I've been using the Portableapps.com products for years and just updated to the 2.0 beta 5 version of the platform. Other than a minor install glitch (McAfee didn't like the installer's filename) it's worked great so far. I've gotten enough use out of the products over the years that I wanted to donate some cash. However my searching of the web site and fora have not uncovered the expected PayPal link. The latest status update indicated significant corporate support was in the offing which is great. Is PortableApps.com is still accepting donations from users?
Where I work the IT security apparatus seems more interested in restricting user activities and access than in securing our IT infrastructure from outside threats and enhancing usability. I suppose it is easier to ban flash media than to do the actual work needed to insuring nothing can autorun from flash media but what is convenient for IT security generally makes my job much harder. There will always be people who save and run email attachments named "IamAVirus.exe" that they received from unknown Albanian spammers. Unfortunately the typical corporate response is to impose restrictive security training wheels on everyone which handicaps conscientious users who strive to use all the capabilities of their systems and take full advantage of open source software.
PortableApps.com has allowed me to avoid some of the official crippleware foisted on me by an overzealous IT security policy. I've also avoiding some of the Byzantine blizzard of paperwork required install new software on a corporate systems not to mention the cost of commercial software that is often less functional and less useful than open source alternatives. Since portable apps don't "install" I'm not violating the letter of any rules. This frees me to spend more time doing real work and less time parsing idiotic IT security policies and filling out paperwork to spend money on proprietary software.
I believe that projects like Portable Apps are a huge service to those of us forced to deal with draconian IT rules at work. I'm also encouraged by the whole concept of independent modular functionality that easily transfers from system to system regardless of which codecs, dll's or registry settings are present. This is far more useful and functional for me than trying to migrate "profiles" around using special software provided by a popular OS vendor.
Keep up the great work and let me know where I can send some $$,
On a lot of App pages there is a link to https://portableapps.com/donate where you can donate via Paypal.
It could be easier accessible via the Support or the About us page though. I hope the site owner does something about it.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I agree with all you've said. (and especially like the use of the word "fora"
I hope that John gets the reward he deserves for all his work.
I am not my signature.
I've rewarded John and the PortableApps.com cabal with a modest PayPal donation. An ongoing personal goal of mine is to "spend" more on open source applications through donations than I pay for commercial software. Given the cost of Microsoft products that's challenging but other than discounted copies of MS Office (through work) and the occasional Win 7 license I manage do pretty well with things like 7zip, Gimp, FreeCommander etc. I'm still pleasantly surprised at how accommodating and helpful most open source developers are. It's amazing what people can accomplish when they work on something they really believe in.
Simeon, thanks for the link which I hope to see prominently displayed on the "About Us" or "Support" page soon. Also, thanks for noting my proper spelling. After all these years I've become somewhat inured to mangled language on the net but it's good to know someone else still notices :-).
Max L.