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Scribus Released

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Christian Hartmann
Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
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Scribus Released

The new release is a good excuse to ask for Scribus again
brand new and very nice
Together with Gimp and Inkscape it would form a great graphic suite!
It is really missing to complete the graphic section of portable apps!

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Portable Scribus

I think the general response is; it ain't gonna happen. For one, because of this:

I wonder if anyone has tried to contact the creator of "Portable Scribus" and ask if he would consider "converting" it to "Scribus Portable", using the official PA.c format. It says that you can contact him via the forums, perhaps I might give it a try, or maybe somebody knows something I don't.

I agree though, it would be a nice addition to the PA.c family.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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Portable Scribus is also outdated

It's still at The page hasn't changed in over a year.
Then again, they only just released

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Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Updates for Portable Scribus

Updates for Portable Scribus have never been very quick, not even sure if it's still actively maintained. In the past it's been a month or two before the portable version catches up to the latest version. Sad

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The version dates from early 2006. A PA version would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, I'm no programmer so I'm no good to adopt it.


Are you ABSOLUTELY sure there is no absolute truth?

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DarkbeeI think the general response is; it ain't gonna happen. For one, because of this:

Huh, that's not reason. And by the way, there is an outdated paf-version in the forums.

A real pain is that Scribus is a Qt app, and thus it messes the registry and interferes in other Qt apps. There are many of them and we don't have a common solution for PortableApps yet. (See known issues of FreeMat Portable, MuseScore Portable, ConvertAll Portable, ...)
Also Scribus requires Ghostscript for some functions, but Ryan had a working solution.

Christian Hartmann
Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
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actually scribus worked fine
the bad thing is, that files created with are not compatible with older versions

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works fine doesn't mean portable (at least by definition #).

Christian Hartmann
Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
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I meant it does not work worse than 3.3.5
the problem ist the incompatibility if somebody wants to use the new features of 3.3.5 the results are no more compatible with the older portable versions

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If I understand correctly then...

Couldn't QT be drafted into the PAF format to run QT-based apps? The site explains that QT-written programs need only be written once; only QT needs to be written for the system (operating system specific).

Couldn't our "operating system" be the portable implementation of programs? Or is QT a complicated and heavily system related bugger, like Mono?

I know nothing and can not complain. I just wish I could complete my list of favorite office apps with Scribus.

Limits are for people with no imagination.

Chris Morgan
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I'm planning on getting fairly straightforward Qt support into the universal Launcher (I wrote a snippet in the thread of one Qt app recently... I'll need to find it again if John hasn't already implemented it :P)

The way Qt applications do things is consistent where it matters, which is the Qt registry keys. Just about all of them can be taken care of properly if done well.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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Qt apps store some settings in shared registry keys. Normally the portable app launchers backup keys on the host system, add keys of the portable app to the registry, on close store the keys back to the portable app folder and restore the original key.
Everything is fine until you are using more than one Qt app at the same time.
If you do that, the following points aren't fulfilled:

  • A portable app doesn't leave registry entries behind except those automatically generated by Windows
  • A portable app doesn't interfere with software installed on the PC (or other portable apps)

IMHO, there is no propper solution possible:
Adding detection of "other portable Qt apps-running" to the launchers is possible, but there is no way to keep users from launching local Qt apps at the same time.

OliverK's picture
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Honestly, in a app I'm

Honestly, in a app I'm working on writing, if it puts in those dreaded qt keys, I'll implement a null keyin hkcu\software\qtportablecheck. Other app can then check for that string. If it doesn't have it, then it makes it and get to clean everything up. Else, it just cleans itself up. Then the app that made the key is responsible for cleaning everything else up.

I guess its a dirty way to handle everything, but I think it would work.

Adding detection of "other portable Qt apps-running" to the launchers is possible, but there is no way to keep users from launching local Qt apps at the same time.

Yup, but if you're leading a portable only existence, why would you launch those other apps?

At home you might have issues, but that's your computer.

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Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago
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that'll fail horribly

if you close the first app you opened before closing down all the other apps.

As for why you would run a local app. What if you are on your office computer, legitimately using a personal app from your flashdrive, but also want to get on with work-oriented stuff using apps from the hard drive.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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you're right hadn't

you're right Sad hadn't htought of that. Maybe implement a check into it, so it won't close unless it didn't make that key, or something like that

/me departs to dark corner lightened by computer screen . . . .

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

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And what about a crash?

What happens when the app launcher which created the key crashes? No app is responsible for cleaning up and no app will be responsible ever.
Sorry, but that's a really dirty way Sad

OliverKAt home you might have issues, but that's your computer.

At home I don't care. I share the settings with me (my local and my portable apps). But everywhere else I don't want to share settings or mess the local settings of the host.

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You can add calibre Portable

You can add calibre Portable to that list too.

Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
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No I can't.

Can't edit the post anymore, but the "..." includes calibre Wink

Pyromaniac's picture
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but what's stopping us from making it???

I mean, we could just put his version in PA format then rename it to Scribulus portable. I also saw that he hadn't compressed it yet... We could do that and that would make it better, and it would be updated. I didn't see anything mentioning that it would be illegal to redistribute his app.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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There's nothing stopping...

The issue is, someone actually needs to adopt the app.
It's open source.
Ryan McCue had actually started on it a long time ago.
We don't need to rename it to Scribulus! lol

But if it's that important, then someone may volunteer to put in the time and effort to bring it on board.

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

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Scribus works great with the portableapps suite. Just testing it now no problem with files made in linux of the same version.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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Already available here

Scribus is already available here, in PortableApps format. Find it here:

[EDIT] direct link to topic:

Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-03 14:58
Take Over?

We haven't seen any updates to Scribus Portable for a long time. Scribus development is now at 1.3.7, and here we are at the last stable version

Now, I'm willing to take this effort over (since FreeCol Portable should go gold soon) and get out 1.3.7, if there is a community consensus. Of course, if the original author comes out and says he'll do it, I'll be more than glad to let him keep going.

My Dev Tests: ~ KeePass Pro Portable (awaiting .NET directory) ~ FreeCol Portable (needs testers)

"... proving to everyone that we are operating on Valve Time..." - us Blum

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up from me... I love Scribus. I don't use it very often, but it's great on those odd occasions that I do need to use it! I'd definitely like to have an actively maintained PA.c version.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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As the developer of Scribus

As the developer of Scribus Portable, I'm going to comment here.

The officially supported version of Scribus is currently, released by the Scribus team on February 17th.

The 1.3.7 version that you mention is a developmental version, not fully stable. However, I am working on a release of it in any case.

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Apparently it is a developmental release, but the way they numbered it was confusing to me, to say the least. That means that you should release two versions, a stable and a developmental. Good to see that you are doing that.

Since you are apparently developing, I'll look for another app to develop. Good luck!

My Dev Tests: ~ KeePass Pro Portable (awaiting .NET directory) ~ FreeCol Portable (needs testers)

"... proving to everyone that we are operating on Valve Time..." - us Blum

Gord Caswell
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A good way to know for sure

A good way to know for sure what is being released by whom is to check the test releases page as it is kept fairly up-to-date:

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Checked But Unsure

I already checked that page earlier, and I asked because it hadn't been updated in 5 months. Little did I know that it was due to the lack of a stable release. Again, I apologize.

My Dev Tests: ~ KeePass Pro Portable (awaiting .NET directory) ~ FreeCol Portable (needs testers)

"... proving to everyone that we are operating on Valve Time..." - us Blum

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Hooray for ALL PA.c developers!

Oops! It's so hard to keep up with all the apps being developed, they just get lost in the forums.

I actually have that version funnily enough, I just checked. So I guess a thanks goes out to your for your efforts. If that is the latest "stable release" then I guess your work here is done!

I'd better post some feedback on the development thread.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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Thanks Darkbee, I appreciate

Thanks Darkbee, I appreciate any feedback you may have.

Clearwater's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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Please release 1.3.7 as portable anyway

Hi Ve4jhj

Thanks for making Scribus Portable. I hope you will release 1.3.7 even though is is a developmental version.

The Scribus team writes this about 1.3.7:

The Scribus Team considers this version to be quite stable and ready for many real-world use cases. However, since there are still some annoyances that prevent us from releasing version 1.4, more cautious users may want to prefer to stick with the officially stable version

The officially stable version is so old and outdated that I believe that quite a few users are using 1.3.7 for everyday use. It is stable and is the only version I use of Scribus. The fact that I cannot open files from 1.3.7 in version force me to use 1.3.7 for whatever purpose, so I actually cannot use the current version of Scribus Portable.

Development versions of Portable Apps are okay - you will find development versions of Firefox and Google Chrome here as well.


Best regards,

Clearwater's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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Is 1.3.8 almost ready?

1.3.8 is 100 % done? Hope so. Perhaps you should ask them when it is released. Smile

Best regards,

Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
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Only in the Tracker

That's anything that's been entered in the tracker. Anything not in the tracker or not properly assigned to 1.3.8 may not be.

My Dev Tests: ~ KeePass Pro Portable (awaiting .NET directory) ~ FreeCol Portable (needs testers)

"... proving to everyone that we are operating on Valve Time..." - us Blum

Clearwater's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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Indeed but it sounds

Indeed but it sounds interesting. I was watching that bar crawl like a snail towards 100 % before 1.3.6 was released, so seeing it at 100 % is interesting.

Best regards,

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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I have both the 1.3.7 and an updated package ready, except I'm having issues with the installer, so they won't be released until I fix the problem.

Clearwater's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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Cool, looking forward to that.

BTW, is it not possible to release these versions as ZIP files as well until you fix the problem? Personally I don't need an installer if it just extracts the files to the right place, I can do that myself. Just an idea. Smile

You could just making them available from SourgeForge, without making them available from Portable Apps and other sites.

Best regards,

Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
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AFAIK, Installers Needed

As far as I know, you need to have the PA.c Installer - no exceptions. Even if that's not true, it's still a good idea because that's one less issue you have to deal with later.

My Dev Tests: ~ KeePass Pro Portable (awaiting .NET directory) ~ FreeCol Portable (needs testers)

"... proving to everyone that we are operating on Valve Time..." - us Blum

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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no zip

Sorry, I only release apps in PAF format, including having the installer working.

Clearwater's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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I think Scribus 1.3.8 IS ready

Scribus 1.3.8 disappeared from the roadmap:

and is now available as a download from SourceForge, but is not yet officially announced on the Scribus homepage.


It is still a developer snapshot, but more and more stable as they are getting closer to the next real release, 1.3.4!

Best regards,

Clearwater's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-07-18 18:25
Yes sir, 1.3.8 has been released

I installed 1.3.8 and ran the "Check for update" feature, this is the output:

No data on your computer will be sent to an external location
Attempting to get the Scribus version update file:

One or more updates for your version of Scribus (1.3.8) are available:
This list may contain development/unstable versions.
Please visit for details.
- Scribus is the latest stable release.
- We have stabilised 1.3.3.x for those wishing to use some new features of the 1.3.x series but need more stability.
- Scribus 1.3.8 was released 22 July 2010

Best regards,

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