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Bookmarking a FRAME from "Bookmarks - Bookmark This Page" menubar item

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Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-13 13:05
Bookmarking a FRAME from "Bookmarks - Bookmark This Page" menubar item

I am using Firefox Portable for my application, and it is working very well, so-far. Currently, the only way to bookmark a frame is a mouse-right-click within a frame and select "This Frame-Bookmark This Frame" menuitem.

Now, here is my challenge: I want to bookmark a frame from the Bookmarks menu. This implies I customize the "Bookmarks-Bookmark This Page" to actually bookmark a FRAME and NOT the FRAMESET. It currently bookmarks the frameset even when you invoke it from a frame.

How can I duplicate the functionality of "This Frame-Bookmark This Frame" mouse-right-click menuitem in "Bookmarks-Bookmark This Page" menubar item? I am currently working on addBookmarkForBrowser() function in browser.js, without any success so-far.

I want to customize the "Bookmark-Bookmark This Page" menuitem so that I can actuall bookmark a frame and not the frameset from "Bookmarks-Bookmark This Page" menubar item.

Expedient and contributing help is appreciated.

p.s. Bookmarked pages in the Bookmarks grid does NOT work if you remove "File-Work Offline" from File menu. Is this a Firefox "bug" or what?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 1 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
You can't

You can't. It would be unfriendly to have a bookmark this frame option in the Bookmarks menu. How would Firefox know WHICH frame you wanted to bookmark? You'd have to build an interface to let the user choose.

Either way, if you really want to dig into something like this, head to mozillaZine as this is really a general Firefox question. Oh, and keep in mind that if you make a change like this, you can't redistribute the altered version with the Firefox name or logo intact.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-13 13:05
Yes I can, and I just did

I accomplished exactly my challenge. Remember this is my customized firefox portable, so I do NOT intend to redistribute it with Firefox name or logo intact. Thanks.

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