G''day all,
This is my conundrum: I've encrypted a file (xls) with Toucan 2.2.0 via portableapps from one computer. Took the USB to another computer, decrypte , open and saved the file. And it wouldn't let me encrypt it back again. The "Setting up progress bar" just stays there forever (until I taskmgr-endprocess: ccrypt.exe).
I've tried renaming the file, moving to another folder, and even tried the above procedure with a folder full of files. Once again only the file that was accessed and saved produces the error (taskmgr-endprocess: ccrypt.exe enables Toucan to continue re-encrypting the rest of the files in the foler).
I had this issue with Toucan 2.1.2 and thought waiting until Toucan 2.2.0 would fix this. But its the same problem.
Here's the error log if it helps:
10:54:29 Starting
Setting up progress bar
11:01:54 Failed to encrypt I:\Documents\Doco\help.xls : 1
00:07:25 Elapsed
11:01:54 Finished
Anyone else experienced this or knows why this is happening?
error 1 is a command line error, which is odd because if it really was an error that I would expect lots of people to be descending on the forums reporting it! Is there anything unusual about your password for example, say a " in it? Is it only that one file?
Guess what, there was a " in the password! I removed the " but it still doesn't encrypt, I've even tried re-encrypting with just a single alphabet and it still doesn't work. It has happened to a few files, the common factor here is they are [.XLS] files so far.
I've just ran a few more tests... tried decrypting, editing, saving and re-encrypting [.PDF] and [.DOC] files and they all worked fine (pity I don't have a pre-encrypted [.TXT] file handy).
I even tried with the " character in the password and it works. I tried with just the single " character in the password and that worked too.
I have Excel 2003 SP3 in the office and at home...
I hope this didn't make things more complicated for you!
this only fails with XLS files? I just tried one on my system and I am afraid to say it works for me
My only thought is that there could be something locking your xls files, I guess excel isn't open, but is there anything else that could be doing this?
with [.XLS] files so far.
Don't think there's anything locking the file, cause no problem ejecting the USB after all these.
It happens both ways:
Encrypt from Office, decrypt and won't re-encrypt at home.
Encrypt from home, decrypt and won't re-encrypt at office.
Can't think of anything else at the moment.
How does Toucan work in the background? Does it need specific events to be in place before it works?
BTW, one of my [.XLS] files just got corrupted (bugger!), I tried re-encrypting and it was "successful", but it didn't append a [.CPT] to the filename. Cannot decrypt or open the file now (lucky I still have a backup from last week, and its not critical info that I lost).
honestly have no idea, I guess you have checked your drive for errors using chkdisk? (I am clutching at straws here...)
Yea, I have used chkdsk too. No faults to report.... I've tried everything I could think of for a few weeks before running out of straws, so decided to post here, hoping to find some answers.
I've found that moving the files to another folder and then moving back works... sometimes! So, go figure. I guess this is the "solution" to my problem then. The other way is to wait until I get back to original computer where I did the first encryption to re-encrypt (just gotta remember which files was encrypted where).
Thanks for your help mate. If you find out anything else, do let me know.
I'm just wondering if this could be an issue with ccrypt. I remember reading somewhere about a newer version thats bigger in size and therefore not justifiable to be included in Toucan etc.
you could download the latest ccrypt version from here and put it in the Toucan\App\toucan folder and Toucan should use it.
In fact looking at the website there is another new version, I will have to take a look to see if it is smaller again.
these are the 2 files I extracted from [ccrypt-1.9.cygwin-i386.zip]
[ccrypt.exe] 47.5 KB
[cygwin.dll] 1.05 MB
Still the same problem with re-encryption.
I've also found out that moving the files in question to another folder within the USB stick doesn't help. But moving the files onto the computer, and then moving it back to the USB lets me re-encrypt. Thought it might be the USB, but trials with various USB resulted in the same issue.
Short of emailing you the [.XLS.CPT] file, I'm running out of different combinations of PCs/Laptops and USBs to play with.
Edit: See https://portableapps.com/node/21678