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Winamp Portable 5.581 development test 4

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Mark Sikkema
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Winamp Portable 5.581 development test 4

Application: Winamp
Category: Music & Video
Description: Winamp is an a feature rich and easy-to-use media player.

Winamp Portable 5.581 Development Test 4 online [919KB download / 60.7MB installed]
(MD5: 1789be521e19b2b6f6fef64ad51c1abe)
Whenever the online installer fails, please leave a comment and I will update the installer.
This will happen each time Winamp releases a new build !

Release Notes:

Development Test 4 (2010-10-25)

  • Bug fix :
    • Updated to latest PAL HGtip, this includes a registry bug fix which got Winamps local product key copied to the portable version. (Oops)
  • Testers needed for :
    • the adobe flash player support, especially on limited accounts !
      You can test this by adding the flash files and try the online services 'Song of the Day' or in the Winamp browser the StreamPad in '' or YouTube, should all work ! Please leave a comment about flash player support, also if it all works as expected !

Development Test 3 (2010-09-03)

  • features added :
    • adobe flash player support for limited users. Please read the text file in the App\Flash folder, and make sure you got the latest flash player files 'flash10i.ocx'

Development Test 2 (2010-08-23)

  • Secondary-run bug fix

Development Test 1 (2010-08-05): Initial release

  • Known bugs :
    • When updating from the previous development test, you have to manually copy your files from Data\settings to Data\WinampSettings. Make sure you keep a folder named Data\settings, or the launcher will use the default settings!
    • There is a bug in the handling of a secondary run, which will delete all current settings. This will be fixed asap !
  • features added :
    • Surprisingly faster exiting of WinampPortable, thanx to the settings being copied to the local drive
    • The Winamp browser & online services now support use of a locally installed adobe flash
    • Winamp Portable + PAL 2.1 also has the option to register Flash.ocx located on the usb-drive but this is currently on your own risk. If you're really brave and do not care about leaving registry entries behind and unregistring the local flash.ocx, you can un-comment the specific line in the launcher.ini and stick the needed files in App\Flash. Make sure you get the IExplorer flash files.
    • Almost all of PAL 2.1 it's new features are used in this launcher, writing XML settings & wild-card support (currently used for updating drive-letters in additional playlists)
  • Notes :
    • This version is continuation of
    • All of the launcher is updated to PAL 2.1 beta, although DirectoriesMove.nsh had a bug-fix and is available in Other\Source\Segments

BTW: There are some real issues with WinampPortable and redirecting the userprofile (needed for the Winamp online services & browser, etc). Winamps browser likes to open up IExplorer whenever the browser needs to open another tab/window. This conflicts with IExplorer processes running separated of Winamp. Whether IExplorer got started before or after Winamp opened an IExplorer process, the redirected userprofile will or will not be used for either of the processes. Beware, in the redirected userprofile everything (e.g. cookies, temp.InternetFiles, favorites, history, etc.) will be discarded after Winampportable closes. However, if an IExplorer process opened by Winamp, is still running after WinampPoratble is closed, it will keep files-locked in the %TEMP%\WinampPortableTemp directory. The launcher deletes this folder with the /REBOOTOK flag, so will be dealed with on next boot!
If the redirected userprofile is not prefered, the user can disable it with the UserOverrideConfig file WinampPortable\WinampPortable.ini


Additional UserOverrideConfig :

;To specify your music folder:
;To set Winamp Portable to play on startup:
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I upgraded to this version

I upgraded to this version and lost my library. Not a big issue for me as I just let it add everything again over night but was just surprised to find it reset.

Once you go portable...

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Sorry about that !

As I changed the whole launcher, the setup of the folders in 'Data' has changed significantly. This will make you loose all your settings and library (I forgot to take this in account). Best chance you have to recover your music library and settings is to copy all files and folders from within 'Data\settings' to 'Data\WinampSettings'.

If this works for you, please leave a note here so others can do the same (I currently do not have any time in looking at this due to a total renovation of our house)


Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
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With Winamp closed I did the following:

  1. Rename 'Data\WinampSettings' to 'Data\'
  2. Rename 'Data\settings' to 'Data\WinampSettings'
  3. Recreate 'Data\settings'
  4. Move 'Data\WinampSettings\WinampPortableSettings.ini back to 'Data\settings'

Note: Step 3 and 4 may not be completely necessary as it will get recreated.

Once you go portable...

Jhonn's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
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Bigger Improvements

Now the Winamp Pro reg info is saved in the portable Winamp and they don't leave reg keys in the registry anymore! Good work Gringoloco!

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-07-20 14:55
Thanx for the (positive) feedback

A lot of development tests forum topics become forgotten due to the lack of activity. So especially positive feedback is more than welcome.


Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Launching Problem

I have associate audio files with Portable Winamp using "Windows 7 Default Programs" however when i tried to run a media file I will get "Winamp Setup dialog". I have tried uncheck the winamp association file type itself, but at times I will still be getting the winamp setup dialog came up when I try to run media files.

Thank you for creating Portable Winamp, Looking forward for your solution. Smile

Chris Morgan
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You should never do things like that. Portable apps just can't cope with them - they're portable, their launchers must be invoked first, and when they register things themselves they don't take the launcher into account. It breaks portable use completely.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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"Winamp Setup"

I have re-downloaded winamp portable for testing. I found out that, when winamp portable is currently running, and if you tried to launch the winamp portable again while winamp portable is running. the second time when you tried to launch winamp portable again you will be getting a constant winamp setup page whenever you tried to run it.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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I can not reproduce this !

Something you could try is to rename your Data folder, to see if there is something messed up in the settings. Whenever this works and you want your old settings, playlists or media library again, you can transfer the individual files back again.

Again, I could not reproduce this behavior. I have Winamp Portable running and have no issue to run it a second time, although it just keeps one instance of Winamp ! Even when I have WinampPortable running and drag 'n drop an mp3 file to WinampPortable.exe it will play the specific song.

If you are using the user-override config file in the main folder (WinampPortable.ini), try if deleting/renaming it makes a difference !
I just realize that the commandline parameters do not override the user-override config 'AdditionalParameters' ini setting !:(

Please let me know if any of the above helped, or try to provide more information.

Edit: Ah ha, you're the person who set the default associations for Windows. That probably is the main reason for your problem.
One should never do such a thing for any portable app
I'm not a user of Windows 7, but you could try if it's possible to undo the associations, or reset them to point to WinampPortable.exe, instead of Winamp.exe !

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Launcher Problem (Video Provided)

I have uploaded a video regarding to the launcher problem.

As you can see, it's a new installation. Untouched, In the video I have run the setup, and did a first launch on the untouched winamp portable, and without the closing the winamp portable, I launch winamp portable again and closed it. The third time i try running it again, it directs to winamp setup.. and I won't be able to use this portable winamp anymore.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Ai ! I see what you mean now :(

Now I can reproduce this, and will look into it asap !

Thanx for the report and the video.

One way to temporarily solve this is to delete the Data\settings folder, and the launcher will use the default settings. I think this will keep your additional playlists and media-library.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Jhonn's picture
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Locally Flash works good but...

I've tryed the portable Flash and it works flawlessy, but sometimes "Winamp.exe" crash and the laucher fail in unregistering the DLL saying: "This file currently is being used. PAL can't unregister flash10h.ocx"

Mark Sikkema
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Winamp it self is known to crash regularly when exiting, or at least on my PC it has been for this and previous versions. But the crash never seemed to effect any thing(, before you reported this).

Currently PAL's code for (un)registring libraries is in a very early stage of development and being worked on. Your issue should be taken into account for any future development.

Could you tell me on what (language) OS you are using for portable flash? Mainly I'm interested in the full path of %APPDATA% ? Which can differ between OS's and languages.

BTW: Be careful on which PC's you use the portable flash, as noted in the main topic.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Jhonn's picture
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More details

I use Windows Vista SP2 (x86, Brazilian Portuguese) The %AppData% variable returned to me
"C:\Users\<username here>\AppData". This folder have another 3 subfoldes: Local, LocalLow and Roaming. Winamp Portable uses Roaming (I think). Winamp never crashed in exiting with me, but if I enable portable Flash Winamp crash randomly when I acess any online feature (sometimes works fine). But this is a PAL issue, not?

Mark Sikkema
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I've done some testing with

I've done some testing with the new development test 3...

Even when InternetExplorer is still using the portable flash, PAL will still unregister the flash library.

So I hope this fixes your issue !

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Mark Sikkema
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Important update !

The bug what deletes all settings when doing a secondary run has been fixed.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Thanks for fixing the bug!

Will use it.. looks okay so far.

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Adding items to a playlist

I'm running Windows7 x64. I LOVE this portable Winamp and this is the only issue I've run into. I've set my main music directory to be a folder on my portable drive - the same one Winamp is running off of. I can play the items in the library ok and I can import and play playlists fine, but if I try to send something from the library to a playlist, it doesn't work correct.

If I right click on an item in my Library and choose Send To > Playlist, it goes into the playlist ok, but it isn't playable. If I right click on the item in the playlist and choose "Playlist Entry" or "View File Info" I notice that the path to the file is incorrect. The path to the portable file should be


but what it shows up as is


Has anyone else experienced this?

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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It kinda looks like some path problems I ran into for the commandline arguments, when developing the launcher. See the way the path ends with a part of the intended path !

However, I'm not able to reproduce this at all Sad

I'm kinda confused by the behavior you describe, it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the launcher (as you didn't exit/restart the app)

Are you talking about the additional playlists like:
Right-click->Send to:->Media Library Playlist->YourPlaylist

From what exact part of the media library are you trying to send the item from ? (e.g. Local Media / Audio / Recently Played / etc.)

One thing you could try is to run winamp without the launcher! Just edit WinampPortable\Winamp\paths.ini to point to X:\PortableApps\WinampPortable\Data\WinampSettings and run Winamp.exe . Let me know if that fixes it !
(Do not worry about settings left behind, Winamp is `portable` by default, all what could be left behind are temp. internet files & cookies,etc by the browser)

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Yes, that's exactly how I was

Yes, that's exactly how I was adding it to the playlist. And I modified the ini and tried it again and it tried to point to the file in the new location, so it must just be a winamp bug.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Added flash player support for limited accounts !

Just copy the latest flash (flash10i.ocx) files from 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash' to 'WinampPortable\App\Flash' and the launcher takes care about the rest.

Note: Dll registration for limited accounts is a new (experimental) feature, so all feedback on this is more then welcome !

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Copy Local Files

Maybe you could use the [CopyLocalFiles] section of the installer to copy flash. It could be an optional component of installer.

Jhonn's picture
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Portable Flash seems to be fixed...

In dev test 3 the portable flash doesn't crash winamp anymore and the "file currently being used" bug doesn't occur anymore

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Thank you!

I'm the one from the IRC, hahaha.

Thank you Gringoloco, I'll be using this app a LOT Wink

And tell you if I find bugs Smile

I'm here to learn.

Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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Why happens this?

I've a little question 'Gringoloco'.

After install WinampPortable in my USB Stick, obviously I wanted to test it, and when I run it for the first time I saw that it already has my "WinampPro" info, it was activated.

Is that all right?

I'm here to learn.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Strange..., the PortableApps Launcher should (have) back(ed)-up the local HKLM registry key which contains the registration info. But now I'm writing this it occurs to me that when run in a non-admin account this info will not be backed-up and probably be used by Winamp Portable.

Thanx for reporting this, I'll have a look into this, when I find time.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

John T. Haller
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As Expected

When run in non-admin mode, any apps the user launches can not write to HKLM. That means the launcher can't backup or change anything. That also means the app can't either. Any app in any mode can, however, read from the registry.

There is no way at all to alter or change this behavior in any way. You would need Winamp itself to alter the way it stores the Pro info. Until then, this is just the way it is.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Mark Sikkema
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I just done some small test on this and it basically means that PAL is not backing up the HKLM key but does SAVE it into the data folder.

So when Winamp Portable is run on any computer (in a limited acount) which has PRO registration, it will just copy the registration info to Winamp Portable.

Basically this is an issue with PAL.

I'll look into it !

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Bug in the last test release Winamp 5.581 Portable

When I try to copy a configuration that I have saved in .txt in my PC, doesn't possible to copy an Advanced Title Formating Title anyway,(Options>>Preferences>>Title)(ctrl + v, right menu click, copy), and I had to typing manually for change my personal configuration. The online setup runs perfectly in my opinion, the problems should be in moment of use diversity of codecs configurations, or other uses.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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If I understand you right...

...what I done to try to reproduce this:
right-click->copy in the Advanced Tilte Formatting menu, and paste it in a .txt file in notepad.exe. Then changed the configuration and copied / pasted it back into Advanced Title Formatting menu.
All working well here, Windows XP sp3 !

What you could try is to run Winamp locally, and see if persists in the non-portable version.
Just edit WinampPortable\App\Winamp\paths.ini to point to X:\PortableApps\WinampPortable\Data\WinampSettings and run Winamp.exe .

Please, let me know if the non-portable version behaves the same or not.


Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Answer for the trouble

I have an file .txt and I had copied to the box of Title menu, in the first run the Winamp 5.581 Portable alpha/beta test directly of notepad.exe, a Advanced Title Formating (Menu>>Options>>Preferences>>Title) and have pasted it was being blocked to copy (ctrl + v - right-click->copy). I have tested now, and in the non-portable version when I run have a same configuration that I had changed in portable version. The non-portable version (winamp5581_full_bundle_emusic-7plus_en-us.exe) has the same problem of portable version. If would have problems in used a other place for install a portable version, the problem would being solved. But now I'm trying to copy an Advanced Title Formating different this other I've never used it anytime, and have a same problem, blocks a copy also in Portable version. Logically, if I copy a default for notepad.exe, in both cases, I would have never had a problem, in use of different configuration, this unknown for the registry, I would type, for so then unlock. My account is limited user, and is also windows xp SP3. My text is:

[%title% - ]$if2(%filename%,$%filename%(%album%)) (- standard (default))

$filepart(%filename%)$filename(%filename%) (non-function in second test tentative)

$filepart(%title.-%)$filename(%filename%) (first tentative for tests)

Sorry, but if Winamp is a freeware, we not have permissions for modify the program source closed.

L.H. .

Jhonn's picture
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Should Winamp ready?

After various tests, I think that Winamp Portable is ready to be released as a official portable app. The first version that I've downloaded has a huge number of bugs that was fixed in this current release. What you thing about this?

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Answer for question

I think that would can be very interesting the work over a software, correcting bugs, same being closed source, and contributing for quality of development. But I have never saw a comunity for this, and other sites offering a software portable, on that in this case being comercial or not software, Winamp including (Pro version - for buy) and in unknow portable version development of the unknow people, of one distant part of the world, not reliable, and without procedence too. If the works of development are good, probably, in consideration the Nullsoft, for example, this could be adopted for who stay interested. In opensource this is natural of occurs, however if all contributing for software working better, no problem, I'm not would have nothing against. The question is the license of software, I'm not a vendor of any comercial product, and no want to discuss a legal question, but I think stranger this, on the case of Nullsoft, the situation of the license. The development would have that suject to stay in the own site of developers, for reasons of license, and own interests of the company. I know that exists a space for developers on the Nullsoft site, but I not know if this have a same perspective . Not happened nothing in respect, and should not happen anything too.

L.H. .

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Thanx for the positive feedback !

I doubt this will ever become official due to several issues which do not comply with the official definition for portable apps. One of the worst is the needed redirection for %USERPROFILE% and the resulting conflict with additionally opened Internet Explorers. (Hopefully the solution will come from Winamp itself one day)

But besides that, I will be keeping this up to date and make modifications when needed ! So official or development test, what's in the name besides an nice splash screen.


Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Mark Sikkema
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Registry bug fix.

No more product-keys are copied to Winamp Portable.

This was nice for the user, but bad for Nullsoft Wink

I hope the latest PAL HGtip is working fine cause I do not have the time lately to fully test it. I guess releasing it as Winamp Portable makes up for the testing. Smile


Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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A great addition to PortableApps!

Can you download visualizations for this version?
If so, could you please tell me how to install and access them?

Terry Dan

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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It is possible, I remember I

It is possible, I remember I done it before but can not recall the exact steps at the moment. Probably it depends on the installer of the specific visualization.

Is there any specific visualization you have in mind ?

I'll have a look at it in the next few days.

edit: Ok, I just tried Tonic v 02, the installer asked the location of Winamp, I pointed it to X:\PortableApps\WinampPortable\App\Winamp, and installed it.
It did install stuff some to %PROGRAMFILES%, and a shortcut in the start menu, but I could delete them without issues and it started Winamp without the launcher, which you have to cancel and don't save the settings when asked.
It's all a bit tricky, but working.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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The last version doesn't seem to work correctly for me (the one I had before is from here: and works fine). The problem is that it doesn't update or create paths.ini file. Or am I doing something wrong? Also, why not make use of "no_registry=1" option in Winamp.ini, which would force it to not write to registry (with the exception of registration key and name)? I would fix it myself, but there are some includes missing, which I couldn't find anywhere - "ForEachPath.nsh", "RequireLatestNSIS.nsh" and probably some others.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Are you saying there isn't a

Are you saying there isn't a paths.ini at all in WinampPortable\App\Winamp folder ?
I have just tested the most recent version, just to make sure I didn't make some mistake with the last release, and paths.ini gets created the way it is intended.
The difference with priory versions of WinampP, is that paths.ini doesn't point to the WinampPortable\Data folder anymore, but to the local (C:\) drive. This makes sure WinampP is able to close significantly faster then when Winamp saves all the settings directy to the Data folder, on a flash-drive. After Winamp finished the launcher makes sure all your settings get copied back to your Data folder.

Did you try a clean install? The version from was using a custom launcher. Recently I changed to (a modified version of) PAL so the setup of the data folder and some other stuff has significantly changed.
Do you use the WinampPortable.ini file in the main folder to override certain settings ? Especially changing the value of "RedirectUserProfile=true" to false makes a big difference

Winamp doesn't save any settings permanently into the registry by default (besides the registration info), but it does create a couple of registry keys which I get it to backup and save. You are right, maybe I could change that for HKCU, since there is no need to save it.
The "no_registry=1" option doesn't seem to have any affect on the behavior of Winamp, at least last time I had a look at it. Although I have to say, Winamp's behavior does change quit oftenly, so probably I should have another look at it.

about recompiling the launcher for Winamp, you will need Launcher 2.1 Beta 1, will be official soon. As I mentioned before the current launcher of WinampP is a modified version of PAL 2.1, all the files I modified are in the WinampP source (and segment) folder. It's not totally necessary, but if you want you can exchange the specific files with the ones in PAL 2.1. For 'RegisterDLL.nsh', you also need to add 'TypeLib.nsh' to PAL 2.1 its Source folder.

If nothing of this helped, please reply with some additional info so I am able to reproduce your problem.
Also if you got your issue fixed somehow, let me know what was wrong and what you done to fix it !


Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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Thanks for the reply. I

Thanks for the reply. I looked into it further and I think I know what caused all the problems. There was a file called WinampPortableTemp in temp folder, which prevented creating a folder with the same name. I have no idea how that file got created, but it was there. Maybe some Winamp bug? If it helps, that file contained some standard font. After deleting it, it works correctly.

Furthermore, I would suggest making it optional (but default) for paths.ini to point to C. Why? Some people (me included) use portable apps primarily on hard drive, so flash-drive slowness is not an issue and not-needing to copy anything is preferable.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Yes, I'll probably add the

Yes, I'll probably add the option for the next release.

Sorry about the issue, I'll look into it ! I even added a function to delete the folder on reboot, whenever it would be locked.

Ah, that reminds me, would the folder been locked ?
Do you use the Winamp browser, and did it maybe open Internet Explorer in the process ?

Any instance of Internet Explorer opened by Winamp could keep files locked in the WinampPortableTemp folder, this is the exact reason why WinampP could never make it as an official release Sad

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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The problem wasn't with a

The problem wasn't with a locked folder, but rather with a file, which prevented creation of a folder. The result of that was that Winamp started in setup mode (asking to choose skin, associations etc.) and after doing that, it just started over (effectively being in an infinite loop). So you can probably imagine my frustration Smile This all happened suddenly after a few executions of WinampP (this new version). So in addition to deleting a folder with that name, you should maybe also delete a file with the same name. I also managed to find out what that font file was - it's original name is "WTFFAB.tmp" and it should have been copied to WinampPortableTemp folder, but instead it ended up being a file I describe above.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-07-20 14:55
I tried to reproduce this,

I tried to reproduce this, unsuccessfully. Sad

The odd thing is that "WTFFAB.tmp" or in my case "WT233.tmp" are files produced by nsis. Nsis produces these in a way that never any one of them could have the same name, if it would, nsis just produces another seemingly random name.
What I done (tried) is I locked the file, exited WinampP and ran it again, all setings got moved back to the usb-drive and then back to the WinampPortableTemp folder again, no issues, some how something else went wrong Pardon

Anyway, could you still please answer the question...
... did you or do you ever use Winamp browser, and does it open InternetExplorer from within Winamp ?

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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I can't reproduce recreating

I can't reproduce recreating that file either, but when any file named WinampPortableTemp is in the Temp folder (locked or not), it causes what I described before.

And I remember using browser from winamp once today, but I'm not really sure, whether it was before the problem or after. Not helpful, but I don't really think it's connected to this.

One cosmetic issue. I got already "Flash10k.ocx" and "Flash10l.ocx" on my system, so maybe you could consider updating that too or at least mentiong it in the readme, that those files can be safely renamed?

Jhonn's picture
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Dev Test 4 ready for update?

Currently the latest version of Winamp is 5.601. The current dev test 4 is already compatible or I will need to wait for a newer version of the launcher?

Mark Sikkema
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Thanx for letting me know

I will have a look at it and release WinampPortable 5.601 as soon as possible. But have to say my resource are limited these days.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Udagama's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-27 03:22

Its better for introduce offline installer. And also thanks for this apps.

Chathuranga Bandara Udagama

Udagama's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-27 03:22

There is a new version. So how do we update to existing product to latest version?

Chathuranga Bandara Udagama

Jhonn's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2008-10-06 12:32
Windows x64 issue

I'm not sure if it is a problem with the portable version or a bug of Winamp, but if you use Winamp Portable in a 64 bit edition of Windows, you won't be able to enter your Winamp Pro reginfo, Winamp will say that any valid key is invalid. In a forum I heard that is because Winamp doesn't have acess to registry to save key, but on Windows Vista and 7 all attempts of a limited user to write in HKLM will be redirected to key HKCU\Software\Classes\VirtualStore (in Winamp Portable case, HKCU\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nullsoft\Winamp, or if your system is a 64 bit edition HKCU\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Nullsoft\Winamp). This may be causing this issue?

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Winamp 5.601 - New Version
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-01-28 17:37
winamp not working...

Hallo, winamp does not currently work for ipods. Namely, the ipod touch. You need to install separate drivers and such. These drivers can be found from :

I got the download link from copy trans , another alternative to itunes.

I hope one day you can include these driver into your winamp portable so that it recognizes, and can use ipod touch's.

Danke ! For Your Time Reading This And Consideration In This ! ^^

Last seen: 2 days 13 hours ago
Joined: 2011-04-02 23:23
Are you still working on

Are you still working on this? If not, then I'll allow someone to take over.

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-07-20 14:55
Sorry, I was meant to update

Sorry, I was meant to update this one day but I did not seem to get around it and kind of lost interest due to some issue(s) which would never allow Winamp Portable to become official.

If someone would want to take over Winamp Portable, he's more then welcome.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 45 min ago
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It Could

We could actually get this to be official if we complete it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-07-20 14:55
What about the Temporary

What about the Temporary Internet Files & Cookies being left behind !

Anyway to solve the issue is a hack and is causing other issues .

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 45 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Browser Only, Right?

That only affects things if you use the Winamp built-in browser, right? We could simply have a note that it's not portable and is just like using a local copy of IE. I don't think anybody uses it anyway.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-07-20 14:55
It's also the online-services

It's also the online-services and any automatically loaded song info.

So it's just playing a song and lots of cookies and temp internet files get created Sad

I was doing the redirected profile, but it'll keep redirecting any IE process started from the winamp-browser (it'll do this when it wants to open a new window/tab).

So yes, it'll mean using the redirected-profile and warning the user that using the browser could cause issues.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Last seen: 2 days 13 hours ago
Joined: 2011-04-02 23:23
@John T. Haller: Perhaps you

@John T. Haller: Perhaps you could contact the Winamp developers so you can get permission? I know that Winamp existed on U3 but U3 is dead. This is one of my favorite apps?

Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-06-21 15:02
Please push it over to official if you can!

Hi - use this a lot as a DJ box, so all I'm using is the library, search and playlists (and crossfade if I can force it to work).

I don't use the browser, or any related bloatedness. Just very interested in the player.

Great work so far, by the way.

Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2010-02-03 11:10
Great work so far

I'm new to Winamp and have been using this on a number computers for a couple of weeks now. Works pretty well on Win 7 x64 and XP SP3 x32. I have also installed some new skins and plug-ins without any issue. Much better for me than Portable Songbird which I found to be incredibly slow managing my music collection on an external HDD.

Only real problem so far is that in Local Media, the music entries get duplicated following a drive letter change on a another computer. However it seems to eventually sort itself out as long as the watch folders are set to rescan. I've used the 'Portable' plug-in to pull in the music from my external HDD, which also seems to work, but prefer to use the Local Media option.

Like others I would love to see this released. Thanks to Mark and anyone else involved in this.

Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2011-06-20 22:18
Update on Official Release?

Any updates on the official release of the WinAmpPortable?

Last seen: 2 days 13 hours ago
Joined: 2011-04-02 23:23
Is this app eligible for

Is this app eligible for official release?

Because Mark Sikkema wants it official A.S.A.P.

Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 07:34

what's is app status?

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-02-14 09:02
changes configurations of installed app


I have Winamp install on my system. I download the Winamp portable from here: . I open the portable Winamp and i close it. After that I open normal Winamp which was installed already on my system and it opened like first time. I mean it ask questions the same when I had open it first time on my system.

I try it 3 times. I always face the same problem.

The portable apps of this site changes the settings of default installed applications?

Thank you!

Last seen: 12 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2012-05-09 00:48

Can this app be official?

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-02-14 09:02
Please make portable of

Please make portable of Winamp with full installation.

I need the feature which can find via internet the name and artist of any song. The name of this feature is "Auto-tag". See the screenshot:

Thank you!

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-02-14 09:02
Any news for Winamp Portable?

Any news for Winamp Portable?

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
auto play

how to turn off auto play song when winamp starts ?

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
ctrl F suucks

i searched via ctrl+f on this site "auto" from autoplay

and as last hope now i just type "start"

and i found this

;To set Winamp Portable to play on startup:

u just need to delete this line if any 1 got the same problem as me


from \Winamp Portable\Other\Source\WinampPortable.ini

i dont know if its necessary but i always copy ini file to main folder cause sometimes it dont work if i just change disable splash screen to true

Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-24 23:47
Just wondering

Are you going to update this to Version 5.666?? It would be nice.. I already have the build set on my Portable Drive via a Cmd script..

All I did was installed Winamp normally, leaving out the Context Menu stuff and the Detector and then run this Cmd Script...

start winamp.exe /inidir=ini

It works wonders, as I have Winamp already installed locally on my pc.

Lord_Theren's picture
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2013-10-24 16:11

This definitely needs an update.

The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 07:34
can you update the online installer?

Winamp 5.666 can download from here:
Winamp 5.666 full all

also added a winamp online installer.
you can take it on your name, and use it.
Winamp 5.666 dev test 5 online installer


Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-24 23:47
Not Vaild...

Dunno why, but it says "The Downloaded Copy of Winamp is not vaild and cannot be installed. Please try again" Can't see why it don't work, unless you did something wrong.

EDIT: Ok, I think I know why now. It's because of what happend recently.. Seems like AOL dropped all support or something for Winamp, thus the website and all the other stuff, including downloads, is gone.

You can still download the newest version, but from a source found on the Winamp Forums.

Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 07:34
fix it

you can download my online installer from previous link.
here a direct download for winamp installler:Winamp 5.666 full all

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-12-31 21:06
Hi Tal, I was able to install

Hi Tal, I was able to install it via your installer. However, everytime I restart my computer and launch Winamp 5.666, it forgets my previous configuration, and shows me this screen:

I tried using "Run as Administrator" and setting my config, but the same still happens the next time I restart the computer and run Winamp 5.666.

I'm on Windows 7.


Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-24 23:47
I don't even know how

But if you are wondering what source I'm talking about is here >

It might change later on, but that's all I know of as of right now. It's not really a big issue for me, as with the Method I posted works just fine. I just linked to it in RocketDock with the cmd line set and bam.

Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2015-05-12 12:21
hello here last version

hello here last version portable winamp

no dev test


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