Hello! My questions are rather theoretical than practical, as it is possible to make things work without solving the following 2 problems, but still...
I have 2 questions:
1) Related to Firefox 3.6 Portable (Sorry if it was discussed earlier, but I failed to find any solution...)
I am trying to make Firefox pass *.torrent files, that I download, directly to uTorrent Portable. I can configure it through "Helper App menu" (Tools->Options->Applications->...), but the path to the executable ("uTorrent Portable.exe") is absolute (like "E:\PortableAppsSuite\uTottentPortable\uTorrentPortable.exe") and I need something relative (like "%PORTABLE_APPS_FOLDER%\uTorrentPortable\uTorrentPortable.exe"). I understand that Firefox of course can not know where the %PORTABLE_APPS_FOLDER% is, so I mean here any possible sequence like "..\..\uTorrentPortable\uTorrentPortable.exe". I also tried altering "mimeTypes.rdf" in the user profile folder, but it resulted in nothing (Firefox simply switched file association to default settings; I tried "..\..\etc." in hope that it will lead to upper folders (worked fine in uTorrent and Total Commander) but Firefox seems to understand only absolute paths or I simply do not know global variables for Firefox if they exist(like %WINDIR% for windows or %COMMANDER_PATH% for Total Commander)). So, is there any possible solution?
2) Related to uTorrent Portable 1.8.5 (maybe I was supposed to create another topic...)
uTorrentPortable launches nicely, works fine, and I noticed nothing bad except one thing: when uTorrentPortable is NOT launched and when I use Firefox to pass newly downloaded torrent file via "Helper Apps Association" targeted to IMPORTANT!!! "uTorrentPortable.exe", uTorrentPortable launches, takes the torrent and asks me to choose saving location, so it has to work in this way... BUT when I download another torrent file, Firefox passes it to "uTorrentPortable.exe" and uTorrentPortable is ALREADY launched... nothing happens. This problem is not encountered in case I pass torrent file to "uTorrent.exe" but not "uTorrentPortable.exe". (uTorrent.exe asks to choose saving location in both cases: when Firefox launches it, and when it is already launched). So, I guess it is some kind of a bug... (sorry if it is not). Any ideas?
ps sorry for possible structural/punctuational mistakes - English is not my native
For helper apps, read here:
The launcher handles the path change for you as you move drives.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
@ HeavilyInfested: I don't know the solution to your problem. And your English is good
@ JTH:
While the answer to his 1) part of the question is covered by your post, please take a look at these parts:
I don't know how to help, if you John would be kind enough to help him again with taking these particular quoted parts in consideration while answering...
I'm not scolding you or anything
I know you're busy and don't have a lot of time to answer lot's of different questions and stuff... Also, I noticed 1 typo on the page you linked in your post. (Under "Improving Firefox Portable's Performance")
It should be
Anyway, thanks for the release of TBP, John
Keep up the good work!
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
Thank you John!
I must say launcher ROCKS! Everything works greatly! Drive Letter changes automatically and I am sorry for not trying this easy check by myself and for lack of attention while I was reading the article
But I do not know how to solve the 2nd issue with uTorrentPortable...
I believe this due to the uTorrentPortable.nsi script, not containing the LaunchAndExit part.
It seems to just Goto TheEnd, whenever uTorrentPortable started while already running.
If you include the following in the script, it should behave better!
[edit: forgot to add 'Goto TheEnd', in LaunchNow]
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Well, I changed uTorrentPortable.nsi in the way you suggested, but it did not work for me... uTorrentPortable still accepts torrent files from Firefox only when it is not launched...
Maybe I did something wrong, and in case you managed to fix the problem and successfully tested uTorrentPortable, you could send your version of modified uTorrentPortable.nsi on my e-mail?(HeavilyInfested@gmail.com)
I would really appreciate it
A .nsi script has to be (re)compiled, in order it to be run !
Anyway here is a link: http://www.mediafire.com/?mzy1tn2nzy2
All you really need is the executable, the rest is the source code.
I gave it a small test and should work better
For the rest it's up to Wraightdu or JTH to decide they want to address this problem. Really this should be fixed in the official release !
Ps.: Did you check your email ???
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Gringoloco, thank you very much!
Your newly compiled uTorrentPortable.exe works right as I wanted it to!
Now there is one more very happy Portable Apps user
p.s. yes, I checked my e-mail
I'm packaging up the new uTorrent release and this will be fixed in it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The ability to pass in torrents after uTorrent Portable is already running has been added in the 2.0 release just posted.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!