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I have recently downloaded and installed firefox on my sandisk cruzer.

Whenever firefox is running it creates an HTML document of my bookmarks in the profile folder up to 3 times every mintue. I only noticed as my 2Gb fkash drive slowly filled up - with bookmark files!

Anyone have a clue how to stop this.

It also has a habit of deleting my bookmarks once i exit firefox.

Thanks in advance


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 20 min 37 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Couple Questions

First off, since you're using a Cruzer, is this Firefox for U3 or Firefox Portable (two different applications... FF for U3 is for U3 only, FFP is for any drive). Second, what extensions do you have installed as, most likely, this is an extension issue or a corrupt profile.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-02 18:06
It's firefox for U3. The

It's firefox for U3.

The only extension installed is DOM inspector, which was installed in the initial firefix installation. I have no idea what it does!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 20 min 37 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Uninstall / Reinstall

I suggest uninstalling your current copy and then installing the version from the website. Your current copy may be slightly corrupt.

Also, moved this to the U3 Apps forum. This site is primarily for portable apps (that run from any device). The U3 apps are a secondary thing and supported within the U3 apps forum.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-02 18:06
Sorry for posting in the

Sorry for posting in the wrong place - i didn't notice the seperate forum for U3.

I have done a clean install. This is why I don't have any extensions at the moment. I wanted this fixed before i installed any.

I still get the same problem. It doesn't always do it. I have tried to keep an eye on what starts it off and the only thing i have noticed is that I think it begins only when I start using more than one tab. But once started, it will carry on even if i close the extra tabs down.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 20 min 37 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Gotta be the drive

It's gotta be something with the drive then. The Firefox inside FF for U3 is a standard, unaltered FF. It normally keeps daily backups of your bookmarks.html file... but normally only once per day. I can't reproduce the behavior you're seeing on any U3 drive on either XP or 2K. Nor can I think of anything in FF that could possibly cause what you're seeing.

Try downloading and running a copy of Firefox Portable on the drive. Just install it to the root directory is fine. It'll create a FirefoxPortable directory. Run FirefoxPortable.exe within there. If that one works fine, then something is up with your U3 instance. You could dry updating. You could also try rebuilding the U3 partition (clear and format the writable partition... it'll be rebuilt... but you lose all apps and data). If Firefox Portable has the same issue, then something may be up with the hardware or the logical structure of the drive. A format may fix any logical issues.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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same problem

Ihave a Sandisk cruzer too.I had the same problem with my u3-firefox.After I switched back to a "normal" copy of FFP, I think the problem disappeared. Im not shure anymore, but it didnt happen last week.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 20 min 37 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Hmmm... two reports both with Cruzers. Have you both updated the U3 Launchpad to the most recent version (Sandisk drives all have the ability to be updated, I believe, unlike Intix, Geek Squad, Memorex, etc). Can you check with version of the Launchpad you have? And what drive (model and size) you have? If this is a Cruzer-specific problem... could it be due to Cruzer Sync or something else running in the background? If we can narrow this down to Cruzers, maybe I can get U3 to send me one so I can figure out what's up. I know there were problems with Sandisk's U3 drives in the past, but I'd heard these had been ironed out.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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I will

I've already updated my launchpad after I didnt get the launcher-replacement running...
I'll try the u3 firefox.
Mine is a Cruzer micro 1GB.

I installed it.After twice updating it, it runs like normal. Lets see if it does so in a couple of days, too. Wink

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
Experiment finished

Today I deleted FFU3 from my portable drive. The problem with the bookmarks didnt appear during the last two weeks. So it was either
1. false alarm or
2. something with the u3-launcher(now I use the latest and I didnt do so when the problem occurred) or
3. the version of FFU3

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-21 08:29
Yes, is Cruzer-Specific

First off, thanks John for your hard work on this - hope you have a time for a job Smile Since I use 3 Windows PC at work and often go to customer sites (factories) without internet access and being forbidden to "install" anything portable USB life is a dream com true for me.

I was seeing the same for U3 build - not only the bookmarks but some of the JS files.

When I downloaded the std PA's version & installed to my own /apps directory it was fine.

This morning I downloaded the new Firefox_Portable_2.0_en-us.paf.exe version and this is happening again. See the DIR dump below. Is there some Env Var not set correctly so FF cannot find old files to delete?

Lynn August Linse; Industrial Specialist

Volume in drive F is LYNNLINSE
Volume Serial Number is DA74-E37F

Directory of F:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\Data\profile

11/21/2006 08:24 AM .
11/21/2006 08:24 AM ..
09/28/2006 10:24 AM 25 profile_readme.txt
11/21/2006 08:52 AM 65,536 cert8.db
11/21/2006 08:52 AM 16,384 key3.db
11/21/2006 08:38 AM 16,384 secmod.db
11/21/2006 08:37 AM 149 compatibility.ini
11/21/2006 08:38 AM 2,574 extensions.rdf
11/21/2006 09:42 AM 4,783 localstore.rdf
09/18/2006 09:14 PM 356 mimeTypes.rdf
09/18/2006 09:14 PM 3,287 search.rdf
11/21/2006 09:06 AM 77 kf.txt
11/21/2006 08:37 AM extensions
11/21/2006 08:37 AM chrome
11/21/2006 08:38 AM 1,696,984 XPC.mfl
11/21/2006 08:38 AM 178 extensions.cache
11/21/2006 08:38 AM 225 extensions.ini
11/21/2006 08:38 AM 93,156 xpti.dat
11/21/2006 08:38 AM 147,938 compreg.dat
11/21/2006 09:06 AM 1,012,014 XUL.mfl
11/21/2006 08:52 AM 2,048 search.sqlite
11/21/2006 08:52 AM 408 history.dat
11/21/2006 08:38 AM bookmarkbackups
11/21/2006 09:08 AM 2,378,752 urlclassifier2.sqlite
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-1.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-2.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,593 bookmarks-3.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-4.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-5.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-6.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-7.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-8.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,597 bookmarks-9.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,401 bookmarks-10.html
11/21/2006 08:39 AM 185,391 bookmarks-11.html
11/21/2006 08:40 AM 185,403 bookmarks-12.html
11/21/2006 08:40 AM 185,411 bookmarks-13.html
11/21/2006 08:40 AM 185,419 bookmarks-14.html
11/21/2006 08:40 AM 185,419 bookmarks-15.html
11/21/2006 08:46 AM 206 downloads.rdf
11/21/2006 08:52 AM 185,419 bookmarks.bak
11/21/2006 08:52 AM 185,419 bookmarks-16.html
11/21/2006 08:52 AM 185,419 bookmarks.html
11/21/2006 09:06 AM 1,828 prefs.js
11/21/2006 09:06 AM 0 parent.lock
11/21/2006 09:28 AM 5,809 sessionstore-1.js
11/21/2006 09:37 AM 5,323 sessionstore-2.js
11/21/2006 09:38 AM 6,569 sessionstore-3.js
11/21/2006 09:42 AM 33 signons.txt
11/21/2006 09:42 AM 14,517 sessionstore-4.js
11/21/2006 09:43 AM 12,970 sessionstore-5.js
11/21/2006 09:43 AM 1,659 cookies.txt
11/21/2006 09:43 AM 13,000 sessionstore-6.js
11/21/2006 09:43 AM 13,213 sessionstore-7.js
11/21/2006 09:45 AM 13,431 sessionstore-8.js
11/21/2006 09:46 AM 13,529 sessionstore.js
11/21/2006 09:47 AM 0 dump.txt
52 File(s) 8,882,415 bytes
5 Dir(s) 1,611,268,096 bytes free

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-21 08:29
Cruzer issue - could it be Avast! AntiVirus?

Say, Crusers (all U3?) come with "free" Avast! AV ... wonder if that could be blocking FF from deleting temp files even when creating new ones?

Lynn August Linse; Industrial Specialist

Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27

Cruzers, SanDisk has a deal with them (I think).
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
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(Tom Lehrer)

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-21 08:29
Seems related to Avast! Av (or 2 AV running)

After FF 2.0 in paf.exe form started this, I've been poking around.

shutting down Avast! stops this - since I have corporate mandated MircoTrend running on host is Ok for now without Avast! Avast is pitched actively for U3/SanDisk systems.

I wonder if this is a bug (er "design feature") in FireFox where when it tries to delete the short-lived temp bookmark file & the delete fails because the AV is trying to scan it after the fact; I wonder if FF just gives up and leaves the file as-if locked by another task?

I'll see if this holds true after some experiments starting/stopping both FF and Avast and running on other hosts with other AV.

Lynn August Linse; Industrial Specialist

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