Hi. Is there any way I can get Flash player portable on Google chrome, the same way for Firefox Portable you copy the dll's from the local machine to the Plugins directory under the data folder? Where is the plugins folder for Chrome?
How about Flashblock?
And finally, are there any official Google Chrome extensions? Similar to how all Firefox's extensions are available here - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/. All the extensions I find for Chrome on the net seems to be unofficial.
Thank you.
EDIT: I see here - http://www.thewwwblog.com/install-flash-player-google-chrome-browser.html - that there is a way, similar to that stated for FFP above - to get Flash working for a local install of Chrome. However, I cannot locate the Plugins folder under \Data. Where can I locate/create it?
Anyone? I would have thought this to be a much bigger issue to many people?
Also....another question. How does the PA launcher/format map folders from the \App directory to the \Data directory? I can't really explain what I mean right now, but if clarification is needed I will explain in detail when I get home.
GCP's plugin folder is GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\plugins, you will have to create it.
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Thanks for the reply, but how can I create a plugins folder in the Data directory? I want to keep my plugins when I update so that I wont have to copy them back over every time.
There does not appear to be a command line switch to control this. If there was I would have used it already.
Full list of switches is here:
The plugins folder will not be deleted when you update, same with the dictionaries folder.
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Okay so in FirefoxPortable I did 'about:plugins' to see what plugins FF was using, then I copied all these plugins into Firefox's Data/plugins folder. I then copied all these plugins into the chrome-bin-plugins folder under the App directory in Google Chrome.
My question is will these Firefox plugins work with Chrome, or does Chrome has it's own plugins designed specifically to work with chrome? If so, where can I get them?
Also, is there a command in Chrome similar to 'about:plugins' in Firefox, where I can see all the plugins (on both the local machine AND the portable plugins folder) that Chrome is using?
Yep, and predictably enough, it's
Word of advice: You should try things like this yourself first, before you ask about them.
.To answer your other question, that's also a yes. Chrome and Mozilla plugins are binary compatible, or in layman's terms, interchangeable. Be aware, however, that most plugins other than Flash are only stubs, which hook into a larger program that has to be installed locally (e.g. QuickTime, Shockwave).
Haha okay okay...thanks it worked :D. The reason why I didn't try was because I tried the "about:config: command in Chrome earlier and it didn't work.
This leads up to my other question. The "about:plugins" show the plugins but not the location. However, I cannot use the "about:config: command to set it to show the path of these plugins, like in Firefox. How do I go about doing this? I want to see the location of the plugins so that I can copy all of them to the portable chrome-bin/plugins folder.
All browsers other than IE use the NPAPI plugin model so all plugins will work with all browsers.
Except IE of course.
It needs its own special set.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
That's coz IE is 'special'.
(Special needs).
Sorry if this offends IE lovers out there but if you use IE youve only got yourself to blame. I now use portable firefox as my primary browser.
Shane Thompson
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut ali
I created the folder \GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\plugins, copied the plugins from Firefox into it, restarted Chrome, and did about:plugins to check. That looked okay.
But the plugins don't appear to work. I tried a Flash site and a Shockwave site; in neither case was it recognized that Chrome had the needed plugin. What did I do wrong?
EDIT: Hmmm... now the Flash plugin is working, as are other plugins such as Adobe PDF and Google Earth, but Shockwave still does not work. It works in Firefox.