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File association

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i420cc's picture
Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-10 21:51
File association

I'm new to PortableApps Suite, I've been looking for a portable applications solution, and I had tried LiberKey, Pstart, tiny USB office, Lupo PenSuite, and WinPenPack already.

PortableApps seems to be the most up2dated one, but there's an advantage from WinPenPack I would like PortableApps to have. File association.

Without it, we could carry our portable apps moving around, but we choose and open application first then choose the file to work with after we plug in our pen drive. But with file association, after I plug in the pen drive (to any computer) I can choose a file in file explorer then double click on it then the portable application on my pen drive will start to deal with it. If the file is a .txt, then notepad++ will start, if I choose a .odf file, then OO.o on pen drive will know it comes its time to serve. At the end, when I pull out my pen drive, the file accessories become back to the way it was, Notepad to .txt, WinWord to .doc for example.

I've noticed WinPenPack include an application named C.A.F.E. taking care of this part, and I'm wondering what's the solution from PortableApps about it.

I might choose PortableApps for its up2date, but also WinPenPack for its file associations (which I think could make portable applications more and really PORTABLE)


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 37 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

The equivalent is eXpresso, it's the updated version of CAFE. It's here in our forums. The original CAFE was pretty outdated, so we had CAFE Mod done by one of our devs here. The version of CAFE in other suites is nearly always Cafe Mod from here, though sometimes they don't credit our dev.

Here's the current eXpresso build:

File associations will be built in to an upcoming release of the platform as well.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

i420cc's picture
Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-10 21:51
note with many thanks.

note with many thanks.

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