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I Wanna Slap those @#$% at Microsoft

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I Wanna Slap those @#$% at Microsoft

God!! I'm sorry but I've had enough of those twats at Microsoft they can't possibly understand the word help!
I've been trying for the last 8 hours to install MS Office 2010 beta I downloaded from here Microsoft Office 2010 Beta and every time I get the same error message Microsoft Office 2010 Beta Error message now I'm frustrated and I just want to slap someone! I've contacted their product help via phone and reinstalled Win 7 as instructed now their only help is for me to upgrade my 24" iMac 3.06 ghz and all the rest of it... WTF??? I've been googling for hours I've downloaded every kb tool they provide updated to stuff I don't need {even every language pack just in case} what more am I to do? besides go back to the sanity of my mac until I'm forced to use their warped idea of an OS!!! now I'll have to reinstall office 2007 great huh?!

Rant over now... no offence intended to anyone I'm just very angry and had to vent it before it got physical... hmm punching bag here I come...

pay me no mind thanks for your time I'm sure I'll look back and laugh at this some day... I hope

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Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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this is why i never use the latest greatest s*#t

i have 2007 Enterprise with 10 liscenses so i will not need M$ office 2010 and i am sure as heck wont use a BETA version of it. if you want sympathy you wont get it from me.

OliverK's picture
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Windows is a good operating

Windows is a good operating system. So is linux. Trying to shove windows on a mac is a bad idea- apple hates little people like you.

Have you used internet exploder to download it? I know that none of my downloads from microsoft has ever worked, unless i used ie.

definitely looks like a "Use ie you insubordinate ****". No offense directed at you. Fill in stars with whatever you wish. Just know, I think that they are the "insubordinate ****" for requiring that.

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Oni-Neoxes's picture
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I agree with IE

Most probable solution right there.

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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i had a problem with that

2007 Enterprise was a 4.2GB download so IE could not handle it. i had to use WinGet Portable to download it. then agian i waited 10 days for my DVD to arrive via mail Smile

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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I like a laugh!

Well on the bright side, this thread gave me a laugh... no offense taken here. Smile

Although I have to ask... what's wrong with Open Office Portable? Biggrin

Mir's picture
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OO.o or Lotus Symphony are 2 GRRRRREEEEAAAATTT options.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
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My Tafe course

My Tafe course teacher gives anyone an instant fail if you submit work in anything else other than .docx I don't think and I do not know if open office can do that {I personally prefer open office} also we are allowed to have portableapps at our tafe campus but they will not allow open office, firefox, thunderbird or google chrome.. I honestly don't know why but that is the way it is unfortunately? I have heard they think those four pose the greatest risk of corrupting their network {I find that hard to believe but those are Tafe's rule I guess}

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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School expects you buy software?

so this teacher expects you to buy Microsoft Office? Tell Mr Tafe he knows what he can get you for Christmas. (actually don't do that, but your parents can)

Do your work in Open Office at home (assuming it doesn't support DocX) and then re-save it on a school computer in the appropriate format. If the school doesn't have Microsoft Office 2075 or whatever is then I'd ask your parents to get in touch with the school. It seems completely unreasonable that a school should expect their students to fork out however much money it is to buy software.

I would say that only in very exceptional circumstances should a mandatory purchase of software be imposed on students and that would be in situations where you are taking a very specific course of study and require specialized software such as in some kind of engineering program.

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I did have Open Office

before I started tafe I'd always use Open Office but when I started tafe I was forced out of necessity to buy M$ office {and by my own stupidity I brought from a local store which meant I got a Win version and then 3 months latter I brought an iMac which for me the iMac has been great} and when I brought the mac I got iwork '09 for free so I had been using that instead... I'm doing an adult literacy and numeracy course to get my year 12 equivalency then I'm moving to a computing course so I can learn what I need to contribute to things like PortableApps and other open source communities.

and as much as apple would like you to believe iwork isn't as compatible with M$ office as they say it is {that's my experience anyway I could be wrong on that}..

in short you have hit the nail on the head 100%

NathanJ79's picture
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"Mr Tafe"

Mr Tafe = "Technical And Further Education" (right?)

If it's anything like a community college here in the States, their student bookstore may sell the software you need at a ridiculously low price. I'm talking burger, fries, and a Coke price. Sonoma State University in Cotati, CA -- Windows XP Pro, Office 2003, and Office.mac were all going for USD $10 each back in 2003. Legal copies, too, not some crippled "Academic" version. Had Windows. Scored Office 2003. Didn't like it. Had Office XP. Went back to that. Office 2007 is real nice, and if you buy it now, in certain situations (not sure yours counts) they'll upgrade you to Office 2010 for free.

The key is to use the program you like to author your document, but keep the formatting at a minimum. Save to a format both apps support. Then load it in the program you're supposed to use, apply the formatting, finish it up (this should take 10 minutes tops), and turn in your .docx file.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
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unfortunately tafe

"Technical And Further Education" you are right! Smile unfortunately tafe here does not do that... for now I'll stick with office '07 under boot camp. I was only trying 2010 because our teacher said it was the best way to go and that as soon as it is released he would prefer we kept up to date... but it wasn't essential unlike the .docx thing

** now I've calmed down I look at my first post and laugh. and I'm sure other will laugh at it and me for a long time to come but hey that is life and if you can't laugh at your self with others well I believe your a human doing not a human being**

EDIT** our son just told me to go to the torrent site he uses Demonoid and get office 2008 that way but although I have used torrents on many occasions I feel that it wouldn't be the right thing to do**

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 weeks ago
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Torrenting = bad, indeed

Torrenting something is bad indeed. Demonoid and other private sites are really bad because they require you to register. Basically if they get heat from Big Content, they're gonna sell you out to save their sorry hides. Also there is no such thing as Office 2008. Something called that is probably Office 2007 with service packs and updates current through 2008. And I won't go so far as to say "it probably has a trojan/viruses" but I will say it's a good possibility that it has some kind of malware in there.

The "right" thing to do would be, barring purchasing Office 2007/2010, using OpenOffice and then having MS Office convert to .docx at school.

PS -- To avoid confusion, you might refer to "tafe" as TAFE, which lets people know it's an acronym. Or just put "tafe (school)" the first time you use it, so non-Australians know what you mean. I have two Australian friends and one New Zealand friend online and I've never heard them use the term. I've only ever heard it here.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
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point taken

Point taken on the TAFE thing my bad sorry.. and I should have been more clear on the Office 2008 thing too... I should have said Microsoft Office 2008 for mac (which there is) again my bad for not being clearer sorry.

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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Torrenting is not bad.

It is actually quite powerful. I highly recommend looking into it.

Microsoft torrents these days do contain malware. It is trivial to inject malware into closed source software, such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite 4.

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 weeks ago
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Torrenting vs. pirating

Well BitTorrent itself is a very viable protocol for sending large files. Case in point, my brother got his computer from me, but I wound up with the drivers CD, which sort of worked like a magic wand. Install Windows, put this disc in, and everything was good. Skip the disc and, well, he couldn't find drivers for half his stuff. I'd made him a copy of the disc (I had a .iso of it on my computer, and lost the original) but he lost that. So I opened uTorrent, made a torrent for the .iso, emailed him the torrent, and he proceeded to download it from me. It was pretty neat.

And, of course, the benefits of torrenting Linux distributions speaks for itself.

The problem is untrusted torrents, e.g. those from TPB. You just don't know what someone put in there.

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People should always know what they are getting into. That's part of the reason for those private sites you mentioned - trust. A newbie has no way of knowing if something closed source has been tampered with, but experienced users usually know the scene well enough. Bittorrent itself is a decentralizing, democratizing innovation.

It's been said again and again that one of the reasons why Windows has millions of viruses as compared to Linux is that Microsoft's market share makes them a target. I would point out that Microsoft specializes in software monopolies. That makes MS Office a prime target for people wanting to spread malware.

MS engages in illegal anticompetitive practices to establish de facto "standards." The original poster mentioned a teacher that gives automatic failing grades to people that don't use a current MS format. That gives people who would otherwise avoid MS Office a need to use it. To me, that is a far worse situation than making an unauthorized copy.

One of the natural results of closed-source software monopolies is people seeking out alternative to purchasing, and people exploiting that to spread malware. It doesn't help that the operating system (a monopoly) is so easily broken.

Darkbee's picture
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Torrents can be legal

Since we've utterly hijacked this baby, I guess we might as well take the thread anywhere we wanna go.

I've noted lately that a lot of the major torrenting tracker sites are being forced into having only legitimate stuff on their site. Kinda reminds me of the crack down on MP3s that happened a few years ago. I don't know if I should or can mention them here but sites that I used to go to download TV shows no longer have them.

Of course with TV shows, the major TV networks have finally pulled their heads out of their @$$es and realized that streaming media is the future. So, now they have the shows available right on their own websites, so no need to download them illegally anymore.

However, as mentioned there are plenty of legal uses for torrents

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That's true.

Various national policies are mostly irrelevant to me.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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To which HFS or FileZilla

To which HFS or FileZilla Server could also have managed Smile

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Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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+1 for HFS! Cool little program.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Indeed. Used it to send some

Indeed. Used it to send some files from my laptop to my desktop. Sadly, transfering 32 gb of data takes way to long over a peaks-at-15mbit-but-spends-most-of-its-time-bouncing-up-to-there-from-1mbits.

Wonder what would have happened if I'd used a wired connection . . . .

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Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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File Copy Software for LAN

Maybe you could use something like LANPump or CopyHandler instead. They might be more robust for your situation. Of course, any software is still dependent on the reliability of your wireless network.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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hehe. I'd use the FTP on my

hehe. I'd use the FTP on my server, but I don't have enough room! Blum

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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Change the file extension from .doc to .docx

The OS should start Office when he double clicks it, and Office should open it. If he can't get it to work, tell him that his ignorance isn't your fault.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
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no luck with IE

no luck with IE either Sad same error

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we interupt this program to bring the topic back

just thought I'd say that I've just brought a legit copy of M$ Orifice from the apple store...
now back to your scheduled programming...

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Seeing as

Seeing as this has gone off topic,
We're looking at buying a laptop in the near future
and we've found two that we like on ebay so I thought I'd ask here to see what you thought which would be the more reliable and have the better long haul features?

I like the HP DV9000 and my partner likes and has made an offer on the Dell E4300 which we have checked and it also has bluetooth... but as we have never owned a laptop before and we don't know all there is to know about them {although we have been researching as much as possible...} we would like to know if anyone can shed some grand insight or use their laptop knowledge to help us decide please????

We love our iMac

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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Hi Jack!

So is this a "catch all" thread now? Smile

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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do a barrel roll

[insert witty remark here]

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the DV9000 is a sturdy laptop. i dont know about that perticular dell seeing as i am more into the Vostro line and the D series. the perk with dell is they are pretty and have some good online service manuals. hp looks pretty but has better support imho. BUT seeing as you are looking at ebay screw the support from both. as soon as they find out you bought it on ebay they might be very unhelpful.

This is especialy true if you get a HP or Dell with all the stickers missing. like for example i got a dell that was missing its express tag. no OS no drivers no HDD and unruly tech support soured my experience.

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it's funny you should say about the dell being pretty that's what first made my partner like it lol... the hard part for me is I like the HP as it seems to have everything I could need/want and a 17" screen but the Dell from what I read is very extendible with all the things the HP has and a WWAN card {I have not been able to find out if the HP can have this as well} which would save on having a usb dongle for our wireless broadband latter on

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I've just found out that the offer that my partner made was excepted for the Dell E4300 specs & info here so the decision has been made we are buying the Dell... As we are used to macs can someone take a look and tell me what to expect ie pros and cons please? I'm happy with it I guess, the missus is over the moon that she gets the laptop she wanted, I'm just hoping this model isn't a lemon (although it seems to be quite a good unit from my research anyway)

on another note maybe the thread title should be changed to something else as it is now off topic and getting more interesting, maybe a general Q & A thread or something??????

thank you all for your time!!! Smile

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Well... I am sort of neutral on the subject of which OS is better, but i will never use a MAC... the only reason I use windows and not Linux is compatibility. also, every time i have a guest, i dont wanna have to choose ubuntu, fedora, ect to teach to them. I used to use their 2010 thing, but i downgraded back to 2007 coz of better compatibility @ school.

Michael Thompson
ect ect ect...

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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you know the original subject was not about OS's but about the corprate policys and an office suite.

xcanox's picture
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There is only one solution to your problem..

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your Mistake is.................................................

Your first mistake was thinking MS Office in the first place,

go Open Office.

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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did you bump an old thread to state what has already been stated?

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