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Portable PGP?

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Joined: 2008-09-07 14:13
Portable PGP?

I have been following the threads about WinPT, GPG and other portable PGP applications for a while, since a truly portable, stand alone PGP/GPG application would be my current #1 want.

However, for those developing the apps, it seems to be some tough going.

So, I have continued to search...

What about this?

It seems to work, but I don't know anything about it and haven't seen it mentioned in the other threads... It does text and files, so it seems to be just what the doctor ordered, for my needs at least. Does anyone have any experience with it?

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-13 18:10
Nice names.

Other portable PGP projects could be called PGPP, PGPG and GPGP.

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
it is nice thing

I was testing it little bit in last few weeks.
I am also in some communication with authors, trying to explain them that they should make a provision for the software to search for java vm also on our sticks in the common files where we keep the java for the OO purposes.

Presently , the software relays either on the java on the host machine or it looks for it in its own folder.

It has so far no malfuctions in it, processes all keys correctly. OK, it is just an early stage of development, file encryption is somehow incomplete yet, but the guys are working hard on finishing some details in gui and the file encryption.

They seem to be interested to make the think fully compatible with the folder system on our sticks too.

It works so far reliable then any frontends for gpg so far, at least as far as portable is concerned. The frontends have problems with older keys, do not make the linebreaks correctly etc.

This one works very precise and so far produces exactly same results as original pgp or command line operations of gpg.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-12 14:13
Hi there :)

i'm one of the developers of PortablePGP.
I'm very happy to hear that you find the app interesting. I was planning to send an announcement on this forum as I finish some exams but i look someone has preceeded me Smile

Probably you contacted my friend and app co-developer Fabio, we haven't met in these days.
Anyway I think it should be a nice idea to integrate PPGP into PortableApps and i'm sure both of us would be really honoured.

About the app,
it should be no problem to run it with your custom jvm (it just needs unrestricted jurisdiction policies to have been replaced in the jvm folder in order to get rid of ridicoulus default key strength limits, see project homepage for major details).

Actually it lacks of the "Sign and encrypt" function (although it can sign and encrypt separatelly) as someone requested me by mail some months ago.
Bugs about line breaks and older keys sounds new to me, can you gently explain me those?
File encryption should be fine.
I hope to restart coding of the app in this months. At the moment both of us are quite involved with university exams.


Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
Yes with Fabio

I had some communication regarding your beautiful wor.

No the problem with the linebreaks is not in your one, it is occurring sometimes with winpt/gpg, depending on the key in use.
So don't worry, your part is OK from the performance point of view.

I am not able to review any software for correct operation as far as back doors or security flaws ae concerned, so can not comment on this part.
Only the basic functionality looks pretty reliable and fully compatible with what versions of pgp and gpg I had time to test. Anyway, the first compatible product I met so far.

I think once the software is complete, there will be certain number of crypto specialists trying to verify that there are security problems with the application.

As far as the encrypt&sign function, well I am sure this you will manage one day. Also the encrypt to default key, well this is usual feature, will be needed one day.

I will check again also the key management part, some improvement could be done there as well.

But everything can be done better in the world one day.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
ecrypting to not signed key

pgp and gpg provide a kind of warning, if one encrypts to a key which is not known to belong to the recipient indicated.
This is done either by signing the key with own key, marking kind of implicit trust, or via the distributed trust system. If the key is signed by other key in the keyring bearing trust from the user, the key is validate as well.
Such validity of the keys might be marked in the key management, but the warning in the case one does encrypt to not signed or not trusted keys should appear.

As I said, the key management needs some details, like the ability to issue trust to a key issuer or sign a key and one should be able to retrieve somehow the additional signature on the public keys. This could be done in some kind of second window or so, to avoid cluttering of the keyring list. For example doublecklick on the key could open other controll where the key properties could be at least seen or even partly edited. (signed etc)
Some indication of validity, even in very short form would be nice.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-12 14:13
Sign & Encrypt

I've just released the 1.0.3 version of PortablePGP.
Added Sign and Encrypt feature as requests.

The new release is available here ( )

I can't update the site yet because sourceforge shell access is down for manteniance, i'll do it ASAP.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt: A portable PGP application (Windows only)

I just looked at Portable PGP and liked it, especially for its stylish user interface and for the ease of use, really important for new users.

There is another free portable application for Windows (Windows 2000+) implementing the OpenPGP standard, InstantCrypt:


Its encryption engine is GPG. It is not quite as easy to use at first as Portable PGP. On the upside, it has more features, connects nicely to your installed e-mail, and has extensive help files, explanations, and demos. It is written for entry level users of encryption. Loaded on a USB stick it takes between 20 and 40 MB unpacked.

Let me know how you like it!

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
link incorrect

your link is no correct, buz I got the file and will see how it works.

It needs to be checked if it writes something to the local machine etc.

The other ppgp is fun as you have seen, it works with java, it can use java in its own folder, or the java of portable apps or one local installed. I am using it on win and many flavours of linux at the same time, works fine.

Will test your one soon.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
first test

appart from that I di dmanage to run idea algo so far, gpg.conf correct, but somehow it seems not to read the conf file correctly (possibly gpg version problem), it is not nice that you have encrypt and sign at the same time as not changable default.
This has to be configurable by the user. There are cases where this is not wanted to have sig on the cryptext.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt: Signing not optional

it is not nice that you have encrypt and sign at the same time as not changable default.
This has to be configurable by the user. There are cases where this is not wanted to have sig on the cryptext.

Dear Ottosykora,

Thank you for your reply!

You have a point there: InstantCrypt gives no option NOT to sign. Reason: It is a program for entry-level users, and I did not want to make it too complicated for them - for a non-computer nerd, asymmatric encryption is complicated enough (for many of my test users - poor friends and colleagues! - even too complicated).

And a question: Which are the cases when you would not want to sign a text that you send someone? At the moment, I have a hard time imagining one. Let me hear what you think.

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
regshot seems ok
Regshot 1.8.2
Datetime:2010/2/10 11:26:05  ,  2010/2/10 11:46:45
Computer:WS038 , WS038
Username:os , os

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[Pre-tags added by mod SL]

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-11-30 20:44
@ ottosykora

Please edit your post by adding "" tags ( one tag before the regshot and tag after). It will be much more readable like that. Just remove the spaces, as the brackets and letters have to be right next to each other to get the

RegShot entries go here



My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
yes right

was too much in hurry in the lunch time break...

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
Registry Entries of InstantCrypt

It needs to be checked if it writes something to the local machine etc.

Dear Ottosykora,

If you install with the installer, there will be entries in the registry (even if you decide not to register the file extensions). The installer does that. If you install with the zip files, there should be none (at least not to my knowledge).

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
yes reag seem ok

as per the regshot above, it looks ok from the registry point of view.
(I did use the portable zip in that case, not installer as here portable apps are of interest Wink )

will look sometimes into the problem why the gpg.exe does not interpret the conf correctly, as non of the setting made there seems to find its way to the gpg setting, but as I did just very quick check, it can be also on my side.

Anyway, the automatic sig on all operations should be made configurable rather then auto.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

str's picture
Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
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There is also GnuPT-Portable:

Note: The page is in German, and unpack dialog for the SFX (self extracting archive) will be also in German, but afterward the program will also be in English.

Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-19 09:09

Why is this thread so dang wide?? Can it be changed to normal width?


Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt - GPG.conf file

I just want to confirm that InstantCrypt is programmed in a way that ignores the GPG.conf file. Because InstantCrypt is geared to beginners, I preferred to give the user only a limited amount of settings that work instead of giving too many options that confuse someone not-so-expert, and I did not expect them to fiddle with the *.conf file (always a tricky thing even for experts).

Why did I even bother to deploy the *.conf file?? Well, I never bothered to delete it, I guess.

Again, thank you for your scrutiny!

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
ok understand

but in such case you loose lot of functionality, compatibility with older keys etc.

I agree that the conf file is for most people difficult to understand, but one can also provide partial editing for it via some gui settings. Some frontends do that.

If you omit the conf, then you have to implement all those additional fuctions into set of commands for the gpg.exe and this is probably lot of work.

The way it is done now, the software might be for absolute beginner, but such user will then have no chance to learn to use encryption, since he can not start in some safe corner and advance by learning the important details.

I personally can not use your software for general purpose, since I can not make it use version 3 RSA keys, IDEA algo etc, which I need for compatibility reasons.
You have to definitely leave the option of conf setting to the user, otherwise you cut down the gpg.exe to its half. This is definitely not supposed to be done.
You might have your set of setting elsewhere and they may be valid if nothing real is found in the conf file. But if conf has some relevant setting, they have to have priority. You can deploy a 'dummy' conf, as it is done with the gpg anyway. If all is commented out, your setting are valid. If the is an entry and it is valid, it has to replace your own setting. This is how gpg is supposed to be used.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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That cipher currently has patent/trademark protection.

It would be nice to have an "expert mode" instead of forcing "safe" options.

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
but it is needed sometimes

for compatibility reasons, since original pgp does not understand anything else.

The the use for noncemmercial was allways free and patents did expire in most countries by 2007 anyway for that.
The algo is not better or worse then the current once, but for communication with other systems using some ports of orginal command line pgp, the addition of IDEA is essential. This works fine with gpg as used for enigma/TB or winpt or similar, but unfortunately not here.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
key management

has most important functions, but again, as the user learns what it is about, he needs to set trustlevel, needs to keys been marked as invalid when not validated by the other trusted keys on the keyring.

The use of encryption should be not deliberatly made so simplified , that the newbie user thinks thats it and starts using faked keys and similar.

This is something I was telling also other authors which tried to simplify things too much.

Anyway, if someone knows, he can still set up his keyring on a non crippled gpg and copy it then into your product, but many things will still be missing. Pitty.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt's Design Philosophy

Dear Ottosykora,

you have got a point, of course, and maybe I should have made better use of the *.conf file. You are also right that it would be nice to change trust levels etc.

On the other hand, I have given prototypes of InstantCrypt to friends and colleagues, without explanation, just to see how they get along: Are they able to make a key (pair)? Are they able to send it to someone? Do they have an inkling of what they are doing? Can they encrypt and send a message? It was hard for them, plus, with many I felt a psychological resistance about the fact that they had to bother with all this at all. Any additional function would have confused and annoyed them even more. (And people do *not* want to read instructions and don't.)

Under these circumstances, less is more.

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt's Design Challenge

To see if IntstantCrypt meets its goal, do the following:

1. Take someone who is not a computer nerd, who just uses it to exchange e-mails, writes texts, and looks up things on the Internet. Your mother, maybe.
2. Tell the person that you would like confidential e-mailing with them.
3. Tell them that InstantCrypt is a program that could do that.
4. Watch them download, install, and use the program, but do not help them except giving some encouragement.
5. Tell me where they get stuck or that they succeeded and how long it took them (the program has a feedback function).

This is what I really liked about PortablePGP: A clear and simple design, probably better in this respect than mine.

Thank for this discussion, Otto.

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-13 18:10
Expert mode?

How about your default design for beginners and an option to enter "expert mode" that has full features. Azureus does that quite successfully.

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
I got your point

but here we deal with things like cryptography. If someone can not or is not willing or not capable for which ever reason to understand what it is all about, then it is better not to start at all. Or use the 509 cryptography function build in almost every mail client or browser or operating system.

There is no point to make someone belive he is using cryptography and in fact he is not. Except is is all just for fun and should be not more serious as the solitair card game on every PC.

The problem with your software is, that it can be used efficient and safe only by experienced users who will know the hicks of it and will be able to adjust there operations to it.
Same by the way with java ppgp. Many essential functions are missing. But there the problem was slightly different, to include some of the extended features, the program would grow very much, so the aim make it full size was kind of given up.

It can be used fine, if the keyring is prepared in advance on other suitable pgp tool and then imported. This is also valid with your version.
However, the fact, that one can not so simply set let say default key pair , makes it already more tricky. If more then one key pair is present, all ops have to contain a choice of the right pair, otherwise the 'compulsory' signature will be wrong etc.

From the cryptographic point, this is giving the user wrong idea about what it is all about. He thinks it is so simple as the software is presenting it to him. But in fact he produces nothing then fun - junk with it.
It undermines the idea of the pgp-gpg cryptography to some extend by simplifying some of important rules of usage.

So no, the software is definitely no go for a newbie on the subject, it will do more harm then use if left like that.

The idea that someone just has to make his key pair and start encryption should be happy with that is not correct. In such case it is better to leave it completely or install him some verisign 509 key on his machine and he will not even notice much about it.

And in this case , since you are using gpg in its grown up form, and you don't need to program all those compulsory functions yourself, you just have to leave the access to the gpg for the user from the gui, thats all.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
What's the harm?

Regarding InstantCrypt:

... the software is definitely no go for a newbie on the subject, it will do more harm then use if left like that.

Dear ottosykora,

First, thank you for your long answer.

But what is the harm done by using InstantCrypt? I thought I programmed it in a way that, with the limited functions available, the message exchange would be safe even for a newbie user. Maybe not...

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
right but

>But what is the harm done by using InstantCrypt? I thought I programmed it in a way that, with the limited functions available, the message exchange would be safe even for a newbie user. Maybe not...

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt Features

Dear Otto,

A. X.509

You are right that InstantCrypt's features do not amount to much more than the X.509 certificates. And they would be easier. However, and you probably know more about this than I:

- Can you make an X.509 email certificate, e.g., with OpenSSL, and have it signed by one of the official authorities for free?
- If yes, is there an OpenSSL front end that works?
- Can one import such a key without having administrator privileges in Windows?

Let me know, maybe that would really be the way to go.

Otherwise, you would have to persuade your business partners and friends to spend a lot of money just to encrypt things, which they may not want.

(I just had myself an email certificate made by Comodo, for free. But (1) now Comodo has my secret key, and (2) an error happened when I tried to download the key (happens sometimes, said Comodo), and now Comodo wants me to revoke it, etc. That does not seem safe nor especially convenient.)

B. InstantCrypt's Safety Features Regarding Untrusted Keys

1. InstantCrypt gives a warning message when encrypting to an "untrusted" key.
2. InstantCrypt explains when a signature is not valid, with details why (unknown key, invalid key, etc.)
3. InstantCrypt explains what signing is in the signing form and admonishes users to be careful.
4. InstantCrypt explains quite detailed the dangers of impersonation and man-in-the-middle attack in the Help files.
5. When importing a key, you have the possibility to sign it right away. If you click on the Warning button, there are explanations about the risks of signing.
6. InstantCrypt does not allow you to export signatures (all signatures are local), to prevent inexperienced users to create unjustified public trust for keys.

I think these are quite nice security features, reducing the risk of harm to a user. Of course, really careless users may still be duped.

What do you think?

C. Non-Use of GPG.conf

I probably did not even think of using the *.conf file, because I did not want the newbie user to be able to change the standard instructions.

D. More Features / Improvements

Clearsigning etc. would be nice of course. And many things could probably be nicer, too. But do not forget (apart from the complexity issue): I wrote this in my free time. If someone wants all the functions, they should just get PGP for $99, which, in my opinion, is an excellent program. The intentions of my program were more limited, see

E. Webmail Connection

Thanks that you noticed that. The problem is that here InstantCrypt has to communicate with the browser, something that InstantCrypt does not 100% controls. I got to work it on my computers (with XP and Windows 7 and Firefox and Explorer), but it may not work exactly right everywhere.

F. Thanks

And, thanks again for your interest.


Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
ok here again

>A. X.509

- Can you make an X.509 email certificate, e.g., with OpenSSL, and have it signed by one of the official authorities for free?
1. InstantCrypt gives a warning message when encrypting to an "untrusted" key.5. When importing a key, you have the possibility to sign it right away. If you click on the Warning button, there are explanations about the risks of signing.6. InstantCrypt does not allow you to export signatures (all signatures are local), to prevent inexperienced users to create unjustified public trust for keys.C. Non-Use of GPG.conf

I probably did not even think of using the *.conf file, because I did not want the newbie user to be able to change the standard instructions.Clearsigning etc. would be nice of course. And many things could probably be nicer, too. But do not forget (apart from the complexity issue): I wrote this in my free time.E. Webmail Connection

Thanks that you noticed that.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt: solution for GPG.conf problem

Dear Otto,

I found the solution for your problem: Copy the GPG.conf file into the directory "\keys" of your InstantCrypt installation. Then you can use it to choose your options there (but maybe not the default signing key, as InstantCrypt probably overrides any choice of signing key set in GPG.conf). I just did it on my system, worked!

Tell me if this worked for you. Tell me if this changes your appreciation of InstantCrypt: Is it now useful to you?


P.S.: Maybe this is a way to introduce the expert mode in the future. Thanks for the hint! But: Can GPG.conf be a security risk if someone unauthorized changes the settings without the user knowing?

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
ok confirm

the reading of conf file now. It is as you expected not taking in account settings which are later set by intantcrypt itself. Relevant remain only settings which are apparently not touched by the instantcrypt.

Could however run only very brief test, but enabling V3 sigs and keys and idea algo and such things are possible.

One thing seems not to run correctly when used on portable media as stick.
The instantcrypts configuration tells me that the output files will be
in ...\instantcrypt\userfiles\.... but they do in fact second copy lands in a subfolder of MyDocuments on the host system. (it removed later , on exit or?)
Is this so meant to be or did I miss something here?

And yes, discovered the so essential warning when encrypting to invalid keys.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
I'll look into it

The instantcrypts configuration tells me that the output files will be
in ...\instantcrypt\userfiles\.... but they do in fact second copy lands in a subfolder of MyDocuments on the host system. (it removed later , on exit or?)
Is this so meant to be or did I miss something here?

Thanks! Location of user files: I'll have to take a closer look later.
And, no, the userfiles are not removed on exit. The idea was that people can go back later and still have access to encrypted and decrypted files. If you click on the arrows on top of the main form, you can see how the interactions and all the texts are saved just like in an email program. If I deleted these files, you could not do that.
Ot maybe you mean attachment files when you connect with the email? Those are temporarily saved in a subdirectory of My Directory and are deleted after the email has been sent.

The rest later after I looked into it.

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

I see,

yes the user files remain in place.

Confusing was only, that the attachments , being bin files too, go into the user files, but copy is in the attachment files in mydocs and for the mail it directs me to the place in mydocs rather then the place user files. The folder in mydocs is cleared on exit I think.
I was not quite sure what was the intention of this.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt: Attachment Files in My Documents when mailing

Thanks for your feedback!

Yes, I put the Attachment files into a subdirectory of My Documents when mailing with MailTo or with a webmail program, and this folder is deleted after finishing with the email routine.


Problem: Frequently the user has to import the attachment file(s) into his email with the Windows dialog function, meaning, the user has to find the location of the attachment file. That would normally mean the user has to do many clicks to find the file: My Documents | My Computer | (Drive letter): | InstantCrypt | UserFiles | Encrypted. Plus, once there, the user may not remember which file to pick.

InstantCrypt solution: Put the attachment file always into "...\My Documents\InstantCrypt_Attachments". With USB sticks, this has another advantage: no matter which drive letter the computer assigns the USB stick, the to-be-attached files are always at the same place.

If you want to choose a different location, InstantCrypt will put it there in the future (always into the temporary subdirectory "\InstantCrypt_Attachments"). You can also choose the InstantCrypt directory on the USB stick; then it will always use this directory wherever you take the stick. (Do not choose the root directory of the USB stick, this will get you into trouble when the computer assigns a different drive letter the next time.)

Does that sound good? Any better ideas?

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

yes I thought it was something like this behind it.

Q: the mail function will always produce attachment from a text? Is this more simple then copying the ciphertext from the encrypted message control? I mean there is a text to be copied into the body after all, so what was the reason to make it attachment instead of just placing the ciphertext into the mail text window?
Avoid problems of copy paste?
Avoid formating issues with webmailers?

The change of the place for the attachment folder to stick itself works too, seems to need to be set for mailto and webmail separately, makes sense probably.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
Q: the mail function will

Q: the mail function will always produce attachment from a text? Is this more simple then copying the ciphertext from the encrypted message control? what was the reason to make it attachment instead of just placing the ciphertext into the mail text window?

When I tested it, my email program (Thunderbird) slightly changed the cipher text when set to HTML formatting. It became undecipherable. And most people nowadays have set their email program to HTML. By putting the text into the attachment, it will keep intact.
I am lately thinking that maybe I should put it into the attachment *and* the text part of the email. By the way, if you import the attached email text file into InstantCrypt, it will decrypt it and put a copy of the plain text into the text part of InstantCrypt.

The change of the place for the attachment folder to stick itself works too, seems to need to be set for mailto and webmail separately,...

And regarding the temporary directory for attachments when sending by mailto and webmail: It is the same for mailto and webmail. I did not program two different settings for these two cases, because I did not think that was necessary.

Thanks again for you interest!

Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-09-07 14:13
My quest for a truly portable PGP/GPG has continued...

And after testing several options over the past couple of years, I have finally found this:

So far, so good... thoughts?

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
sure tested that one too

but it is very far from being somehow finished. Key management is very basic, you defintely need to manage keys in other software and just copy them into this one if all set perfect. Somehow the copy I have on my stick has just text handling not files, well will see if there are some news in it recently, but all not very much practical.
As front end the winpt portable is much more advanced and useful. Very similar in function to pgp658.
And yes, if you want it portable in the sense of cros platform, the ppgp (java) is not perfect, but good choice.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 6 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
ok had look on the latest version

there is now some very basic file handling, thought behaves little bit strange as far as the name of the output file is concerned, but this is not so big problem for someone who knows what he is doing. It might cause problems when such file is sent to someone with other versions of pgp/gpg, as this files may not be recognized by other software as encrypted files stright away.

There is so far I can see no trace of any clearsigning, neither text nor files, key management still only consist of import and export and deleting. But we will see, one day it might be finished too.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-09-07 14:13
I am finding the same things.

I am finding the same things. It's off to a good start, but it's not very feature rich yet. It's not complete, but I am going to keep an eye on it as promising.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-09 15:13
InstantCrypt 2.2

Just to let you know that I have a new InstantCrypt version out, version 2.2. Some improvements:

1. Increased drag-drop and copy-paste capabilities with an "HTM warning" at first use, warning users that sending open encrypted text in an HTML formatted e-mail may destroy the message (the formatting is not compatible with PGP encryped text).
2. Similar improvements when using the e-mail connection module.
2. Use of newest GnuPG version (1.4.10)
3. Creating RSA 2048 keys instead previously DSA/ElGamal.

Instantcrypt now has an independent endorsement:
And a discussion forum:

I have not changed some of the things criticized here, however. One cannot do everything at the same time. Another thing with priority would be to have it in different languages -- oh, so much work, so little time!


Secure e-mail with InstantCrypt!

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