I've been playing an old game I dug up recently and have been having some good old fashion fun... the game is Future Cop L.A.P.D I mainly play the precinct assault side of the game and some friends of mine have it too... So we got to wondering if there are any portable {or not} alternatives to this game that are more up to date and if we were really lucky one with multi-player similar to Halo Custom Edition any ideas??? it doesn't have to be a perfect match but as close as possible??????
thanks for your time!!
there is some portable applications (like ceedo),that can cause almost any windows application to run as a portable application by using windows emulator,but it may not be freeware.
some of them are Application Menus.
I'll look into it
one of my mates said he used thinstall???.
I'm surprised there hasn't been another game like Future cop L.A.P.D
thinstall application is not portable.
the think that god about thinstall application is that the files are compressed what save file storage space.
all the saves that a thinstall application need to save is written to system drive.
Having just briefly looked a screenshot and having no knowledge of the game whatsoever, have you tried Warzone 2100 Portable, it's probably a little more heavily strategy focused but with the right options you can probably get down to some good old fashioned blasting action with the minimum of fuss.
That's the best I have, sorry.
that Action CUBE game is a FPS
I have heaps of games like that for both Win and Mac...
nexuiz assaultcube_portable
Open Arena Subvein
warzone_2100_portable Open Source Games for Windows most of these games are Linux based but have a version or port for Windows and Mac!!
{it's a long shot but I wonder if some of these could be drafted into PortableApps.com?
other than the ones that already are of course}
What about Netpanzer? It's a sort of stripped down Warzone 2100, i.e. all the research and complicated production methods are removed and the game is mostly about controlling units en masse to take over enemy's bases. It's also open source so that's a bonus.
I haven't played it in a while but it looks like development is back full-throttle (the game kinda died for a while).
Netpanzer would also be a great addition to the PA.c stable... hint hint to the powers that be.
I'll take a look now...
I've got a heap of work to do on the mac and I can't get it to work on there? I can't get Scons to install. So I'll have a try on windows later, I hope it's easier to setup there.
***ok got it to work through darwinports or "macports" cool game it's the closest suggestion yet and I like it
I think it would be good to add this to PA.c... BUT... I think it would need an easier way to play local lan games and an easier way to add bots {if you don't want to play against someone or if there is no one to play against for example}
other than easier local play and the ability to add bots to play against {if needed} I would love to see this game as a PortableApp!!! thanks for letting me know about it***
I haven't played it on the Mac in a while but I do seem to remember it being a little fiddly there. (same with Scorched3D, which incidentally might be another good suggestion).
Glad you like it. I actually played it for a while yesterday (I haven't in a while). I forget what a fun little blaster it is to kill an hour or two.
just spent an hour on scorched3D... where did that hour go???
{no fuss setup on mac just downloaded from sourceforge and played.... AWSOME!!}
Scorched3d is ridiculously simple, yet ridiculously addictive!
I desperately want to have a LAN Party just so that I can play it with a dozen buddies. The potential for taunting, deriding and minor outbursts of physical violence is mouth-watering.
"You sunk my Battleship" on steroids!
Have you tried the Apocolypse Mod? It's hilarious... oops I just nuked Pakistan and France, my bad!
I seem to be repeating myself but S3D is another game that I haven't played in a while either, so I'll have to get back into it again.
"hint hint to the powers that be" - this "mini-power wannabe" (have I gotten that far yet?
) says "yes".
I'm leaving again on Monday, as Spring Break is ending, but I'll be happy to take a look today/tomorrow. Open source means no complicated, pain-in-the-backside negotiating with the owner(s) for packaging rights, so I actually have a decent chance of doing this before I go.
Wish me luck!
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I've got some bad news for you guys: it looks like Netpanzer relies on IE for some of its functions. That means a lot of left-over trash, and therefore no PAF compliance.
I might be able to figure out a workaround, but it's not looking good atm.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Really? That surprises me, what for server browsing stuff? I don't think Internet Explorer is available for Linux.
Not that I doubt your word.
I do know that settings are stored in .netpanzer folder in Documents and Settings user folder but you probably figured that much out already.
I ran it in Sandboxie; here's what I came up with.
Reg keys: (a lot of keys related to IE, including security zones, cookies, cache, etc.; not worth posting here, since it's just typical IE garbage)
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
All IE stuff, except the .netpanzer folder. (Even the map editor created that stuff)
I tried to contact the dev; I went into #netpanzer and found the guy who made a Mac port of Netpanzer, years ago. His reaction was almost exactly what yours is. "...what??? Then how did I make a Mac port?"
My own theory is that one of Netpanzer's internal libs is doing the Internet stuff, and is using IE on Win and something else on Mac/Linux (maybe WebKit on Mac? idk about Linux)
I'll keep trying to contact the dev, but it doesn't look so good given that I've got to leave on Monday. (Although... I'm more inclined to stay on until I can catch the Netpanzer dev and ask him a couple of questions. Then, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to put out a truly-portable version of Netpanzer before I fade out again.)
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
He he...
ccc... computerfreaker, when you have time to read this, I totally agree on the quoted part, and I hope you don't interpret this as scolding... But it is, in a way...
Have you remembered to run sandboxed Windows Explorer first, to generate RegHive and those IE crappy index.dat files, before looking at what was created? I can already hear you say "oh, but where's the fun in that
I just downloaded the original netPanzer, and checked it. It came out clean. Nothing in the registry except for the Windows crap (MRU, MUI...). No files added or edited, except inside the %USERPROFILE%\.netpanzer\ folder (which is under 12KB for me), and "stderr.txt" and "stdout.txt" which are netPanzer's own log files in the directory where netpanzer.exe lies. So it's a clean program, very easy to portabilize
I hope you rather have a laugh at this oversight, than consider it as scolding by another Sandboxie user
Btw, when you check again with Sandboxie for yourself (don't take my word for it
), will you be removing XULRunner from it? I mean, it's not even needed...
Take care
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
Actually, I have tried running Windows Explorer in Sandboxie, but never with good results. Come to think of it, though, I haven't tried that since I uninstalled ContentWatch (the stupid thing always gave Sandboxie grief); I'll have to try again in a few weeks, when my schedule slows down.
What OS have you got? My XP Pro SP3 system said other things; I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I distinctly recall seeing some IE junk created when XULRunner wasn't there, and not having that IE junk created when XULRunner was there. I'll test again in a few weeks.
Right now, I'm too brain-dead to do either.
(Yes, I'm serious... AP Calc is enough to fry the brain out of just about anybody)
I'll probably look back in a few weeks and laugh then.
If my second batch of tests agree with yours, I'll be happy to take XULRunner out.
You too!
I see you're away for school-related reasons too; good luck with that!
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Hi, thanks for wishing me luck!
I think I'll need some of it 
I actually came here just to report something. Since you've replied, I owe you another clarification.
Disclaimer: recently, as far as reg-changes go, my system was (unofficially) judged as somewhat unreliable (some entries were left for me and haven't for others)...
But, I think it can still tell with pretty much confidence about any file changes... Btw, running the latest Sandboxie (atm), version 3.442. What I was referring to when asking have you run Win Explorer first is, you know how when you run something in a clean sandbox (newly created, or just emptied), no matter what you run (i.e: explorer.exe, swritter.exe, MS Word, ..., whatever), some junk files are created... These files are:
That's why, when checking any program, it is imperative to first sandbox something, (Win Explorer being the fastest and easiest choice), and only than check what has been modified after sandboxing the desired app. So in case of a RegShot, you would do the first scan just after closing the Explorer, and the second scan only after closing the tested app. Also, after sandboxing the real test-app, a file called
is often changed, but that change was done by Sandboxie itself and can be ignored.So, while my views of reg-changes being left (!) can be ignored (?), since they are obviously harder to remove from my system for some reason, this program in particular hasn't done any changes to it. Nor to the files, since I first scanned them after running explorer.exe; they were left exactly, byte for byte, bit for bit, attribute for attribute - the same as they were before running netPanzer... You probably just forgot the first step and went straight in sandboxing netPanzer, so it gave you the impression of netPanzer spawning those index.dat files... I hope I made sense...
I know exactly how you feel...
Good luck to you too
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
I just tried using Netpanzer with XULRunner; some things went well and others didn't.
The good news: it *appears* that Netpanzer and XULRunner play nicely together, and it *appears* that Netpanzer doesn't leave any trash behind when it's used with XULRunner. (I had to run it on my live system, and I didn't use RegShot, so I don't have a decent way to check atm. I'll run it in Sandboxie again once I finish the launcher - see below)
The bad news: I won't be able to use PAL, since it doesn't support running multiple EXE's. Not a big deal, fortunately, since I already tweaked RSSOwl to use XULRunner (so I know what I'm doing), and I still have my old custom launchers (so I can copy-'n'-paste liberally).
The really bad news: I actually tried to play a round, and I got cleaned up several times.

The really, really bad news: 15 minutes of gametime, and I'm already addicted.
Time to go write that launcher.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I wouldn't know the first thing about how to do what it is you are doing but great work!!!!.
and if you need a tester I'll gladly do what I'm told to do and help out in any little way possible {I'd really like to do something to show my thanks}
and computerfreaker if you are on the netpanzer irc ever again can you please ask how to get netpanzer.app to work I'm stuck with 0.8.2 from darwinports and I can't get onto some servers... make that most severs...
thanks again for all the great work guys!!!
from just a lowly PA.c user
All I'm doing, for the moment at least, is telling Netpanzer to use XULRunner (the same thing Firefox uses; it's totally portable) instead of IE, and telling the launcher to clean up %USERPROFILE%\.netpanzer. Not a big deal, fortunately.
I'd be delighted to have you test once I finish; I'm expecting to post Dev Test 1 in an hour or so.
Re: IRC. Here's a suggestion for you: grab PChat, then head over to #netpanzer on Freenode. I'd be happy to ask for you, but since I'm not the one having the problem it won't be nearly as helpful to you as it would be if you asked.
I'll probably be back in #netpanzer in a couple of hours, once I finish the portable build, so I can ask then.
Status update:
* Good news: I took Netpanzer for another spin last night, and it does seem to be truly portable with XULRunner.
* Great news: I can probably use PAL after all, thanks to its custom code segments. I'll have to see what I can whip up.
* Bad news: I got my backside kicked again last night, about 500 times, even after I requested (and received) a couple of alliances.
* Worse news: Netpanzer crashed a couple of times, each time with the "reference memory at xxx. The memory could not be 'read'" error. Anybody else seen this?
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
not from me I'll put it into bootcamp Win7 and take a look....
I've also got a vista laptop and xp in parallels so if you want I'm at your disposal
thanks again!!!
It's one of those games I forget just how addictive it is. Easy to do!
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."