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Request for LClock Please don't just ignore this!?

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Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-04 05:19
Request for LClock Please don't just ignore this!?

Program: LClock

Licence: GNU General Public License

Description: LClock is a Win32(64bit too now) Longhorn systray clock program. Idea came from Thrawn's .NET systray clock program. LClock is a modified (stripped down) version of Kazuto Sato's TClock Light.
LClock also comes with a simple but configurable popup calendar that opens when the systray clock is clicked. No more double clicking on the clock just to view the calendar in the "Date and Time Properties" dialog box. The calendar also contains reminder feature found in Rainlendar.


Other: from what I have been able to find out with my very limited knowledge it leaves reg entries in lots of directories, .cpl and .cpl manifest in system32, when run from portable device you loose properties Right click menu {but has Calendar.ini, Events.ini & LClock.ini which can all be edited manually}
As far as I can tell it is no longer under development. it can still be downloaded from here though>>>
I found it "Just Works™" I thought someone who is more skilled than me might be interested in refining it and making it into a portable app (well I hope someone will anyway :-))

Thank you for you time I hope LClock meets the right criteria even though it not being developed any more.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 11 hours 27 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Probably Not Going To Happen

While it claims to be GPL license, there is no copy of the GPL included with the install, nor is there any copy of the source available from any of the links given. In addition, The latest 32-bit version I saw doesn't work on Windows 7 x64 and the alpha release 64-bit version is no longer available.

So, because we can't get the source and because it doesn't work on Windows 7 64-bit (which is now the fastest growing Windows OS variant), it simply can't become an official release.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-04 05:19
Damn it :-(

ok thanks John for the reply, I have never tried to make a portable app before and I can't code to save myself But... I would like to give this a try for my own personal use.
We use Mac 10.6 at home and at T.A.F.E Where I'm a student they use XP. Is it or would it be possible for me to make this function a little better as a portable app? if so how?
Like I said I know nothing about this kind of thing but I would love to give it a try if someone could help me and explain to what I would need to do. I've tried Rainlendar and that is cool but I could not get all the features to work with that either, and to use it just as a calender I found it to be heavy at 12Mb where as LCock is not quite 2Mb. any advice would be great I realize that having no source code makes it hard but I'll try anything that could make a difference.
Thanks again!!

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-31 08:39
32 vs 64 bit

The latest 32-bit version I saw doesn't work on Windows 7 x64

Yes, well it wouldn't, would it!

Where shell extensions are concerned, you'd need to use a 64-bit version in order for it to work on your 64-bit version of Windows 7.

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