Application: Toucan
Category: Utilities
Toucan 3.0.3 Pre-Release 6 has now been uploaded, this is another bug fix release.
Download Toucan 3.0.3 Pre-Release 6 [3MB download / 5MB installed]
Release Notes
Pre-Release 6 (2010-09-18):
- Fix bug with copying root folders
- Reduce thread priority for expanding to improve responsiveness
- Reduce the amount of work expand all does
Pre-Release 5 (2010-09-11):
- Fix empty subfolders appearing when only previewing changes
- Fix the expand button so it really expands
Pre-Release 4 (2010-09-08):
- Fix previewing only changes subfolders not showing
- Fix mirror mode with read-only files
Pre-Release 3 (2010-08-31):
- Add a range of new date based variables
- More fixes to the help files
- Fix for problems in non-English languages
- Added option for passing a password on the command line
- Fixed right click menus not showing
- Fixed Delete not expanding variables
- Probably some other stuff too
Pre-Release 2 (2010-08-08):
- Fix crash using short comparison
- Fix incorrect copying in sync
- Fix issue with Rules not saving correctly
Pre-Release 1 (2010-08-06):
- Documentation updates
- Some fixes to sync preview
- Fix for multilingual paths issue
What specifically needs to be tested in this version? Advocate
second pre-release is now up, this should fix the remainder of the sync problems
It would be great if anyone could confirm that the backup and secure from the command line don't work as expected.
"confirm that the backup and secure from the command line don't work as expected?
Surely you haven't broken functionality intentionally? 
course not, they don't work for me but no-one else has mentioned it! Wondering if it is just my machine is all.
Could you be more specific? I just set up simple backup job and ran the "job" command line and the backup seems to work just fine.
The secure however, did not run, it seems to hang (presumably because it's waiting for a password, although I see no prompt to enter one?)
There's a typo in the help file under the "Command Line" section, for the "--datadirectory" command it says: "Changes the ocation that Toucan..."
Missing an "l" for location.
Rules>Overview>Files To Exclude>PlainText - "Is" is written twice in a row. Advocate
I'll fix these.
I find when selecting X:\Documents and then trying to add a portable variable, in this case 'Drive', the applciation fails every time.
Not sure if it's simply because the folder contains 258GB of data or if this is an actual bug. Can anyone reproduce with their install? Advocate
I'll try and track this one down for the next pre-release.
new version is finally uploaded! Now that my work is finished I am hoping to wrap this up quite soon to get another proper release out. If you had a problem with 3.0.2 or a pre-release and can confirm / deny that it is fixed that would be great, thanks!
pre-release train is rumbling on and pre-release 4 is now out with a couple more bug fixes. If you are looking for something to test the command line stuff would be great, thanks! Sorry for the somewhat extended pre-release period, as releases here are a little frozen at the moment I figured I may as well make this as bug free as possible
More pre-releases = More thorough testing = More solid final release = Advocate
=less complaining/flaming on the forums
did some testing at home last night, everything seemed to work as expected minus the spelling mistakes that I told you about before but you still didn`t fix until someone else reported
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
The preview function is still not working as it should.
Sync - mirror - file size, modified time, short comparison, retain timestamps, attributes, ignore read-only
Multi-level folders fail to display the files to be copied/deleted without having to manually expand all folders.
It also marks files that have just been updated as needing to be updated again.
"Preview only changes" doesn't appear to do anything at all.
new pre-release is now out, if you were having trouble previewing only changes see my comment here for more information about how this should work.
is now uploaded, hopefully this will be the last or penultimate pre-release. I would rather get all these fixes out now and start on 3.0.4 as I think there are easily enough to make this release a big improvement over the last.
Installed pre-release 6 and tried out Sync preview again.
Clicking "expand all" still makes the whole system unresponsive even though CPU is not greater than 5% utilised. However, Toucan appears to run but all other applications appear to "hang". I found that I could stop the expanding activity by clicking the preview button again, but system remains unresponsive until I close Toucan completely.
I ask what sort of machine you are running Toucan on? Also how big is the folder that you are previewing? I have tried it with some fairly large folders, it can take a long time to finish, which is expected as it had to do a fair bite of work when previewing large numbers of files, but it has always finished.
folder is 18.1GB total in size. It contains a total of 76807 files in 3711 folders. My machine is a Pentium 4, 2.8GHz running windows XP SP3 with 512MB RAM.
Is it hard to include a progress indicator to show how far the comparison activity has gone?
problem appears to have been fixed in release 3.0.3.
System and other programs no longer "hang" when Preview is in progress. CPU now runs around 45% and preview execution speed is good.
First of all, the preview keeps hiding folders after clicking them.
Secondly, like in v3.0.2, weird stuff happen when I try this rule:
*.+ File to Exclude
*.+ Folder to Exclude
specific_file.txt Location to Include
It's probably worse because I copy that single file to a root folder. Anyway, it starts copying folders that are around this file. It copies them without their files though.
It seems to copy less folders with:
*.* File to Exclude
*.* Folder to Exclude
specific_file.txt Location to Include
But it's still bad.
you put your root folder in as the folder to exclude that would probably give better results.
As for the vanishing folders are you using the preview only changes when this happens? If so this is expected.