Application: Geany
Description: Geany is a text editor using the GTK2 toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It supports many filetypes and has some nice features. It uses the PATH variable for compiler support. Read the help file for instructions on how to add PATH variables to Geany Portable. This should be completely portable. Also, all the data is now in Data\settings, i.e. filedefs, tags and templates. Geany Portable supports GTK located in CommonFiles.
Hooray! Geany Portable Released!
I will also be removing the chopping I extra stuff I do with GTK when Geany 0.20 comes out. It takes to long and I can't see a reason for it anymore.
Release Notes:
- Geany Portable 18.1.1
- Development Test 1 (2010-4-14): Update to to 18.1.1
- 18.1. Rolls back GTK to better support older operating systems
- As far as code update, multi-launch works properly now meaning that you can give it a association within say filezilla or cafe. Even if you already have Geany open, it will still launch properly!
- Development Test 2 (2010-5-14):
- Update Appinfo.ini, as requested by Bart.S (I think its not really wrong, but I shall update it as I don't see a problem with doing so
- Apply patch provided by Bart.S to fix language switching when the app is not launched via the menu.
- Update Appinfo.ini, as requested by Bart.S (I think its not really wrong, but I shall update it as I don't see a problem with doing so
- Geany Portable .19
- Development Test 1
- Update Geany Binaries
- Small Correction to GeanyPortable.ini
- Update to PortableApps.Com Installer 2.02
- Geany Portable .19.1
- Development Test 1
- Update Geany Binaries
You need to include the Geany version number in your release announcement, and your download link. Also, Development Test needs to be added to the heading
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
... I love Geany on my little netbook which is running Ubuntu. It'd be nice if this portable version gets some support and eventually ends up being one of the regular offerings.
Updated to Development Test 3. Test 2 wasn't so great. This will deleted you're Geany folder and GTK. It will preserve your GTK themes.
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New Version
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I like the general feel of most GTK applications, and I like this one. I haven't run across any problems yet. Good work.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I like the skin I was able to use. I couple it with the Dark Geany file defs, and its just flows
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I've had 98 downloads since I set up the download page
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Sorry to pester but will this be updated to the latest Geany?
Yes, sometime this week. I worked on it friday, and I'm gonna check and make sure everything is good and up to par (except for the language switching, but I have a hunting party arranged for that I hope). Expect it this week.
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I finally got it done! Imagine that! Enjoy.
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It's a lot like GNU Gedit.
Updated my launcher to version 2
Now handles language switching from the platform and gets any path variables from the host computer as well. Made a few cosmetic changes so the code looks nicer.
This should have a way to make the language switch stick. So I'll have to add that. One more test version and feature that will be in out in a week or so.
If you use a drak theme (like the murrina night orange that is included), you can get the Geany dark schema for it. But the file def for NSISisn't the best it could be. So, if you'd like, you can use my modified version. It probably needs some work (I can think of one place in particular) but its more legible under use then the original is.
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New Version- Get it while its hot
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... to be continued
k. Updated
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I'm just curious, is now everything fixed?
Btw: The Dev Test 5 release date is false
Should be. There was one or two suggestions I didn't like, I can't remember.
I'll fix the date, thanks.
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Update to dev test 5.
See notes for relevant info and a less time consuming download.
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It looks like Geany is coming along pretty nicely. I think once it's considered stable enough for everyday use and the interface bugs are worked out (in the menus, dividers don't show up, some visual hiccups, etc) that it would make sense to get this out there. I know some devs will really like it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'm glad to know that its possible it will go official 
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It's pretty much a definite the way it's been progressing. I think it makes sense to have choices. And a redesign of the app list is underway that will make it easier for us to have lots of apps but people to still find what they want.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Updated to Dev Test 6
See notes for info, and another short download
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Updated to Dev Test 7, See release notes.
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You have the @John T. Haller part listed twice in the first post.
snap. fixed
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I updated the main post to fix your unordered list (you were missing the ULs) and removed the message to me. You don't need to convince me
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
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Download link still points to Test 5
yes and no
The page now works correctly
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I've added a link to my packaging of 18.1. As I test it over the next few days (I've recently adopted a crazy schedule), I thought I would provide a chance for you to test it as well.
You should make a backup of at least the data folder, but the whole GeanyPortable folder can't hurt. Once you've run it once, you should be okay to delete the backup you made.
Of course, this backup procedure should apply to ANYTHING that you try :). It makes it easier to roll back if somethign goes wrong or you don't like something.
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Howdy guys. Here's Geany 18.1.1, which is pretty rare for the Geany project. This version updates to the latest release of Geany, which rolls back gtk and a few other things to make GTK work with older versions of Windows.
I've also fixed up the multiple launch issues, so now it works as expected. Basically, you can have one copy of Geany Portable running, then drag and drop or otherwise start a new instance with a file as a parameter. It will open in the same windows

Bonus Pnotes Update. This week, I hope
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[...] which rolls back gtk [...] reminds me of Dia
Can't download here.
Server is down for me and also finds it is down
Indeed, you are correct. I'll get it on a mirror in a little bit.
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Site is back up, must have been some server upgrads or something. Anyway, I'll still mirror it.
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Lines 262-266 should be the following, otherwise the environment variable LANG will be erased if no language code is broadcasted by the menu.
Additionally, the DisplayVersion in appinfo.ini is incorrect.
You are correct on both counts. I will apply the patches, and note credit in the Help.html
*EDIT* Updated as promised
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you're crazy (positive, of course). I've never seen a 'Special Thanks' section in a help.html. Thanks. And btw, there is a typo in your last sentence: "langauge" (This one is in comments of your code too, see my last post above)
Oh, here's more:
- Last development test is *.paf.exe.exe
- Last release notes point is a level too high
Cheers 8)
My lack of sanity is something no one should ever need question.
You contributed code. You deserve some sort of mention
I even have the spell check plugin
I'll check it out and correct as needed.
Pardon me while I get my ticket for the failbus.
Back! I'll check those out while I'm on my trip. I may not fix them tonight though.
Cheers Cool
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I has released Geany 0.19 as portable. See notes up top, or over here:
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Can anyone help me with setting up a compiler on Geany? I've installed portable MinGW, but I can't figure out how to set it as the compiler. I can't find anything in the help file regarding PATH variables and compilers.
sadly, I've never setup Geany to use MinGW. The PATH stuff I setup in the launcher and that is in the documentation works, however. *UPDATE*, I just set it up, and got it to work. See below for the steps.
From the online documentation which may or may not be better then the help.html included with Geany Portable (I have to look).
Here's the contents of my GeanyPortable.ini in which I have NSIS (which doesn't quite work) and Perl Portable (which does work):
So, if you have Mingw Portable, you'll need to include the path to the actual mingw binaries. That should be something like
Lemme know if you have more question or a suggestion.
I just installed Mingw Portable and set it up. You'll need to add
to the PathAdditions section in your GeanyPortable.iniUse build and execute. In Geany, select the menu entry Build, then set includes and arguments. Change execute to be "%e".
Should be good to go. My hello world program worked okay.
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As promised, updated to version 0.19.1 *Update* Geany Plugins 0.19 is also available
The question now becomes is it worth it for me anymore to promote Geany Portable on this site with the development splash screen, which makes my app look less polished then it actually is?
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You think it's ready for a pre-release? If so, I'm up for it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'd love to head for it to head to a prerelease.
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It's taken me so long to find this tidbit of useful info regarding the build settings. Many thanks!!!
I'm assuming I could do something similar to get portable Eclipse C++ to work also.
It seems it's already been done by gluxon - see this thread:
If there's one thing I've been taught in life (and in checking the workings of PortableApps programs), it's never assume:
"To assume is to make an ass out of u and an ass out of me."
All the best.