I have had a number of issues with version 3 that have forced me to go back to version 2.2.1 until they can be resoled:
1 - Where did the Help tab go? This was useful to clarify the terms 'Mirror' and 'Equalise' etc. Also helped deciphering the cryptic colors on the preview.
2 - Preview option does not appear work - shows no changes when I know changes have been made.
3 - Preview option no longer expands the base folder, would be nice if it behaved as previous versions did.
4 - It would be much more helpful if the Preview option ONLY showed what files were going to be copied/deleted etc.
5 - I had set up many jobs but now, when I try to open any of them with this new version I get the message "There was an error reading from the jobs file, looking for Recycle".
6 - I have turned on the "Enable Tooltips" option, but don't see any!
7 - Also, not that important, but I cannot locate any 'About' information to verify what version is currently being run etc.
for the questions:
Thanks for all the feedback, I will try and send a new version for release that fixes the bugs.
P.S. After previewing if you hover over a file that has been coloured it should show a tooltip explaining what the colour is.
First let me say that although it may sound like it, my goal is not to criticize, but to help make this program better!
Thanks for all the work you have obviously put into this program over the years!
Now, on to the issues!
1 - Doesn't seem like an improvement to remove a tab that was built in to the earlier versions, and force me to open an explorer window, browse to the folder where the program was installed and then double click on a file. Particularly as the Help tab was in previous versions. Can you explain your reason for removing the Help tab? PLEASE add it back!!
2 - I noticed the problem during Sync. After reverting to 2.2.1, preview correctly showed me the expected changes.
3 - Yes, but why is that necessary? The old version used to automatically expand, so again, can you explain your reason for not doing it in the latest version? After running preview, the first thing EVERY user will now have to do is double click on the folder in both file lists so they can see the results, so why not have the program expand it, as it did in 2.2.1?
7 - See another persons comment about only seeing program information when burning a disc. Why not add an About tab, or, if/when! you add back the Help tab, you could include it on there.
The reason/s given for having a separate help file is that many users like to have Toucan AND the help file open at the same time when they are using the application, which you can't do if the help is built into a tab.
Second (and not so important for me personally), I guess there is some standard way help files are accessed from the PortableApps menu, so Steve is just trying to follow that convention.
I personally liked the built-in help but I can see the logic in separating them out. Maybe a link to the help file from within Toucan would be an acceptable compromise.
I guess I must be missing something, after installing Toucan V3, how to I get to see the help file without having to open an Explorer window etc.?
You don't based on what I said above. Help must now be opened in a browser window.
You said "I guess there is some standard way help files are accessed from the PortableApps menu".
Can you elaborate?
No, because I don't use the PortableApps menu!
I was basically paraphrasing Steve from this post. 
Actually he seems to imply that it's not quite in-place yet but I'm sure it will be obvious when it is.
I agree, as it stands it will be quite haphazard to open up the help, particularly for people like myself who don't use the PortableApps menu. But there you go. As long as the help is there somewhere, and I can get to it if I look hard enough, then I don't mind too much. I'm all for standards and one-approach-for-all type mentality in this instance.
I'm staying with 3, but nonetheless:
3. Please accept this point. It makes no sense that anyone would want it closed by default. If not for us, do it to extend the lives of our weary computer mouses.
5. Likewise for me.
7. Like 3, the default should always be the natural approach. Imagine if a CD burner forced you to burn a disc in order to view the about screen.
me wrong, I will change preview so it expands the top level folder, it was just a quick work around! Out of interest where do you think the natural place would be to put the about button? I will also add the version to the help file.
Well, unless you (hopefully) bring the "Help" tab back, I would just add an "About" tab after "Settings".
When you add the Help tab back (I hope!) you could add the 'About' button/information somewhere on that tab like it used to be!
have put a summary of what is happening about getting this fixed up here. Feedback is welcome as always!