Now that programs in windows 7 seem to want to hang around on the task bar rather than minimizing to the systray maybe something like TrayEverything would be nice to have.
It appears to be freeware but doesn't look like it has been updated for about a year?
DM2, which is open source, is also worth a look. It can't completely hide a window, but it has some other features.
DM2 is great. I haven't used it on Vista/7 (only XP) but, according to this, "almost all of the features work flawlessly in Windows Vista". It's already portable but I've been using a PAF version for a while now without any problems. If anybody's interested in testing, let me know and I'll upload it.
Don't all rush at once...
Looks like a useful app, i would like to test it.
May the Shwartz be with you
I would be interested in the PAF version, please.
I've never experienced problems in Vista or 7, but I don't use all of the features.
Shoot it my way, prapper. I'll test it for you.
Looks interested I can see me checking it out on XP SP3
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
That was a rush, comparatively speaking
Let me give it a quick once over (I notice I only updated it last month so it should be fine) and then I'll post it. Expect to see it sometime tomorrow.
Both of these applications offer the ability to minimize windows to the system tray rather than the task bar.
ClickyGone has a portable version and has the most options of the two:
TrayTask is inherently portable and has no options to speak of:
Perhaps one of these will suit your needs, though I do not know if they will work under Win7. It can't hurt to try though.
"My dear Mr Gyrth, I am never more serious than when I am joking."
~Albert Campion