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Czech locale for Xenon 2.0

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Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 02:03
Czech locale for Xenon 2.0

I would like to create Czech locale for Xenon, but need at least small advice.

I searched in the source included in xenon package and found zip file with *.po files. Ok, it is not problem for me to look for example on standard En_us file and on polish file in PSPad editor and then create a copy of the English one and add the Czech strings.

But as I see, the translation for xenon are some binary *.mo files. I also saw, that for example the chinese translation is in *.ini file and it confused me a little.

What is the right procedure?

thanks much

Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-30 20:44

Hi. I'm not a developer of Xenon or anything, just trying to explain about the files...

The *.PO and *.MO files are very usual in today programming and programs. They make life easier, and the program load a little bit quicker. something.PO file is actually the same as something.MO file, you just need to convert it with something like Poedit-or. You translate the given .PO file with Poedit, and than simply convert it into .MO file with the same program. Usually, it's enough if you translate that .PO file in any text editor and send it to the programmer, he'll know what to do with it.

So you don't even need this program, you translate only .PO file and it's more than good.

IMPORTANT: if you edit them with a plain text editor, don't forget to encode it in UTF-8, which is also referred to as "Unicode without BOM" in some editors! That is because by default the files are encoded in ANSI, which doesn't support special characters like Ě or like Ž...

If you are interested into why programmers use .PO and .MO files, it's simple. Binary files always load faster than plain-text ones. That is one of the principles of putting everything in DLL, RES and many other binary files. That's also one of the reasons why with Registry in Windows, apps are supposed to launch faster than with their settings stored into ini files (but in this case we also have RAM vs. HD I/O speed). To make the long story short, .PO and .MO files are a standard that makes programs load their textual parts of GUI a lot faster, but remain to be just as easily editable as with any text editor...

Hope this helped. Cheers Smile

My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 02:03
Czech translation complete

I finished the Czech language files, so posting a link here:

File Name: XENON_cs.7z
Size: 5KB | Description: Czech language files for XENON 2.0

The archive contains both *.po and *.mo files and also the html page about Xenon in Czech.

However I was unable to test it as I did not find out which number should I use in the "lang.txt" file. I tried to find appropriate number according to known number for locales already present, but without success Sad

But I suppose that someone here will know what to do with it Smile

PS: many thanks to dboki89 for advice Smile

Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-30 20:44

You're welcome Smile

Btw, I don't know if this is the number you are referring to, but I've seen LocaleID=1029 being used for Czech in some programs, namely PortableApps Platform. Maybe you can try with that, but as you said, the programmer or someone else should know what to do with it.

Cheers Smile

My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.

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