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[Resolved] TB 3.1.3 - problem with accessing messages

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Paul Gauci
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 06:49
[Resolved] TB 3.1.3 - problem with accessing messages

I have just upgraded to TB 3.1.3 Portable.

When I need to open the inbox of any of my accounts, I have to right-click the Inbox icon and then click 'Open'.

After this I have to follow the same procedure for each message in the Inbox this time by right-clicking the Message and then clicking 'Open Message in New Tab'

I have re-installed TB3.1.3 Portable three times now but I am still getting the same results.

Has anyone encountered this issue, please?



Last seen: 16 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
strange but

what is ticked under tools-options-advanced-reading&display ??

With all this tabbed things, the 3x behave somehow different in certain things then the 2x TB, sometimes I am also not happy abt it.
But there seem to be setting for almost everything.

Anyway, on my copy, I have also selected under view, classic and message pane, so the top message in the current folder will be displayed in the message pane and need for the tabbed view.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Paul Gauci
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 06:49
Yes very strange

Hi Otto

I checked the Tools-Options-Advanced-Reading & Display feature.

The ticked features were:
- Open messages in a new tab, and
- Close message window on delete

I tried different options but I am still stuck. I am sure that the problem can be resolved though . . .


Paul Gauci

Last seen: 16 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

but do you have the preview pane? For that you might switch on from the main menu, view, layout, classic and message pane.

Then when you click on a message it appears in the preview pane.

If you want just the tabbed view, then sure just new tab will open.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Paul Gauci
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 06:49
I have tried all the options

Yes have tried this option also.

The problem is not just the opening of messages but also accessing the inbox of different accounts that I use. When I need to access each inbox I MUST righ-click and then choose Open - this is the only command which works. Then I must right-click on each message and choose to either open in a new tab or a new window.

Actually, I have just discovered that I have the same problem with all the folders in all the accounts.

I think I must have a problem in one of the files/folders in the Profile folder. I would be interested in knowing whether I could fix it by say removing a file. In fact for a couple of days before this problem emerged I getting error messages when I opened the inbox of one of the accounts to delete the MSF file, which I did not.


Paul Gauci

Last seen: 16 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
not clear

what settings you have still.

When you open the TB, on the left side you have a tab called local folders?
Or something else?

On the right side, you should see two panes, one is kind of listing the messages and bellow is the so called preview pane where top part of the message can be seen which you clicked on.

Or do you have no local folders at all? You did not configure them or delted them? And now you see only some IMAP folders on the server?

What accounts are those? Do they have each separate local folder and subfolders under it?
Do you have an inbox in each of the accounts at all? In such case you should see small + sign left of the account name. You can click on that one and the subfolders should appear if they are some.

Oh, BTW: I knew some Mr Gauci from Malta, he was one time studying with me Southampton and was apparently also lecturer on radio college in Malta. Are you ralated?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Paul Gauci
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 06:49


In the left panel I have four major folders, three of which belong to each of my three accounts, and the fourth is the Local Folder which I do not use.

Each folder has sub-folders for the Inbox, Sent messages, Templates and so on.

All the folders and sub-folders are frozen when I do a left click, and will only Open after a right click and then they only Open in a new window. They will not even open in a New Tab.

Only individual messages open in a New Tab after I right click. They will not open if I do the normal left click.

This is why I think that there is some form of corruption somewhere in the Profiles folder.

I would like to know whether I can remove folders and/or files located in the Profiles folder without losing the messages; hoping that the corruption is not located in the message files.

Re the Gauci name: Gauci is a common name in Malta (it means 'someone from the island of Gozo', which is located to the north of the island of Malta), and although the islands are small, we do not really know each other so much.

Thanks a lot for you assistance.


Paul Gauci

Last seen: 16 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

hmm, this is strange. When you have the list of the accounts on the left side, what do you see on the right side when you left click on one of those accounts? You should see some kind of 'menu' or selection of functions of the TB. Do you have that?

The accouns: are they all IMAP accounts and need to be synched first or do you have some POP account which will copy the mails to a local position?

Above the pane with the list of your accounts, I mean in the gray frame, there might be written all folders and little bit right of that some black arrows (left right). Can you change something with those arrows?

Or is the title there something like unified folders , recent folders, unread folders? If so try to change it to All Folders.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Paul Gauci
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 06:49
All the features are in place ... but ...

hmm, this is strange. When you have the list of the accounts on the left side, what do you see on the right side when you left click on one of those accounts? You should see some kind of 'menu' or selection of functions of the TB. Do you have that?

I see a menu with list of commands starting with 'Open' and then 'Open in New Tab'; 'Search ...', 'New SubFolder' etc etc

The accouns: are they all IMAP accounts and need to be synched first or do you have some POP account which will copy the mails to a local position?

All my accounts are POP3

Above the pane with the list of your accounts, I mean in the gray frame, there might be written all folders and little bit right of that some black arrows (left right). Can you change something with those arrows?

Or is the title there something like unified folders , recent folders, unread folders? If so try to change it to All Folders.

The title has always been 'All Folders'

The system has worked perfectly for over a year. It was only the day before yesterday that this problem occurred. This is why I think that there is a corruption. The only reason that I'd like to keep the present Profile Folder is that I have many important e-mails to which I may need to refer.

Paul Gauci

Last seen: 16 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
in such case

It might be right to make separate backups, one of the whole profile, other of the subfolder mail only and install all over again.
It is strange, it looks like the All folders is in fact in one of the other positions standing, there similar effects ocure like you describe.
If you use calandar, export it to a file or make backup of the database, expert and make backup of the address book too.

Today new version came , so try to copy this one over it.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Paul Gauci
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 06:49
Problem solved


I took up your advice.

I installed TB3.1.4;

I then copied the Inboxes of my TB3.1.3 to my backed-up TB3.1.2;

I tested TB3.1.2 and it was OK; and

I subsequently copied the Profiles Folder of TB3.1.2 to the newly installed TB3.1.4.

My TB is now working fine and I did not lose a single message.

Thanks a lot


Paul Gauci

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