Name: Free Rapid Downloader
Category: Internet
Description: a simple Java downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare and other file-sharing services. Simply copy and paste your links from a browser to this application. FreeRapid Downloader will handle the rest itself. No more clicking or uncomfortable waiting.
Main features:
- support for concurrent downloading from multiple services
- downloading using proxy list
- download history
- resume downloads support
- smart clipboard monitoring
- automatic checking for file's existence on server
- automatic plugins updates
- simple CAPTCHA recognition
- auto shutdown
- multilanguage enviroment (more than 20 languages supported)
- many UI settings
- works on MS Windows, Linux and MacOS
- looks amazingly (many color styles)
Download FRD Portable 0.86 Update 1 Development Test 1 [12MiB Download / 14.5MiB Installed]
(MD5: bf31141e5ef96bd548c59bc41470d5e9)
I am happy to inform you that FRDPortable has had 1699 download's and counting!
Thank you guys for all your help and support! :^)
Release Notes:
0.86 Update 1 Development Test 1 (2011-12-16): updated app and tools; added drive letter change support; added automatic language switching
0.85 Update 1 Development Test 2 (2011-01-09)
0.85 Update 1 Development Test 1 (2010-12-20): converted to full installer
0.85 Development Test 7 (2010-09-17): changed to single instance; included full changelog in the help file
0.85 Development Test 6 (2010-07-28): fixed major issue with last update; converted to an online installer
0.85 Development Test 5 (2010-06-08): moved configuration folder to Data\settings
; re-enabled automatic update
0.85 Development Test 4 (2010-06-07): disabled automatic update support; added changes by vf2nsr.
0.85 Development Test 3 (2010-06-06): added portable Java support; fixed issue with IE
0.85 Development Test 2 (2010-05-20): fixed minor errors in the help file; added multilingual support for the installer; bundled installer source code
0.85 Development Test 1 (2010-05-17): initial release
Known Issues:
None so far
Dev Note: Thanks to kAlug for temporarily taking this over
Thank you for taking the time to make FreeRapid Downloader portable. I will give this a go over the next couple days and report back any bugs encountered.
A couple small things beforehand.
Where "Name: FreeRapid Downloader" should be it currently reads "FreeUPX: FreeRapid Downloader". Need to change to Name: and add the link in for the base application.
Change the thread title to "FreeRapid Downloader Portable 0.83 Development Test 1".
Should change the link from "FRDPortable_DevelopmentTest_1" to "FreeRapid_Downloader _Portable_0.83_Development_Test_1".
Last thing is a request. Could you upload the application to Mediafire? It's a file sharing site like File Factory but it doesn't have wait times, has quicker download speeds and supports every download accelerator I've used with it.
Thanks Advocate
Thank You!
and yes you are right i will change the names, oh and thank you for pointing out that messed up on the name, is that I was using my other project as a guideline lol 
Edit: Added MediaFire Link
I suggest changing your Mediafire link to The URL you currently have in only redirects to this address anyway.
I think your should change the thread title from "Free Rapid Downlaoder Internet file-sharing downlaoding services" to "FreeRapid Downloader Portable 0.83 Development Test 1". Same with the download link text.
Hopefully without offending I suggest you edit your original post to:
FreeRapid Downloader
<strong>Category:</strong> Internet,
Download Manager
<strong>Description:</strong> FRD Portable
is the FreeRapidDownlaoder it is packaged with a
launcher as a portable app. It's a simple Java downloader that supports
downloading from Rapidshare and other file-sharing services. Simply
copy and paste your links from a browser to this application. FreeRapid
Downloader will handle the rest itself. No more clicking or
uncomfortable waiting.
<a href="">Download
FreeRapid_Downloader_Portable 0.83_Development_Test_1</a>
[6.66MB Download / 8.80MB Installed]
(MD5 Sum: ea70cc6876a9613c07bbd7e9d8787521)
<strong>Release Notes:</strong>
<em>Development Test 1 (2010-05-17):</em>
<li>Initial Release</li>
<strong>Known Issues:</strong>
<em>None so far</em>
You can simply copy and paste the text. If done correctly should result in:
Name: FreeRapid Downloader
Category: Internet, Download Manager
Description: FRD Portable is the FreeRapidDownlaoder it is packaged with a launcher as a portable app. It's a simple Java downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare and other file-sharing services. Simply copy and paste your links from a browser to this application. FreeRapid Downloader will handle the rest itself. No more clicking or uncomfortable waiting.
Download FreeRapid_Downloader_Portable 0.83_Development_Test_1 [6.66MB Download / 8.80MB Installed]
(MD5 Sum: ea70cc6876a9613c07bbd7e9d8787521)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2010-05-17):
Known Issues:
None so far
Once Kiriko responds to this comment and does/n't use the suggestion, could a mod delete then this comment as it's fairly lengthy and won't assist any future development. Thanks Advocate
Below are the results for a regshot done on XP SP3 with Power User rights. I opened the application, selected help which opened Internet Explorer (default browser) and went to the online help for the application. Unfortunately that has badly added to the number of registry keys in the regshot (IEx is a mess). If there are any actual dirty keys they should still be present. Advocate
Thank you for pointing this things out for me I will get to work on this ASAP. It should not take me long to fix this.
I did not use regshot for this i used regfromapp
Ill use RegShot from now on
These should also be moved to the Beta Testing forum.
Ok Im asking for Help with this cause i have no idea how to modify that reg to fix it, lol i hope i learn how to though for i wanna contribute more to PAC.Edit: 2010/05/19
check link for similar situation
The problem here is the use of the internet explorer or parts of it.
Your app uses the internet explorer or at least parts of it do connect to the internet and download stuff. The traces of this cant easily be erased so imho its something you/the user has to live with. I didn't try it so I dont know what exactly is left behind; maybe its personal stuff (like pics indicating what you downloaded)but it also could be non personal data.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Ok what ever it is showing it is not personal information cause i use firefox not explorer if you or any one can fix that then you are welcome to it. Sorry i cant help any other way since i do not know how to fix it. any help is welcome PLZ!!
Are you sure it uses these parts for the downloads? If you're surmising this based on my regshot please note that I inadvertently launched IE when opening the apps Help. IE was the default browser on that machine. Advocate
I have to contact the developer of the program for this information cause there main site is in another language.
but I think I was just reading your regshot file.
On this page, which I guess is the project homepage, it says it works on linux so I guess it has to work without using internet explorer.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Is it possible to have this use Java Portable rather than relying on the host machine to have it installed? Advocate
I will give it a try to have it run from portable java and I will post my results as soon as i can.
HI Looks good so far. I assume you went by the book in creating the launcher? I am new to developing portable app so I do the same. Just remember that if an item is defaulted to what you already want you don't need to include it.
That being said I tweaked your launcher.ini file as follows:
It now runs from portable java. I removed a few double entries and some of the entries that were not needed. I did not do a total look through so there may be more to parse? Also interesting that you included the unsupported splash never seen anyone do that.
As for the config instead of saving it on install how about doing a file moves to place it in the data directory?
Good luck and holler if you want me to play with it anymore?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Thank you, I will put this in the Launcher as of now.
And about that unsupported splash well that is meant for my personal use i forgot to take it out but you can use it for personal use only it is not an official splash and therefor it should not be used as one.
Please do help as mush as you can, for I am new at making portableapps, for me it is not easy to do this cause I am "Dyslexic" and it makes it hard for me to do this. I most read and reread everything I do. The more feedback I get on this project the better and it also explains my spelling. LOL :^)) Well Enjoy and thank you!
Watch out with using 'FileWrite/Replace' with registry files as they are in utf-16le format (as PAL is compiled with Unicode NSIS by default)
So it should probably be the following:
Oops, I just realized I've been missing the same line in Unicode NSIS Portable launcher.ini
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Is this "Encoding=UTF-16LE" to be added to all launcher.ini or no?
Just for unicode files, like the registry file. But then again only if PAL is compiled with Unicode NSIS (as it does by default).
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
one problem in the launcher and that is only one thing, this part of the code dose work it will start FRDPortable but then just as soon as it started it will shutdown
This also happened to me when I added it my self I have no idea why but it just dose, I guess it is a bug in the Launcher or in FRDPortable.
Now for that rest of the code it works good with no other problems.
Worked on my system XP SP3 full admin rights all I had to do was allow it through my Vipre Firewall and it worked. Will look at it more in a bit
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
I also have Win XP SP3 full admin rights and I have ZoneAlarm for a firewall. I don't know if that has to do with it?
You should probably quote the %PAL:AppDir%\... path. I think the most likely thing in your case is that you've got a space in the path and that that breaks it.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Was just trying to help him to the best I could it worked for me but maybe a fluke?
I have made a few other mods and changes and you can check out the report as well as change made here:
oh and in the appinfo.ini file " should be " Development Test 2
one more thing change the commandlinearguments to
CommandLineArguments=-Xms32m -Xmx128m -jar "%PAL:AppDir%\FreeRapidDownloader\frd.jar"
Hope it helps
added afterthought
you might want to pre-configure the preferences to not auto check for updates? have no idea if this might "break" the portableness of th app?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
You are right about, "you might want to pre-configure the preferences to not auto check for updates? have no idea if this might "break" the portableness of the app?"
it dose brake the portability of the program, I noticed this when I was using "Process Explorer" for FRDPortbale would shutdown and restart without the portable launcher.
Thank you for pointing this out, I will update plugins on a weekly or by weekly basses. I will use a separated setup file for the plugins to keep it up to date.
Plugins should be ok I think if directed to the plugins folder of the portable app? I am more worried about it updating the software? Did you take a look at the other things I wrote about in the paste file? I will look into the plugin theory. To be honest this is not a program I would use but have no issues helping you
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
can't test them since they are all up to date
What did you think about the paste I left for you? Did it make sense? Any questions?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
I like the new settings that you made for me and it is more simpler than what I had made.
Also to test the pluings just delete some from the plugins folder then run FRDPortable and update plugins. FRDPortable will automatic detect that they are plugings missing, FRDPortable will download these automatically and therefore you can test the ability of the update manager of FRDPortable.
here is the link for the new FRDPortable with the configuration folder moved.
Downloading and will look at thanks for plug in info will check as well
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Why did you make it an online installer? Advocate
Good Question?
Well as you know I am fairly new to the game and I want to explore all and any possibilities of making an application portable and this is one of them.
There for it allows me to learn and adjust to new and different situations in the long run of making PortableApps.
Also keep in mind that this is not just for me but for other to use and enjoy the many different types of Free and Open-Source applications that are out there. :^)
This new release sets FRDPortable to its latest version 0.85.
Edit: I have added a list of features that is also included in the main help file. Also I added the list of system requirements just in case.
New update see release notes for details. Enjoy!
Just wondering if this is still being worked on? I've been using it and from wat I can tell the only time I have a problem with it is if more then 5 downloads are going at the same time. I'll receive a java error. I also turned off automatic updates for the program and left the other update for it run. seemed to help some.It's a great program and having it portable is even better. I'm not sure wat I'm suppose to look for on my computer though to let you know if it's leaving anything so let me know and I will look.
Sorry for the inconvenience but this is an internal problem. Someone ells reported a similar problem here.
Do keep in mind that this program is still being work by the original developer (s) at it's home page.
I am a loyal user of this program and so far i have not run in to this
programproblem, and trust me i have downloaded more than 5 files at the same time.Note: This program is almost for official release. See here in the Java and .Net apps delayed section for more information.
Edit: just corrected a miss spelled word.
WOw is a great tool!

there is a new version 0.86.
I will happy if you update it!
thx tal.
FRD Download
Current version is FreeRapid Downloader 0.9 , released on 31th October 2012
because it always close when it found the new version.
"Current version is FreeRapid Downloader 0.9u4 , released on 18th May 2014" (c)
Can anyone please update the portable version, too? Pretty please?
I have created an updated version of FRD Portable that has the following changes:
You may download the update from here: