I have problems using the "encryption" feature which behaves like described in this topic https://portableapps.com/node/21358.
After starting the job ccrypt obviously never returns and terminating this process results in a return=1.
I've tested the encyrption with ccrypt separately and got the following result:
ccrypt -e -K pw test.txt
ccrypt: encrypt write-protected file test.txt (y or n)? y
The script is waiting for a confirmation and that obviously also happens when trigerred by Toucan. As the file is "not" write-protected, I guess the problem is caused by the combination of Windows XP (that's my OS) and "cygwin1.dll" which is used by ccrypt.
@Toucan developer(s):
It would be very nice if you could add a possibility to handle those confirmation questions or if you just always make toucan using the "force" option "-f" in the ccrypt commandline.
Thanks for your support
should be using -f by default I shall take a look, thanks for the in depth look at what is happening!
I also thought that it was using -f by default. I'll play around with Toucan again when I'm not so tied down with work... and also looking forward to what you discover from your "look".
Edit: Since the clients are in a "heated" debated amongst themselves, I did a quick test on 2 files that were experiencing my re-encryption problem.
Using the command [ccrypt -e -K pw TEST1.XLS] worked to re-encrypt the file after selecting "Y" after the ccrypt prompt.
Using the command [ccrypt -e -f -K pw TEST2.XLS] worked to re-encrypt the file no probs.
(I checked and Toucan didn't work just prior to using the commands).
Thanks Tobias, at least this saves me from having to move files everywhere... at least until Steve replies again
out Toucan was only passing -f to decrypt, this will be fixed in 2.2.1 which I plan to send off for release later today, thanks for all the feedback everyone
And thx for fixing that fast.
I'm looking forward to use Toucan for my complete backup management with the new version.
I have an additional proposal for an enhancement of the differential Backup:
It would be nice if I was able to define a number of backups after which a new fullbackup is performed... But this is not a K.O. for me in order to use Toucan
Have a nice day!
here, thanks for the fix Steve, looking forward to it. Will you be using the newer version of ccrypt or keeping it the same?
I also plan to familiarlise myself with the other features of Toucan once this issue I have is sorted... starting with sync.