I know you have already had this suggested, but I could not follow those posts abit or if they were even app requests. anyway I'm not sure if its even possible or anything to put itune on PA or not but I think it would be nice for ipod users how want it everywhere and also for those who only use it afew times a year for misc stuff but don't want it on their PCs all year. anyway sorry in advanced for any problems and for anything else. Thank you for your time
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iTunes portable
April 18, 2008 - 8:13pm
iTunes portable
It's not possible. Not only is iTunes closed source software, it's trademarked by Apple, and I'm sure it would not be the easiest thing to make portable if we had permission and had a place to host it.
However, RyanMcCue is working on Songbird Portable. You may see it in beta within a few weeks, or possible a couple months, I really have no idea. Songbird is pretty feature comparable to iTunes, and has iTunes compatibility, as well as features that iTunes does not have including an integrated web browser. It has support for iPods through an extension, as well as importing your iTunes library.
It's still in development, but give it a shot, I'm sure you'll like it.
Since when does my name not have a space?
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Well look at that.
I just wanted to thank you guys for not picking me apart like vultures
and I will be sure to check out Songbird, sounds pretty good. thanks Patrick for looking into it, Thank you.Thanks for the pleasant experience here!
This iTunes question gets asked a lot, and I think you guys are doing a great job informing people of alternative media players. The way I see it though, iTunes has 4 parts to it:
- Media Player (and Media Library Manager)
- iPod music (and CD artwork?) transfer/sync
- iTunes Music Shop (and the newer iTunes Apps for the iPhone)
- PDA sync (contacts, calendar, etc)
Songbird takes care of the first two "parts", and I suspect the third part simply cannot be available outside of the official iTunes software (since it requires interaction with Apple servers, a big fat "No-No"). But I haven't heard anything that could sync my iPhone calendar and contacts. Are there any open source (and, maybe if I'm lucky, portable?) iPhone/iPod Touch PDA/PIM sync alternatives?
Not aware of any myself but would be great for a thunderbird extension : )
There used to be a Thunderbird/Nokia phone sync extension which is now sadly obsolete but still that demonstrates that it can be done : )
Rquest it at the Mozilla Thunderbird (Non Portable) forums and some one might recognise merit in the idea (Hopefully)
PortableApps.com Advocate
Still no portable version of SongBird that we know of yet ?
its been in the beta testing forum for a while now.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Hello everyone, I have succesfully made iTunes portable using Trial Version of ThinApp. Get it and if you do not understand how to use it, go to YouTube.com where they have tutorials how to use it. I have had iTunes on my Flashdrive now for more than 2 months. Enjoy!
ok. Good luck with the violation of Apple's EULA. Thank god they arnt like Microsoft.
What is EULA?
Besides i won't post portable iTunes on this site. I'll give a tutorial how to do it if anyone wants it but that's about all. And if they choose to do it, they can deal with Apple's EULA, not me.
iTUNES portable would of been rocken app.
Load the App and Play :evil:
there are plenty of alternatives. Like SongBird for example
Just for you, I'll upload as long as possible. But I'd just use Songbird.
If you search these forums, you will find links to a portable launcher for MediaMonkey. It is not open source, therefore only the launcher is available. However, this should not worry you, as it is very simple to get working. I use it regularly, and have updated to the latest MediaMonkey version. Now for the most important thing --> it happily talks to my iPod Touch. MediaMonkey is free, and there is a more featured paid version. I am happy to pay for good software, but the free version is fine. SongBird has promise, but MediaMonkey works today. I use it exclusively as a USB portable app, and it works fine.
When iTunes organizes music in the iTunes folder on your computer, is it safe to delete the others? Basically, I turned on the iTunes preference to organize the music on my computer in the iTunes folder, but I ended up with two of every song. When they're copied into the iTunes folder on your computer, is it okay to go ahead and get rid of the other ones?
Just use Winamp - it's got all the functionality needed - and looks a whole lot better!!!
In my testing, Songbird is much more responsive, faster, and easier to use than WinAMP. Plus, the portable launchers for WinAMP floating around in the forums never quite worked right for me.
And for contacts at least, you can try Thunderbird with the mozPod extension.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
thats why i use FOOBAR2K. it is now portable by design (well somewhat).
There's a [illegal site] version of WinAmp that I am using that is quite good.
[link to illegal software site removed by mod JTH.]
It doesn't have the Gracenote ID3 auto fill feature, but it seems to have everything else.
Seems the Portable app came around the time when WinAmp was closing and before it was rescued.
[content of this post removed; we do have a history of removing references to or directions on how to get illegal software, instructions on how to get it are just as good as linking to it, don't do it - mod Chris]
Dude. This is PortableApps.com, not a warez site. John, and the rest of us, keep things legal and are proud to do it.
If you're going to try and peddle warez here, go do it someplace else.
Mod, please delete this guy's comment...
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
he didnt post a link so it doesnt go agianst the rules as far as i see.
No, he didn't post a link, but the post goes against the whole spirit of PA.c - it's essentially undermining the values John has worked so hard to put into the site.
John's whole policy is, AFAICT, "honesty is the best policy, even if you can't have what you want"; this warez-toting guy clearly has no problem stealing things (although it's a free app, the license violation makes it stealing IMHO).
Maybe I'm overreacting, but I think John has created a standard for PortableApps and the rest of us need to live up to that standard. The fate of MeowMix's comment will show us who's right - if the comment stays, I guess you're right and only explicit warez links get deleted; if the comment gets shredded by a mod, my more stringent thoughts are accurate.
We'll see what the mods say...
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
You're over reacting.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Well, my apologies...
(If you want to delete my comments from the thread, go ahead...)
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I agree with you.
If you want it portable, install Mojopac to your device, then install iTunes to your MojoPac. Or just do the same with QEMU. Hope that helps
a portable version of itunes once
Ain't gonna happen
im telling you!! i had one that worked for a while but it ended up getting corrupted.
it doesnt count seeing as it corrupted everything.
true true but i know it can exist at least for a short time.
Man can fly for a short time... but then gravity kicks in.
i like that!!1
i need to try that some time
we cannot fly
we can fly for a very short time before gravity kicks in. :/ darn Gravity.
Mir lurks off to create a anti gravity gun.
well let me know when its done i want to fly.
sorry but I've tried it on many different portable devices and different computers. Ryan McCue need great accolades for doing such a great job with an utter W.O.F.T.A.M like songbird!!!!!
Flying is easy, just throw yourself at the ground and miss! lol
Did anybody try the latest Winamp Portable with his IPod ?
Link: https://portableapps.com/node/21211
I'm really in need of some feed back on this, especially cause I don't have an IPod myself !
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Drop the iTunes alltogether.
Hack your iPod to run open source jukebox firmware/software in it, and you'll be amazed what else this little device is capable of.
Yeah, that's right, RockBox, check it out!
After the RockBox treatment your iPod will become compatible with everything
I'm just offering another alternative.
Use XENOCODE 2010. It will do it automatically using the function ''Build from template''
Still it is illegal to modify the Itunes code due to the liscense.
I noticed in SPOON VIRTUAL APPLICATION STUDIO (portable) that iTunes is supported to be virtualized.
Please check it out.