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I can't log into anything in Firefox

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Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-26 12:10
I can't log into anything in Firefox

I can't log into any of my accounts it seems with the exception of this one. Gmail, newegg, ebay, delicious, facebook, etc. all wont log in on firefox. I go to the home pages and then click the login button but then it does nothing and just sits there and acts like its constantly loading. I never actually get to the log in screen. I have tried the trick of typing about:config and changing the "network.http.sendRefererHeader" to 1, mine was set at 2, and that still didn't do anything. Surely sombody out there knows how to solve this because people log into the accounts from firefox all the time. Can anyone help me?

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
At a loss

Maybe some "helpful" software is blocking you? Or maybe some not so helpful software. Perhaps it's time to run a few malware/virus scans.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-26 12:10
I have done this from

I have done this from multiple computers in multiple locations so i doubt it is software, the only way that could be is if it was on my usb and the only thing on my usb is the portbale apps suite.

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
Has to be PortableFirefox

So you can't log into those sites from anywhere, using FirefoxPortable? Assuming that you can log into those sites using other browsers and from multiple locations, then the only possible answer is that your portableapps are the cause of the problem. Try downloading a different browser like GoogleChromePortable or SeaMonkeyPortable, and see if you still have the same problem.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-26 12:10
Funny you should mention

Funny you should mention that, i have another support post on google chrome, i can't install it, everytime i download it (from multiple locations on different computers) and try to install it, in the middle of the install i get the message "The Downloaded copy of Google Chrome is not valid and cannot be installed". Now my other question is if it is FirefoxPortable that is the problem, how come nobody else has this problem, other people are downloading this from the same site i am and they have no problems. This makes absolutely no sense.

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
Because, because...

Because it's become corrupt, possibly due to drive failure, which also explain why GoogleChrome won't install either. Maybe your flash drive is about ready to go to that great USB Hub in the sky.

You could always try installing FirefoxPortable or GoogleChromePortable to an actual computer hard drive and see if it works that way.

The problem is not with the files on this site, as you say, hundreds if not thousands of users are using them daily without issue. The problem is specifically with your setup/configuration, and as stated above perhaps your flash is about to die.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-26 12:10
Flash drive is brand new,

Flash drive is brand new, literally got it last week. And i have tried this on another usb thinking maybe it was the usb, different brand completely blank, and still get the same problems as stated. And i guess i don't know what you mean by my setup/configuration, i have these problems with it straight out of install on all the default configurations, the only changes i have made have been ones suggested to get things to work.

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41

Are you sure something like McAfee isn't trying to be "helpful" and blocking your flash drive activities?

Otherwise I'm at a complete loss. The only thing left is government conspiracy specifically against you, alien abduction... nothing really useful beyond this point. Sorry.

btw, just because something is brand new doesn't mean it isn't faulty, but since you've tried another drive I guess we can rule this out.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-26 12:10
Well i hope somebody else can

Well i hope somebody else can help, there is a common element here, it's signing into a website: newegg, amazon, gmail, delicious, ebay, etc. I can't login to these. There has got to be something common between all of these that is preventing firefox from letting me login, but letting me login from IE. I hope somebody has an idea.

computerfreaker's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-11 11:24
What addons do you have?

What addons do you have? Also, do you have cookies disabled? Some sites do that endless-loop thing if you've got cookies turned off, and addons like AdBlock Plus or NoScript can occasionally trigger something like this, too.
If you start Firefox in Safe Mode, does anything change?

"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-26 12:10
No addons, cookies enable,

No addons, cookies enable, java enabled, have tried clearing cookies and cache and restarting.

computerfreaker's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-11 11:24
Any saved passwords? Does a

Any saved passwords?
Does a clean install fix the problem?

"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-26 12:10
No and NO

No and NO

computerfreaker's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-11 11:24
Try installing it to your

Try installing it to your hard drive and see if that fixes the problem.

EDIT: you haven't mentioned your system specs. Could you tell me what OS you've got, how much RAM, and what kind & size of USB drive you're using?

"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41

I see lots of circles going on here... I made this suggestion myself.

Perhaps a checklist should be compiled to ensure that we've covered all the bases:

  • Run a virus scan on your USB drive. You can use your main Anti-Virus solution and ClamwinPortable, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or some other program to get a second opinion.
  • Assuming your drive comes back clean, backup your existing PortableApps suite including FirefoxPortable (to CD or hard disk drive, whatever medium works for you)
  • Check your USB drive for errors
  • Delete FirefoxPortable, and perform a complete reinstall of FirefoxPortable
  • If that doesn't work, ensure you can sign in from a different browser, i.e. IE; Internet Explorer. If you can't the problem is with the Internet being blocked somehow. If you can then continue...
  • Try Internet Explorer from a different computer preferably in a different physical location from the computer you are trying to use. If it doesn't work there's something wrong with your particular accounts on those sites. If it works then continue...
  • Now try FirefoxPortable on the other computer, If it works then umm... that's strange, something on your computer is preventing FirefoxPortable from running normally. If not then continue...
  • Download and install GoogleChromePortable on your regular PC. Try it. If it works then the problem is with FirefoxPortable. If it doesn't then continue...
  • Install FirefoxPortable to your local hard drive (typically your C: drive), doesn't really matter where. Try it.
  • If that doesn't work and you can still log in with IE then it seems like something is blocking FireFoxPortable. If it does work, then something is wrong with your flash drive.
  • Beyond that and without going in to painful detail you've pretty much eliminated software and hardware failure, so the only thing left is Internet or user. And when I was talking about "setup/configuration" earlier, I'm talking about everything related to your computer... from the actual hardware you're using to everything you've got installed on the operating system. Something, somewhere about your setup/configuration is different from everyone else on this site because nobody else is having this problem.

    As ComputerFreaker suggested.. you might want to post as much information about your computer as possible.

    To anyone else, feel free to add to the checklist anything else you think I've missed, I kinda reeled this off in a hurry.

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