Application: Celtx
Category: Office
Description: Celtx is the world's first fully integrated software for Pre-Production and collaboration of film, theatre, radio, AV and comics.
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 English Development Test 1 [14.6MB download / 47.4MB installed]
(MD5: ee39152c4657af80c5d90f318c4bd843)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 German (Deutsch) Development Test 1 [14.9MB download / 47.4MB installed]
(MD5: 6bb3665c8c4c1f227d68070f3912ddd3)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 French (Français) Development Test 1 [14.9MB download / 47.4MB installed]
(MD5: 89072bd82664ad9bb6edf8d00240acd8)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 Polish (Polski) Development Test 1 [15.5MB download / 55.2MB installed]
(MD5: 678037105cf3c0765c7d3a49913c4dd5)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9 Dutch (Nederlands) Development Test 1 [16.9MB download / 53.0MB installed]
(MD5: 8762309e4cb02ae25d5c562b5c91e3a4)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 Italian (Italiano) Development Test 1 [14.9MB download / 47.4MB installed]
(MD5: 76cf5d0e595eff67e7f06c160dc4af70)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9 Japanese (日本語) Development Test 1 [16.2MB download / 51.0MB installed]
(MD5: 15fc616f1101535bf1998cecf2f02643)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 Russian (Русский) Development Test 1 [15.1MB download / 53.0MB installed]
(MD5: 56b4dfb9f0b66e077f769fdf83beafa4)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 Spanish (Español) Development Test 1 [14.9MB download / 47.4MB installed]
(MD5: 776cc675b9379809107419db1b4dbdd3)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9 Hungarian (Magyar) Development Test 1 [16.5MB download / 52.9MB installed]
(MD5: 2e2661276dcc13be40f3f08ce76ad8c0)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9 Chinese (Simplified) (中文 (简体)) Development Test 1 [16.1MB download / 50.9MB installed]
(MD5: 4e36908040c454766c21b1b3dded5ee6)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9 Chinese (Traditional) (正體中文 (繁體)) Development Test 1 [16.2MB download / 51.0MB installed]
(MD5: 1a0cf2953eb11e11d5474e68482f412c)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 Portuguese (Portugal) (Português (Europeu)) Development Test 1 [14.8MB download / 52.4MB installed]
(MD5: f83adc6c25d9b2001426769898eb8153)
Download Celtx Portable 2.9.7 Portuguese (Brazilian) (Português (do Brasil)) Development Test 1 [15.7MB download / 55.5MB installed]
(MD5: 1bc646f96d59f99ef376dbf60d27aa83)
Release Notes:
2.9.7 Development Test 1 (2012-04-15):
- Now using PortableApps.comInstaller 3.0.1.
2.9.5 Development Test 1 (2012-02-26):
- Now using PortableApps.comInstaller 2.0.9.
- Compiled with NSIS 2.46.3 (Unicode).
2.9 Development Test 1 (2011-02-17):
- Now using PortableApps.comInstaller 2.0.8.
- Compiled with NSIS 2.46 (Unicode).
2.7 Development Test 1 (2010-01-08):
- Now using PortableApps.comInstaller 1.0.2.
- Compiled with NSIS 2.46.
- EDIT (2010-01-09): Added French, Polish and Dutch.
- EDIT #2 (2010-01-09): Added Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.
- EDIT #3 (2010-01-09): Added Hungarian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Portugal) and Portuguese (Brazilian).
- NOTE: Other languages to follow.
2.5.1 Development Test 1 (2009-11-21):
- Now using PortableApps.comInstaller 1.0.
- Added German language version.
- NOTE: I will add other languages as time permits. If there is a language that you want please add a comment below and I will prioritise based on people's requests.
2.5 Development Test 1 (2009-11-10):
- Based on latest FirefoxPortable Launcher.
- No longer displays session store prompt.
- Fixed App\DefaultData\profile so that it only contains the files from Celtx\defaults\profile.
- Compiled using NSISPortable 2.45 so should now work with Windows 7 correctly.
- NOTE: This was created and tested using Windows 7. Feedback on whether or not this works correctly in Windows XP (or Vista!) would be greatly appreciated.
2.0.2 Development Test 1 (2009-08-29):
- Based on FirefoxPortable Launcher as Celtx is based on Firefox.
- TODO: Remove session store prompt and other options not required for Celtx.
2.9.7 Development Test 1 (2012-04-15 ): Updated to 2.9.7
2.9.5 Development Test 1 (2012-02-26 ): Updated to 2.9.5
2.9 Development Test 1 (2011-02-17 ): Updated to 2.9
2.7 Development Test 1 (2010-01-08): Updated to 2.7
2.5.1 Development Test 1 (2009-11-21): Updated to 2.5.1
2.5 Development Test 1 (2009-11-10): Updated to 2.5
2.0.2 Development Test 1 (2009-08-29): Initial release
First of all, welcome at!
Do you have permissions to use the Celtx trademarks? Also I don't know if the license is OSI certified:
License: CePL - Version 1.3
Its Based on Mozilla's, so yeah, he kinda needs permission, though I am glad some one did finally do this.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Thanks for the replies. I will contact the Celtx people and see what they say. So far I've just assumed it was OK given the previous work done by Jacob Koehler at Basically I just did what he did by using the FirefoxPortable launcher however I tried to change all Firefox references and icons to make it appear more professional. If you've used Jacob's version you'll know what I mean. The reason I did this was because Jacob hasn't updated his project since version 0.966 and I wanted the latest version portable for my own use and thought others would find it useful. If the reason Jacob stopped working on his version is because of licensing issues...then I guess I'm about to find out myself! I'll update this post once I know.
Hello again,
I have received an email from Greg Dawson at Celtx and he has given me permission to continue working on CeltxPortable. He said the Celtx License is fine for Portable Apps and although CePL is not OSI certified it is based on the Mozilla Public License which is.
If there are any more questions please let me know and of course if anyone has any suggestions/ideas/improvements don't hesitate to let me know.
Sweet. As far as I know, this warrants a Welcome to PortableApps
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Thank you SO much for working on CeltX2 portable.
I'm giving it a run and so far, it runs great! REALLY looking forward to the full release.
Thanks again.
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
Thanks for the welcome Oliver and cheers TRexian for the feedback. I'm happy to hear it is running great.
Three cheers to MarcusD for doing this!!! I've been struggling with the that Jacob Koeler put out over three years ago. It finally ground to a halt right in the middle of an important project.
Are you ABSOLUTELY sure there is no absolute truth?
Thanks for doing this!
Thanks a lot for porting Celtx, it works flawlessly:)
Hello World!
wow, looks very professional
I'm not familiar with this program but I know a writer who might want it.
noob question: can this be used locally? I mean I see it's used so the database is saved online and can be accessed by more than one person. but can one use it so the data is saved on your HD?
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
Yes Celtx can be used locally. Celtx files can be saved locally to the hard drive or they can be saved online using Celtx Studios (must pay a subscription fee for this). You can also publish your files to Celtx's Project Central (free) but this makes them public for all to see. At the moment I am testing out using Dropbox to store my Celtx files and allow for collaboration with my writing partner (who's living it up in Poland at the moment...the lucky s.o.b!). If want to know all the finer details about Celtx check out their website here Celtx.
This app looks AWESOME! And it's made for mac :3 I shall have to try this.
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Updated to Celtx 2.5. Enjoy!
Added a few extra details in post above but mainly I just need some confirmation that this is working correctly in Windows XP.
Running it in XP, and the last version seemed fine. Just ran through 2.5, also, and it seems fine. I don't do any heavy lifting with it
but for my purposes it is solid.
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
Thanks for the feedback.
Dear MarcusD,
didn't check if the registry remains clean, but it does seem to work well on my XP SP3 system. Is there any chance to "localize" it? Is it sufficient to overwrite the files in portableapps/celtxportable/app/celtx with the files provided by a localized version? I mean - that would be just a workaround (and a little bit fastidious) but still really useful.
Or are there plans to provide paf versions of the localizations as well?!
However: thank you for your effort, much appreciated!
I'll see what I can do. I don't imagine there is too much work in creating paf versions for the different languages. If you have a particular language you need let me know here and I'll start testing with that. Thanks for the XP feedback too.
but I think there are many people interrested in their own language as well.
Again: thank you for your effort, much appreciated.
Still no issues on XP...
The quality of this program is highly impressive.
No obvious problems here with XP Home.
I have updated CeltxPortable to 2.5.1. This release was created using the new PortableApps.comInstaller 1.0. I have also added the German language version. I will add other languages prioritised by people's requests here and only as time permits. Enjoy!
... for adding the german version!
Still no issues, also with this version (2.5.1.german).
Much appreciated...
But... do you have an impression as to when this may come out of development?
I'm happy with 2.5 that I have, so I'll not likely update if the "real" release will be soonish.
And honestly, I may wait anyway.
If it ain't broke, don't "fix" it!
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
I haven't really given it much thought but I think I will wait till the download numbers are up on this release (2.5.1) and based on feedback, if any, I will make a post in the apps ready for official release thread soon after.
If downloading 2.5.1 increases either the chance or speed of a release, I'm grabbing it right away!
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
Is available...
Ver. 2.7, I believe.
Mayhap it is time to make this a full release? I haven't noticed any problems with the dev versions. :thumbs:
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
Thanks for the heads up...even if I did already know!
I'm one of those OCD type of people who have to check certain sites EVERY day...well almost every day. I probably won't get a chance to do it until the weekend...possibly tomorrow night given it is Friday tomorrow and I might be able to stay up past my bedtime! Once I get it done and uploaded I will add the request to make it an official release and see what happens.
Very good!
You've done really well on this one IMHO, congratulations!
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
Thank you I really appreciate it. Well on the off chance you didn't read the title and just skipped straight to this reply
you will notice that I have updated Celtx Portable to 2.7.
I have added French, Polish and Dutch to the latest release. Stay tuned, more to come.
Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. Still more to come.
Hungarian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Portugal) and Portuguese (Brazilian) added.
Just FYI for all Portable Celtx fans: version 2.9 of the non-portable Celtx is out, with several bug fixes and now, you can write novels and utilize the same tools.
Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully I'll be able to have this updated this week - most likely during the weekend. I'll also post some helpful information on getting the add-ons to work for those who haven't yet figured it out.
I couldn't wait! I have updated Celtx Portable to version 2.9, however I have only done the English language version so far. I will add other languages as soon as possible. I have included in the help file instructions on how to install add-ons into Celtx Portable. Please test and provide feedback.
I have added all the other languages that were available for 2.7. If anyone wants a language which I haven't done just let me know.
I cant believe my eyes!! After placing the request in here months ago, now i am discovering that you have actually done this!! thanks. this is awesome.
this is the best app now in its category. so please keep this updated if possible and add it to the main site listing. thanks again.
Kiching Koo!
Hopefully with enough positive feedback from testers I can get this as an official PortableApp on the main page
Would it be possible for you to put all languages into one package and implement language switching?
I would say John might be the better person to ask about that one as he no doubt has a better understanding of it with relation to Firefox than I do with Celtx. If he is able to do it for Firefox then I should be able to do it for Celtx (given Celtx is based on Firefox). If I get some time I will do some reading up on using language switching.
I'm just lurking here but I'm impressed by the enthusiasm of the users. I've read this thread and I've been to the CeltX site ... and I still have no idea what this program does. Could someone point to an example? I'm kinda anal about collecting programs, even if I never really expect to use them, but I like some idea of the expected utility.
Celtx is used for writing screenplays, comics, novels and storyboards. However it also allows for everything to do with the pre-production process such as production schedules, call sheets, etc. Hope this helps.
Add my voice to the enthusiasts. Although my use of Celtx has been limited to helping a friend write stage plays and a screenplay, I'm impressed with this tool and will eventually make better use of it myself. I hadn't thought of it as a novel-writing tool though... might have to look into that for the self-publishing authors I'm working with as an editor.
One question... will this appear on the Applications list sometime in the near future? I know at least one author won't want to download it unless it looks "official" and stable. He refuses to download dev versions, but I'd love to talk him into trying Celtx.
Great work
Thanks a lot
IT specialist
Writing/book coach
Game creator
Updated to Celtx 2.9.5. Enjoy!
FYI, the Celtx team have made some big changes to their website and services. I recommended checking out the new website for all the details here.
Note: only English at the moment...other languages to follow.
Updated to Celtx 2.9.7. Enjoy!
Note: only English at the moment...other languages to follow (I promise this time!).