Application: ClipX
Category: Utilities
License: Freeware
Language: English
Description: ClipX is a tiny clipboard history manager. It is sweet, it is free, use it.
Beta: (Recommended)
Download ClipX Portable beta 7 Development Test 1 [1+1MB download / 1MB installed]
(MD5: e39e0baf5ebf54868cd13f14b677beb3)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Download ClipX Portable Development Test 1 [1+1MB download / 1MB installed]
(MD5: 505e106805a6cc32fb4a582b13cc884c)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Download Color Picker for ClipX Portable 1.2 Development Test 1 [1+1MB download / 1MB installed]
(MD5: 61c49306424cb7ba4159b77abbb8ca3e)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Download DiskLog for ClipX Portable 1.2 Development Test 1 [1+1MB download / 1MB installed]
(MD5: 8f3dc7722ca9ff8560db563e40dcf1a3)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Download Stickies for ClipX Portable 1.9 Development Test 1 [1+1MB download / 1MB installed]
(MD5: 518a976e3e59abdde596a98d681c329d)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Release Notes: beta 7 / Development Test 1 (2010-05-20): Initial release
Notes: beta 7: The search function (of the popup) and "Configure/Get Plugins..." uses Google/IE. I've disabled the search item (re-enable in "Configure/Popup/Search") but you might want to steer clear of the plugin downloader. This uses the system %TEMP% folder to store any bitmaps so, if you have 25 screenshots (at 4MB each) on the clipboard, startup/shutdown may take a little longer than usual as they all have to be moved across :-)
Plugins: The plugins are compatible with both versions. I didn't do them all so if you want any of the other ones let me know & I'll have a look.
Tested with:
XP Home SP2 (Admin)
Thanks to Darkbee for all the useful info here.
Thanks to Patrick for hosting.
Used Beta7 on WinXP Pro SP3 with Admin rights. Also installed Sticky Plugin 1.9. I opened the app, copied a couple of text items and an image (the portableapps logo
). I also added a sticky and pasted it, then closed the app. No problems found.
Thanks for this one Prapper, I consider this an essential tool if you ever do anything at a computer that is remotely useful.
RegShot came back clean (AFAIK)
Thanks for testing, that regshot looks good to me
I forgot to add that I checked
and%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\
and found no traces of ClipX data or directories.I wonder if we'll be able to contact the author to get permission for this one. I've contacted him in the past and got a response, but the app hasn't been worked on in a while. I hope he's still around.
I'd love to see a date/time plugin that accepts parameters and allows you to paste custom date/time formats, that would make this program perfect for my needs. The only thing missing IMO!
Thanks again for your work on this Prapper.
Yeah, you can never look hard enough! Thanks for checking.
If you want to drop him an email, I have no objections. I've no idea about writing plugins but your idea sounds like a good one.
You're welcome