¿Is there any way to mount this virtual read-only CD drive (from U3 smart drives) in a regular usb stick? because I've scanned the whole Internet (xD) and i couldn't find the answer, soooo.... Here I'm!
Help much appreciated!!! Thank you!
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¿Is there any way to mount this virtual read-only CD drive (from U3 smart drives) in a regular usb stick? because I've scanned the whole Internet (xD) and i couldn't find the answer, soooo.... Here I'm!
Help much appreciated!!! Thank you!
I have never seen anything capable of doing that so I guess its not possible. After all its a cd=read only so writing to it would be kind of against the rules...
Why do you need it? If you just want to change its content, there are Apps out there for that. I just dont have a link available atm.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Specifically, the controller chip that they use must have support for multiple LUN and for CD emulation modes.
If it has, and you can get hold of the manufacturer's configuration tool (that is the controller manufacturer, not the flash drive), then you would be able to set up a CD partition on your drive, and write whatever iso image you like to it. These are not easy to find - most maufacturers don't release them. Worse, two seemingly identical drives of the same model can sometimes have different controller chips in them.
If you google "ufd utility vendorid" and the Vendor ID of your flash controller (USBDeview can tell you this from nirsoft.net) then you might possibly find the configuration tool for your drive.... or not.
If it is actually a U3 drive that you have, then take a look at http://usb.smithtech.us/projects/u3updater.php where you will find an app that can write new ISO images onto the drive for you.
Thanks for the info, but that's why i'm asking for how to mount this unit in a regular usb stick. I want to deploy an app that i've been developing in this read-only partition, but i can't find a cheap U3 usb stick!
Damn, i won't pay 34€, so i'll go with a dvd, ftw ¬_¬
Thanks again, btw!
simple as that!
The function to have 'fake CD' is possible with most current controllers today, but you have to have a special tool for each of them. Unless you know what controller type, make and version is in your stick, you don't know what software you are looking for.
I have here some cheap and noname stick which I could set up with fake CD partition.
You can read and follow all the links in the website here:
you might find finaly a software which will help you to identify the controller chip and from there you might be guided to some websites where software for reconfiguration of particular controllers can be found. I have whole collection of different usb flash here, but found in it so far only one which did work with some of the GUI software available somewhere in the net.
You can google for
this might work for some types of sticks as it did for me in one case
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland