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[Released] OpenTTD Portable 1.0.5 Development Test 1

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Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
[Released] OpenTTD Portable 1.0.5 Development Test 1

Application: OpenTTD
Category: Games

OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe," a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.

Download OpenTTD Portable 1.0.5 Development Test 1 [15.1MB download / 26.1MB installed]
(MD5: 154072782d9a21f1a652f649580d50b4)

Release Notes:
1.0.5 Development Test 1 (2010-12-04)

  • Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.5

1.0.4 Development Test 2 (2010-11-14)

  • Minor fixes

1.0.4 Development Test 1 (2010-10-15)

  • Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.4
  • Updated to OpenGFX 0.3.1

1.0.3 Development Test 1 (2010-08-15)

  • Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.3
  • Updated to OpenMSX 0.3.1

1.0.2 Development Test 1 (2010-06-26)

  • Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.2

1.0.1 Development Test 4 (2010-05-19)

  • Fixed launcher leaving behind launcher.ini file in user's temp directory

1.0.1 Development Test 3 (2010-05-17)

  • Fixed language switching

1.0.1 Development Test 2 (2010-05-16)

  • Fixed OpenMSX being in the wrong directory
  • Fixed the launcher resetting the language to English when not running from the PA.c menu
  • Launcher no longer waits for program to exit

1.0.1 Development Test 1 (2010-05-05)

  • Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.1
  • Updated to OpenGFX 0.2.4
  • Fixed potential issues with secondary launches

1.0.0 Development Test 3 (2010-04-15)

  • Fixed case that would force OpenTTD to minimize and be unable to restore for some users

1.0.0 Development Test 2 (2010-04-12)

  • Added language switching
  • Fixed not being able to launch from the PA.c menu

1.0.0 Development Test 1 (2010-04-11): Initial release

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Development Test 2 released.

Updated to Development Test 2. Can I get some testers please?

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Same issue as with NetPanzer.

Same issue as with NetPanzer. Looks like the problem is related to the launcher as opposed to the base app as said in my netPanzer comment. Advocate

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
I'll test this when I get off

I'll test this when I get off work, although I have access to Windows 7.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Cannot reproduce.

Tested with Windows 7.

I'll see if Chris can test this, since I believe he has XP SP3 as well.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

By the problem you've described, I think you need to set [Launch]:LaunchAppAfterSplash to true.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
horuzofoz, as Chris said,

horuzofoz, as Chris said, could you put the line LaunchAppAfterSplash=true under the line SingleAppInstance=true in the OpenTTDPortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\OpenTTDPortable.ini file and let me know if this fixes the problem you are having?

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
It works :)

Adding that line fixes the issue for both netPanzer and OpenTTD Smile Advocate

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40

Updated to Development Test 3.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Bug fixed.

Confirming previously reported resolution issue is fixed Smile Advocate

muskrat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:24
Can not 'install'

I keep getting that the MD5 doesn't match and when I try to 'install' it any ways it get an error message. I have downloaded it twice to my local hard drive and get the same messages. Any ideas? Thanks.

Title: NSIS Error
Msg: Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy.

/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum Wink

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
How are you downloading it?

How are you downloading it? Are you right-clicking on the direct link or just letting it download from the prompt?

If the problem persists, I'll try re-uploading after class.

muskrat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:24
Usual way

I single-click the link, let it pick a mirror, hit save.

/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum Wink

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Ah, I see the problem.

The md5 isn't matching up. It must have screwed up when I uploaded it. Try now.

muskrat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:24
Still messed up. MD5 off and

Still messed up. MD5 off and NSIS error

/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum Wink

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
The MD5 is correct when I

The MD5 is correct when I check it on Sourceforge. Try downloading from another mirror.

muskrat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:24

Clicked download again, got a different mirror and am Installing now! Woot! Will Let you know if I find anything good bad or indifferent.

/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum Wink

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.1.

Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.1.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
All good here : )

Working on XP SP3, limited rights. Advocate

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40

I recommend a clean install on this one, otherwise the OpenMSX files might not work correctly.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Updated again.

I hope that's the last of the PAL bugs.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45

Works on XP SP3 with admin rights. Regshot from a clean install below:

Values added:10
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\aec\Enum\0: "SW\{4245ff73-1db4-11d2-86e4-98ae20524153}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\0: "SW\{8c07dd50-7a8d-11d2-8f8c-00c04fbf8fef}\dmusic"
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\0: "SW\{2f412ab5-ed3a-4590-ab24-b0ce2aa77d3c}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\0: "SW\{6c1b9f60-c0a9-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\0: "SW\{4245ff73-1db4-11d2-86e4-98ae20524153}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\0: "SW\{8c07dd50-7a8d-11d2-8f8c-00c04fbf8fef}\dmusic"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\0: "SW\{2f412ab5-ed3a-4590-ab24-b0ce2aa77d3c}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\0: "SW\{6c1b9f60-c0a9-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKU\S-1-5-21-436374069-796845957-682003330-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\G:\PortableApps\OpenTTDPortable\OpenTTDPortable.exe: " Launcher"
HKU\S-1-5-21-436374069-796845957-682003330-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\G:\PortableApps\OpenTTDPortable\App\OpenTTD\openttd.exe: "OpenTTD"

Values modified:21
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: 93 DD AE 6D DF 74 66 69 7E 03 75 53 7E 78 35 DA 6C 2C BD 4E BF 04 A3 57 28 68 27 79 E0 38 1A 1F 0E 25 93 68 4E 53 73 60 8A 02 C9 D4 6C 09 66 1C 04 58 59 C3 88 84 B3 AC AF 7B 73 B5 7E A9 DF E5 1B AB 00 3E D8 CB 4B E1 A2 69 3F FB 4C 9C 96 06
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: 10 31 46 25 94 3E EF D2 0E 90 CC E3 5B CE 73 F2 CE B1 E0 F8 E3 18 3F 8F D6 60 44 F8 F3 1D 13 AD 02 94 D4 66 D1 C3 0C C0 8B 7C A6 46 CA 8A 19 62 FE 0A 52 B1 0A 8E E2 A1 27 67 FB 5E CE 20 40 30 5B 2C 8C 24 5A 89 C2 AF 57 52 D7 9E 9B C0 F5 25
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SchedulingAgent\LastTaskRun: DA 07 05 00 02 00 12 00 14 00 16 00 01 00 00 00
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SchedulingAgent\LastTaskRun: DA 07 05 00 02 00 12 00 14 00 1B 00 01 00 00 00
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations: 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 45 4D 50 4F 52 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6F 6B 69 65 73 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 00
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations: 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 45 4D 50 4F 52 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6F 6B 69 65 73 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 65 6D 70 5C 6E 73 6A 31 38 2E 74 6D 70 5C 6C 61 75 6E 63 68 65 72 2E 69 6E 69 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 65 6D 70 5C 6E 73 6A 31 38 2E 74 6D 70 5C 00 00 00
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\aec\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\aec\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\aec\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\aec\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations: 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 45 4D 50 4F 52 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6F 6B 69 65 73 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 00
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations: 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 45 4D 50 4F 52 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 43 6F 6F 6B 69 65 73 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 5C 48 69 73 74 6F 72 79 2E 49 45 35 5C 69 6E 64 65 78 2E 64 61 74 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 65 6D 70 5C 6E 73 6A 31 38 2E 74 6D 70 5C 6C 61 75 6E 63 68 65 72 2E 69 6E 69 00 00 5C 3F 3F 5C 43 3A 5C 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 7E 31 5C 4A 45 46 46 52 45 7E 31 5C 4C 4F 43 41 4C 53 7E 31 5C 54 65 6D 70 5C 6E 73 6A 31 38 2E 74 6D 70 5C 00 00 00
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKU\S-1-5-21-436374069-796845957-682003330-1003\SessionInformation\ProgramCount: 0x00000003
HKU\S-1-5-21-436374069-796845957-682003330-1003\SessionInformation\ProgramCount: 0x00000001

Files added:3
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp\nsj18.tmp\launcher.ini

Files [attributes?] modified:6
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\log\usntr.log
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\MSS.chk
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\ntuser.dat.LOG

Folders added:1
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp\nsj18.tmp

Total changes:41 Advocate

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

That's clean, except for the presence of C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp\nsj18.tmp\launcher.ini. That shouldn't be being left there... I'll need to check up on that. Horusofoz: was there anything in particular you did, or just a normal run?

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Just a normal run

Just a normal run Advocate

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
I tested and tested before

I tested and tested before putting in CleanTemp=false and never found anything left over in temp. Could it be based on OS and/or SP? Could it only happen if CleanTemp is false?

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Not related to that

launcher.ini is being left in $PLUGINSDIR, which is the launcher's fault, not in the newly allocated TEMP, which it force-cleans.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Updated once more.

Updated once more.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Regshot for OpenTTD Portable 1.0.1 Development Test 4

XP SP3 with limited rights.

Values added:89
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\aec\Enum\0: "SW\{4245ff73-1db4-11d2-86e4-98ae20524153}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\0: "SW\{8c07dd50-7a8d-11d2-8f8c-00c04fbf8fef}\dmusic"
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\kmixer\Enum\0: "SW\{b7eafdc0-a680-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\0: "SW\{2f412ab5-ed3a-4590-ab24-b0ce2aa77d3c}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\0: "SW\{6c1b9f60-c0a9-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\0: "SW\{4245ff73-1db4-11d2-86e4-98ae20524153}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\0: "SW\{8c07dd50-7a8d-11d2-8f8c-00c04fbf8fef}\dmusic"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kmixer\Enum\0: "SW\{b7eafdc0-a680-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\0: "SW\{2f412ab5-ed3a-4590-ab24-b0ce2aa77d3c}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\0: "SW\{6c1b9f60-c0a9-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d}\{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop\ItemPos640x480(1): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 14 00 1F 48 BA 8F 0D 45 25 AD D0 11 98 A8 08 00 36 1B 11 03 15 00 00 00 51 00 00 00 14 00 1F 50 E0 4F D0 20 EA 3A 69 10 A2 D8 08 00 2B 30 30 9D 15 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 14 00 1F 60 40 F0 5F 64 81 50 1B 10 9F 08 00 AA 00 2F 95 4E 15 00 00 00 EF 00 00 00 5A 00 3A 00 42 06 00 00 49 3C 87 33 20 00 4D 4F 5A 49 4C 4C 7E 31 2E 4C 4E 4B 00 00 3E 00 03 00 04 00 EF BE 49 3C 87 33 B2 3C 19 20 14 00 00 00 4D 00 6F 00 7A 00 69 00 6C 00 6C 00 61 00 20 00 46 00 69 00 72 00 65 00 66 00 6F 00 78 00 2E 00 6C 00 6E 00 6B 00 00 00 1C 00 15 00 00 00 EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\G:\PortableApps\OpenTTDPortable\OpenTTDPortable.exe: " Launcher"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\G:\PortableApps\OpenTTDPortable\App\OpenTTD\openttd.exe: "OpenTTD"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\netshell.dll,-1200: "Network Connections"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll,-9319: "Printers and Faxes"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@xpsp1res.dll,-11004: "Outlook Express"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\rcbdyctl.dll,-152: "Remote Assistance"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22017: "Address Book"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22022: "Command Prompt"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22051: "Notepad"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\tourstart.exe,-1: "Tour Windows XP"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22041: "Magnifier"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22048: "Narrator"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22052: "On-Screen Keyboard"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22065: "Utility Manager"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp1res.dll,-10077: "Set Program Access and Defaults"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\PROGRA~1\MOVIEM~1\wmm2res.dll,-61446: "Windows Movie Maker"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22019: "Calculator"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22054: "Paint"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\MSTSCE~1.MUI,-4000: "Remote Desktop Connection"
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HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22016: "Accessibility Wizard"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22031: "HyperTerminal"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22061: "Sound Recorder"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22018: "Backup"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22021: "Character Map"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22026: "Disk Cleanup"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22027: "Disk Defragmenter"
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HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22029: "Event Viewer"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22040: "Local Security Policy"
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HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshearts.exe,-413: "Hearts"
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HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\PROGRA~1\MSNGAM~1\Windows\hrtzres.dll,-1212: "Internet Hearts"
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HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22045: "Minesweeper"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22057: "Pinball"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22060: "Solitaire"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\spider.exe,-56: "Spider Solitaire"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21787: "Startup"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21761: "Accessories"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21772: "Entertainment"
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HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@xpsp2res.dll,-6100: "Show Desktop"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22062: "Synchronize"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll,-9227: "My Documents"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll,-9216: "My Computer"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll,-8964: "Recycle Bin"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\compatUI.dll,-115: "Program Compatibility Wizard"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22067: "Windows Explorer"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22075: "Windows Catalog"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21762: "Administrative Tools"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21773: "Games"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21768: "Communications"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21788: "System Tools"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\System32\xpsp2res.dll,-16201: "Wireless Network Setup Wizard"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\netshell.dll,-1010: "New Connection Wizard"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetwiz.dll,-3085: "Network Setup Wizard"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22066: "Volume Control"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-22058: "Scheduled Tasks"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\WINDOWS\System32\xpsp2res.dll,-6103: "Security Center"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe.mui,-702: "Internet Explorer"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@shell32.dll,-21790: "My Music"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@xpsp1res.dll,-10077: "Set Program Access and Defaults"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@explorer.exe,-7021: "&Help and Support"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@explorer.exe,-7020: "&Search"
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\@explorer.exe,-7023: "&Run..."

Values modified:30
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: A5 98 C2 AB 81 1A 0F FB B0 C0 B9 96 CB 14 AE 7D 25 74 85 5E 4E 53 D7 99 F3 F3 89 B5 44 D3 7A FF BC 16 56 3C A4 BC BC 46 FE 84 88 0C 6F 5F 35 D1 8E 05 65 F6 1B DC E1 A9 58 F5 31 8F 75 6E 60 C1 59 2F 3E 1B 2A E0 EA E7 77 6D 55 9A 42 31 A6 06
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: 92 8A DA 65 6D 45 06 F8 5F 6D 54 ED 2A 27 97 4E DB DB 94 5B 1A D2 13 58 1D 8B 2D BA F2 D1 53 E5 0F 0D 02 A9 28 AF D3 3F 89 68 25 DB 06 05 FA A0 A5 5A FF 54 DC 19 57 3E 0A 39 F0 B6 11 CF A0 5D D4 26 DA 3A F7 2A 62 C5 38 56 D2 95 69 F1 57 B5
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SchedulingAgent\LastTaskRun: DA 07 05 00 04 00 14 00 09 00 09 00 01 00 00 00
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SchedulingAgent\LastTaskRun: DA 07 05 00 04 00 14 00 09 00 0E 00 01 00 00 00
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\TracesProcessed: 0x00000000
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\TracesProcessed: 0x0000002F
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HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\TracesSuccessful: 0x0000002D
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\LastTraceFailure: 0x00000000
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\LastTraceFailure: 0x00000004
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search\Gather\Windows\SystemIndex\NotificationLogCheckPoint: 62 92 23 00 00 00 00 00
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search\Gather\Windows\SystemIndex\NotificationLogCheckPoint: 52 93 23 00 00 00 00 00
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HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\aec\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
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HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DMusic\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
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HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
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HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\splitter\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
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HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
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HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\swmidi\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
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HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
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HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aec\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DMusic\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kmixer\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kmixer\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kmixer\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kmixer\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\splitter\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\Count: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\Count: 0x00000001
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000000
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\swmidi\Enum\NextInstance: 0x00000001
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached\{2559A1F4-21D7-11D4-BDAF-00C04F60B9F0} {000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0x401: 00 00 00 00 37 00 32 00 D6 6C EF D5 AB F7 CA 01
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached\{2559A1F4-21D7-11D4-BDAF-00C04F60B9F0} {000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0x401: 00 00 00 00 37 00 32 00 6D F5 69 3A AD F7 CA 01
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached\{2559A1F5-21D7-11D4-BDAF-00C04F60B9F0} {000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0x401: 00 00 00 00 37 00 32 00 BF 4B 27 D6 AB F7 CA 01
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached\{2559A1F5-21D7-11D4-BDAF-00C04F60B9F0} {000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0x401: 00 00 00 00 37 00 32 00 91 77 8A 3A AD F7 CA 01
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop\ItemPos1440x900(1): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 14 00 1F 48 BA 8F 0D 45 25 AD D0 11 98 A8 08 00 36 1B 11 03 15 00 00 00 51 00 00 00 14 00 1F 50 E0 4F D0 20 EA 3A 69 10 A2 D8 08 00 2B 30 30 9D 15 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 14 00 1F 60 40 F0 5F 64 81 50 1B 10 9F 08 00 AA 00 2F 95 4E 15 00 00 00 EF 00 00 00 5A 00 3A 00 42 06 00 00 49 3C 87 33 20 00 4D 4F 5A 49 4C 4C 7E 31 2E 4C 4E 4B 00 00 3E 00 03 00 04 00 EF BE 49 3C 87 33 B2 3C 19 20 14 00 00 00 4D 00 6F 00 7A 00 69 00 6C 00 6C 00 61 00 20 00 46 00 69 00 72 00 65 00 66 00 6F 00 78 00 2E 00 6C 00 6E 00 6B 00 00 00 1C 00 15 00 00 00 EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop\ItemPos1440x900(1): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 14 00 1F 48 BA 8F 0D 45 25 AD D0 11 98 A8 08 00 36 1B 11 03 15 00 00 00 51 00 00 00 14 00 1F 50 E0 4F D0 20 EA 3A 69 10 A2 D8 08 00 2B 30 30 9D 15 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 14 00 1F 60 40 F0 5F 64 81 50 1B 10 9F 08 00 AA 00 2F 95 4E 15 00 00 00 EF 00 00 00 5A 00 3A 00 42 06 00 00 49 3C 87 33 20 00 4D 4F 5A 49 4C 4C 7E 31 2E 4C 4E 4B 00 00 3E 00 03 00 04 00 EF BE 49 3C 87 33 B3 3C 68 BD 14 00 00 00 4D 00 6F 00 7A 00 69 00 6C 00 6C 00 61 00 20 00 46 00 69 00 72 00 65 00 66 00 6F 00 78 00 2E 00 6C 00 6E 00 6B 00 00 00 1C 00 15 00 00 00 EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\SessionInformation\ProgramCount: 0x00000003
HKU\S-1-5-21-722489-122503618-965155292-1144\SessionInformation\ProgramCount: 0x00000001

Files [attributes?] modified:4
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Ntuser.dat.LOG

Total changes:123
---------------------------------- Advocate

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
Original and Licensing Issues

I always get confused when I stumble across this game every few months or so. Is this the one where you need some "base" files from the original TTD game? If I don't own the original game, am I legally unable to play this version?

Perhaps someone could shed some light on this one for me.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

That is the case, for the graphics set (might have also been the sound?) but there's an open source clone, which is included. The original graphics (or whatever) can still be put in, and it should, I presume, look better like that, but it's not a necessity.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41

Thanks for the clarification. I don't think the OpenTTD website ever states it clearly, at least they haven't in the past.

So now I have to decide between this and Simutrans. Biggrin

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
This package includes

This package includes OpenGFX, OpenSFX, and OpenMSX. These projects replace the original graphics, sound effects, and music, respectively.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.2

Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.2

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.3

Sourceforge is taking forever to upload it to its mirrors, so give it awhile if the download link is not working.

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2010-09-16 14:57
No music

I'm having trouble with OpenMSX, OpenTTD found and loaded it, but no music is heard. Is this a bug that can be worked around, or will I have to wait till 1.0.4 is packaged?

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Hmm. odd. Worked for me when

Hmm. odd. Worked for me when I packaged 1.0.3, I'll take a look at it when I can.

EDIT: Try doing a clean install?

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.4.Is

Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.4.

Is anyone still having problems hearing the music?

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 16:41
Works Well So Far

I just found this and installed it to my external harddrive. So far it's working perfectly, whatever issues with music there were either aren't happening for me or you've fixed them.

I haven't had much time to mess with it yet, but so far, so good.

I've downloaded a bunch of add-on stuff also, so if you needed help with figuring out if that was working...

Also, I've come to notice, the files were moved out of My Documents and into the appropriate Data folders, but the folders in My Documents are left behind, as well as "hs.dat" and "openttd.cfg"

Thanks so much for portablizing this game, I love it, but with a dieing computer, I want to be able to have it on the go.

Do deedy do...what?

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
I think I might know why the

I think I might know why the music problem is happening. To make language switching work, there has to be default data that tells the launcher where the setting for language is so that it can update it, but OpenTTD doesn't allow just that setting to be in the settings file alone, so I have to update the default data every time I update the app. So if the user is updating to a version with an updated version of OpenMSX, it conflicts. (This is just a theory, but it makes sense.) I'll have to figure out a way so that I don't have to keep updating the config file every time I update the program.

Also, just to be clear, all the settings go to the app's proper data folder, but are not deleted from the host's 'My Documents' folder? That doesn't make much sense. I'll have to look at it myself later, and bug Chris about the launcher if I can confirm it.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40

Updated with a few small fixes. The next official release should be soon, also.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.5

Updated to OpenTTD 1.0.5

Topic locked