Hey all.
My PA platform was working just like I wanted until I installed v1.6. Now, it's working fine except that it still disappears when I click away.
I double-checked the settings file (E:\PortableApps\PortableApps.com\Data\PortableAppsMenu.cfg (I think it's a cfg, but this comp doesn't show extensions.)) and made sure that "RemainVisible=True" was under "[DisplayOptions]", closed the platform, restarted, and the problem still remained. I even installed the v2 Beta 4, and I'm still having the same issue.
Can you guys help me out?
It's PortableAppsMenu.ini
It's working fine for me. (2.0 Beta 4)
Are you clicking on the tray icon? Because it's suppose to disappear when you click on that. It stays if you click on another window.
Switch to 2.0 Beta 4. It's the same as 1.6 but with theming enabled and a fix for the systray icon that was interfering with show/hide and remainvisible.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The OP said above that he already tried 2.0b4, with the same result.
Thanks for letting me know that its a .ini
And no, I'm not clicking on the tray icon. Whenever I click on the background, it disappears. But if I click over to another window, it stays. Is this supposed to happen, or am I having some weird issue?
BTW I discovered that this only happens with Windows 7.
Okay, now it looks like a bug >_