iron and I've used Chrome -- they're the same, aren't they, more or less -- same rendering engine, much of the same code, with Iron removing the privacy issues? -- and while they impress me with speed, I feel lost with them. Firefox has all my logins and bookmarks and it's what I've been using. Also, Chrome's lack of certain GUI elements makes it feel foreign. Chrome might be the next big browser, but I'm fine with second best (or third, depending on where Opera falls). Firefox works for me.

This is where I was when I switched to Firefox. IE 6 SP2 worked for me. When I saw I could block ads and import my bookmarks, I jumped ship and haven't looked back. Maybe it's time to jump ship again, and I continue to keep Chrome Portable and Opera@USB on my drive at home. (Neither work with the corporate proxy, so it's Firefox only at work, though.)

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Google for "HOSTS ad block"

Google for "HOSTS ad block" to find out how to block at the OS level. It can only block domain names and not individual web sites or urls, though it is better than nothing.

Basically there's a HOSTS file on UNIX/Windows machines that defines hard coded domain names. Windows/UNIX/Linux will only ask the internet for the location of a server if the domain name is NOT in HOSTS. So if we put invalid entries in HOSTS for advertisement servers, we can prevent our computer from connecting to them and downloading ads.

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Darkbee's picture
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Doesn't Spybot do this for you if you "immunize" your system? I'm not 100% certain but I'm pretty sure that it has an option to update your hosts file with a list of common ad sites.

I don't really like using the hosts file to block stuff because it's a bit clumsy and not really very flexible but it certainly is a legitimate option if other options are not practical or possible.

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Ad Blockers aren't fool-proof

Sometimes when I watch TV shows online at websites like ABC and CBS it will pop up a message on the screen that an ab-blocker has been detected and I need to disable it. (so ABC and others can force me to watch ads interspersed throughout their programming, which I don't necessarily object to).

Other times the ads actually will be blocked and the TV show plays uninterrupted. It goes to show though, that ad blockers aren't entirely fool-proof. It's like everything else, somebody finds a way of getting around something, and then another person comes along and finds a way of getting around the get around. :S

computerfreaker's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
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yes, there've been some

yes, there've been some running threads on the AdBlock Plus (Firefox addon) forum about this very thing - ABP puts up a blocklist, sites work around it. ABP changes the blacklist to work around the workaround, and sites work around that too. ABP changes...
Anyway, it really can go on forever...

"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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Dev not beta

Download the latest DEV release. Extensions won't work with beta (no matter what parameters you add).


Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Dev has even more significant problems

The problem with the dev build is that it isn't saving extensions, user scripts, or themes in between sessions. I describe my issue with the latest Dev build here:
Hope this gets fixed soon.

Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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Where do you download the dev

Where do you download the dev release? I didn't see it on sourceforge.

Not that it looks like it works anyway according to usn.mustanger.

The MAZZTer's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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usn.mustanger's problem is

usn.mustanger's problem is related to his running it from a network share. If you run it from a local drive the problems he is experiencing should not occur (and I will fix them by next release :)).

You can download the dev release here:

Scroll down to the section about the beta and you will see two download links, the dev version is the second one.

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Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Install Google Chrome on a

Install Google Chrome on a computer (not portable version). Install AdBlock on the desktop. Use Google Sync and sign up both desktop and portable. Portable will sync properly and install AdBlock.

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