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StartPortableApps.exe is not quite fully portable, it relies on presence and relative position of "PortableApps" directory.

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StartPortableApps.exe is not quite fully portable, it relies on presence and relative position of "PortableApps" directory.

I believe this is true as I have not been able to find out how change the directory name and still use the start exe.
To clarify StartPortableApps.exe can be moved anywhere as long as a directory called "PortableApps" exists in the same directory with the Portable apps menu located inside.
The Portability issue is that you can't use it to point to any other directory other than "PortableApps" and it must be in the same relative location.
All the other apps support changing directory names (including "PortableApps"), usually for program as well as data/profile locations.
For instance you can change "PortableApps" directory to "Smurf" and all the other apps will work including the menu.
The only app that breaks (is not portable) is StartPortableApps.exe.
Reasons for doing this include:
-Having 2 parralel installations with apps for different reasons or users in each menu depending on your usage requirement at the time.
-Cause I want to. Wink
-Beta testing
-Placing the StartPortableApps.exe in the root or some other central location and the "PortableApps" directory in a user directory.

If I am incorrect please let me know how to construct the INI file to make it portable.


solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-21 19:12
StartPortableApps is not the whole app

None of the official Portable Apps consist of a single exe file. Each consists of a top-level folder that contains a launcher, and subfolders that contain the main app, settings, etc.
Consider this example:

  |  |-AppInfo
  |  |-Audacity
  |  |    |-Audacity.exe
  |  |-DefaultData
  |  |-Settings
  |  |-PortableSettings
  |  |-Source
  |  |-Help

There are a couple of other folders, too, but you get the picture.
You COULD change the name of the top-level folder, and it would run fine.
But the AudacityPortable.exe file is dependent on the subfolders remaining unchanged. Go ahead, change the name of X:\AudacityPortable\App\Audacity\ to something else, like X:\AudacityPortable\App\Smurf\, and the app won't start.

Think of the StartPortableApps.exe as the launcher for the menu. The Platform has a slightly different folder structure, but the concept is the same.
If you install it to the root of a drive, then the root is the top-level folder.
Check out how this is analogous:

       |  |-Bin
       |  |-DefaultData
       |  |-Graphics
       |  |-Locale
       |  |-Theme
       |  |-PortableAppsMenu.ini
       |  |-Source

As with Audacity, you can't change the required subfolders' names, because they are a part of the app.

Think of this another way - if you download the Platform Only, and don't install any apps, what you have is the entire PortableApps Platform. As it is you can move the whole thing anywhere, to another drive, to another folder, wherever, and it will work fine. You can install it into a folder called Smurf, and the rename it to Smurfette, and it will work. But internal to the app, its function is dependent on the correct folder names of its components.

To address your reasons:
1 - you can have parallel installations, you just need to have the whole app installed in two separate folders.
2 - sure do what you want, but don't expect it to work.
3 - see answer 1
4 - by doing so, you are disassembling the app, and also breaking portability, and wasn't that your initial complaint?

BTW, changing app top-level folder names will screw with the updater.

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

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Solanus, Chris,
Thank you both for your responses.
I understand that per Chris "StartPortableApps.exe is purely and simply a shortcut to PortableApps\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe."

I also understand that the '/PortableApps/' style directory structure has been around for a while.

However I disagree that it is required exactly as laid out.
My current application structure predates the Launcher and therefore the 'PortableApps' directory structure.

Regarding the directory structure of the launcher, and I believe the Suite, are the only app that requires the "PortableApps" directory.
Specifically it creates this main directory then installs itself inside it under "..\PortableApps\" and puts the StartPortableApps.exe in "..\".
My top-Level folder has never been called "PortableApps", everything but the "startportableapps.exe" linker works.

Regarding changing the "name of X:\AudacityPortable\App\Audacity\" I have on a couple apps, a quick edit to the ????.ini file and it works fine and maintains portability.
Specifically I moved the \App\Bin file up to the base level for the launcher. Both subdirectory for the launcher and the app directory are located in the same root location.
Works fine, maintains portability, no issues other than updates which I will address below.

FYI here are the original install format and the format I use.

regular install format
       |  |-Bin
       |  |-DefaultData
       |  |-Graphics
       |  |-Locale
       |  |-Theme
       |  |-PortableAppsMenu.ini
       |  |-Source
    |-Other Portable Apps
       |-Other Portable Apps.exe
       ... etc.

My current main install is laid out as such:

 |-StartPortableApps.exe  (Broken link)
       |  |-Bin
       |  |-DefaultData
       |  |-Graphics
       |  |-Locale
       |  |-Theme
       |  |-PortableAppsMenu.ini
       |  |-Source
       ... etc.
       |-Data           (sometimes stored here but for major profiles stored elsewhere in the ..\..\Data\OtherPortableApps.dat directory)
       ... etc.

They all usually follow this pattern sometimes with another main directory (instead of "?:\Apps\" could be "?:\Debug\Apps.D\" or "?:\Debug\Apps.Beta\".

All the portability is still maintained so long as directory structure is copied or synchronized intact (must maintain relative position of data but that is easy).
Also the application subdirectories such as "" can also all be renamed at the cost of updatability via the auto update function.
Solanus, thanks for pointing this out, I hadn't thought of that issue, it does affect the "renamed apps dirs" referenced above as the installer/updater does not read the INI file to locate the current applications actual installed location.
This does however allow for multiple archived or beta versions to operate in parallel, in the same base directory however.

My reasons:
1. I do this now but have to utilize either relative bat files or unportable links.
2. I usually do what I want to but I don't always expect it work. I do have hope though and can usually make it perform. Wink
3. See answer 1
4. I do sometimes disassemble the app now and everything except the StartPortableApps.exe application and as you pointed out the updates remain intact and functional.

For now I will stick with the relative .bat files until StartPortableApps.exe supports an INI or some other functionality for portability.

Thanks for the intellectual exercise,

Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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Sorry, unsupported method

Your way of laying out the apps is just unsupported, and is becoming steadily more unsupported and just won't work on many of our newer apps. I would strongly recommend that you leave apps in the Format in which they come: it's a lot less work. As for your allowing "multiple archived or beta versions to operate in parallel", the only thing you're going to get there is shared data, right? In my experience you won't want the same profile for e.g. Firefox 3 and Firefox 4 Beta anyway, as there will be some incompatibilities. And dealing with physically separate data directories is just much safer.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 12:01
Please don't change the existing ini file capability.

My layout is supported via the standard launcher INI file, specifically the ("SomeRandomAppDirectory=???") & ("ProfileDirectory=") switches either in the command line or .INI file. Why would you want to remove that functionality?
By the way, which of the newer apps do not support this (INI reference to profile, data or app location)?

I can live with changing most of the functionality and eliminating the standard program location ("SomeRandomAppDirectory=???") and the beta and other stuff I could live with losing those capabilities. There are workarounds to achieve what I want such as the relative bat files it is just not as nice.
As for the multiple "multiple archived or beta versions to operate in parallel" I usually use a new profile and do not share except with a backup, without the command line options or .INI file it defaults to a blank profile anyway the shared data is not a requirement but pointing to a backup can help verify compatibility issues and be used for debugging. It is safer as you say.

However the data profile portability ("ProfileDirectory=") is important.
I believe that the data files should never reside in the program or application folder as the data backup becomes too complex.
This has caused me many headaches and data loss over the years so programs that store significant data in "application folders" tend to get deleted or only used when absolutely required.

The explanation may be little long so bear with me.

Most computer systems now discourage this combined storage anyway, for instance the "my documents" folder, the "..\usr" folder are for data which is separate from the applications folders.

The "PortableApps" or my "Apps" directory is for programs and basic configuration files, analogous to the Windows "\Program files" or a ??nix "..\bin".
Applications change less frequently, can be portable, re-installable and sync able among multiple locations and require less stringent backup as they usually only change with updates.
This helps as they usually take up more space than the the data files they use with the exception of multimedia.
In short these apps are easily replaceable almost every times even with no recent backup.

Data files and complicated profiles, for instance a Thunderbird profile or an important document, often are not so easily replaceable.
A configuration file in a Thunderbird profile is rich with specific user information and is much closer to a data file than most configurations files, is more difficult to replicate and the data in the mail directory is usually almost impossible to duplicate or replace that is why I consider many profiles, and some configuration files all as "Data".
Any apps which require a significant or time consuming setup/customization should allow the location of the setup files to be moved or at least have a backup option for these settings once you get it "just right".
These Data files are backed up, more frequently as well as synchronized automatically in multiple locations.

In short losing the capability to utilize a separate "Data" location outside the "application" directory would dramatically reduce the usefulness & chances of my using it.
As this data and profile location specification is usually included via command line parameters or INI file setting for most of the base apps I believe you should not remove it from the launcher.

I realize that there is a backup option in the launcher however this is not quite what I need so I can't use it.

One last note, I currently sync my "PortableApps" directory among several computer and portable storage devices.
The apps directories are all 100% identical after a sync, however since my data location is relative I can for run Firefox with one profile at work, one when roaming off a thumb drive (sanitized) and another profile when at home. Same with TB.
This is all without modifying any .INI files or App settings in the "PortableApps" directory as the profile is in a separate relative directory.


Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 36 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Many Apps

Pidgin, Audacity, Atomic Tanks, Virtual Magnifying Glass, NSIS and others all have no method of custom Data or AppDirectory paths. All newer apps based on the PA.c Launcher will not have this ability either. Basically, it's a decent amount of extra work and support for no real benefit to support it, so the decision was made to drop it some time ago.

There's no benefit in terms of data or app integrity to having them in separate directories (they're still all on one disk, if it fails or is corrupted, you're no better or worse off). They're actually already in separate directories (Data being a separate directory for each app). Backing up just your data is still simple in any backup tool that supports regular expressions, and of course it's built right into the PA.c Backup tool in the platform which will automatically backup your Data directories from all your apps with just a couple clicks. Syncing is similarly easy with any tool that supports regular expressions.

Please note that more apps will be losing the ability to have specific app or data paths as they are transitioned over to the newer PA.c Launcher as well.

Also, note that the PA.c Updater does not support custom paths for app directories or data. And any app that needs to have the data updated by its installer as you upgrade (which will happen sometimes on major version updates) will be unable to update the data as the installer won't find it. Similarly, upgrades are completely unsupported with custom app directories.

In short, you're *MUCH* better off keeping all the apps and data in their standard configuration and taking a few extra minutes defining custom sync and backup jobs in your tools to achieve the exact same end result you are looking for.

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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What about the documents and profiles?

I am sorry to hear that, the ability to tweak the apps, settings and changing locations while remaining portable has always been what attracted me to these apps.
This all started with a quibble regarding the static requirement for the "..\PortableApps\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe" Structure and the launcher/linker for the PA launcher menu and a percieved portability issue with a "constant" versus a "variable" location for the portable apps.
It has grown into a somewhat deeper discussion, but I am glad I posted as I learned a lot.
I will concede that changing the portable application bin directory is not a requirement, and by my own logic it really doesn't matter much as it is easy to restore or reinstall, so I can live with that.
It is part of the tool and any programs, libraries or bin files under the "..\SomeApplicatioPortable\" directory need not be moved or movable. (this would include the SomeApplicationlauncher.exe as well as the entire application in the "App" dir.)

Data files (documents) are a different case.
I guess the main problem I have is losing the ability to specify where data and/or profiles are stored.
This is, in many cases, removing or locking out existing core application functionality.

I do wonder why the data is so distributed in PA.c when for years modern OSes and many users have been migrating to a central data storage location, usually in a "User Data" directory.
You even have a central data storage location for application data files, \PortableApps\Documents.
It is just missing all the data directories from all the individual apps but most importantly the complex data rich profiles, like TB, FF or Pidgin which actually contain mostly documents in the form of emails, settings or conversations.

I realize that with some effort the backups and synchronizations can be accomplished in any combination of data storage locations, it just complicates the backup.
It takes about the same amount of effort to move the default save path to a central location as is does to open the backup routine and add another location.
The problem comes in when the backup becomes so complex that updating it or switching to another backup up program becomes a chore and the configuration file to back it up, itself, becomes another piece of data to backup.
When any function, like a backup, becomes too complex, things will likely get missed or remain uncompleted resulting in potential loss.

Many of the apps you mention have less customizations and are easy to tweak and therefore the customization files have less value, some other apps even store no true "data" like the magnifying glass, some only store a few simple parameters.
Audacity, and NSIS will have the ability to save data (documents) to a data location of your choosing, either my Data dir or the standard /PortableApps/Documents so those should not be an issue as long as the default save locations are remembered.
An app like Thunderbird or Pidgin is different in that they have a complex profile storing much irreplaceable data.
This makes the Profile important data as it contains not only sometimes complex difficult to reproduce (remember) settings, but also data you can't get back.

I use Thunderbird regularly and the profile has always been "movable", even before when it was Mozilla, and before that when it was Netscape.
I don't use Pidgin but the default standard data storage location is not in \Windows nor in \Programfiles\Pidgin\Data, however in PidginPortable the data file is by default stored in the same directory as the the launcher program.

Excerpt from Pidgin FAQ

Where are my settings and data (including logs) saved?
Where is my .purple directory?

Data is stored in your user's "Application Data" directory in a .purple subdirectory. The location of this will vary according to your setup and version of Windows.

    * For Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, entering %APPDATA% in your Windows Explorer address bar will take you to the right directory
          o On Windows XP, it will be something like C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data.
          o On Windows Vista/7, it will be something like C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\. 
    * For Windows 98/ME it will be something like C:\Windows\Profiles\username. 

This can be overridden by setting the PURPLEHOME environment variable.

You can add/set the PURPLEHOME environment variable for your system in Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables. 

Per the excerpt above it stores it by default in more modern OSes in a user data location or "your user's "Application Data" directory".
You can also see that with the "PURPLEHOME environment variable" you can change the data storage location.
This is probably how you are doing it in the PA pidgin launcher.
This feature should not be removed or fixed to a set unchangeable location even if is is a fixed relative position.
According to what you said you already removed the ability to support this when using the Pidgin launcher, and will be doing the same to other apps as they are updated.
Portable apps should be about being more flexible, not less.

The applications are equivalent to tools and are very important but are still very replaceable or re-installable.
Data is not, to reinstall and re-customize all the apps after accidentally deleting all 5 copies (separate devices) of the Apps folder would take a day or less. To recreate the Data may not be possible or could takes years, maybe a lifetime.

Data and application (tool) storage should be separated.
I don't store:
-mail under the mail box or with the letter opener.
-receipts with the stapler.
-notes and letters with the pens or pencils
-finished paintings with the brushes.
-bills with the checkbook.
-woodcarvings with the knives
-food in the utensils drawer, or pots or pans cupboard
-plumbing tools in the bathtub
-finished novels in the typewriter case.

Or at least I try not to as it make quite a mess. Smile

I do file receipts, notes bills in a central data storage location, OK it is a filing cabinet.
I might put a painting or piece of art in a vault or on display.
Tools go in the toolbox in the garage or in specific location in the desk.

The tools (applications) are stored separate from the product (data).
When a tool is used "or an application is opened" it goes to where the "thing the tool is for" is "or where the data is stored". The toilet is not stored in the tool shed because the wrenches are there.

When someone mixes this all up it becomes a problem and things get lost.

What is required to maintain the data portability and flexibility in future PA.c applications so data and profile storage can be centralized and/or customized?


Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 36 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Already Dropped

When I said it was dropped I meant that the decision has already been made and implemented (in many apps, over a year ago). While your arguments have some merits, they are all easily worked around with simple regular expressions in tools. You need only define them once, in fact -- not per app, nor redefine them as you add apps -- and then be able to backup or sync all your Data folders in all your apps with a single job and never need to update the job again. And that, of course, means you can continue to use the updater, the installers for upgrades and all the other good stuff.

I am explaining this so you have a very simple and easy to accomplish workaround to be able to easily backup or sync all your apps, which is what you stated you wanted to accomplish. There's no real reason to separate the data out at this point. Having it in 'one place' is a complete misnomer since it's all on one drive and all virtual anyway. It's no more or less susceptible to corruption or infection.

Adding in the complex feature set you are asking for is a lot of work at the launcher, installer, updater and platform level for near-zero benefit. Not to mention the fact that supporting it would be a nightmare. From a cost/benefit ratio, it's simply not worth it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Unsupported, but much better method

Actually, separating user data and software is a much better way of working...

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Yes and no

Normally, I'd probably agree with you, but in a portable setting having the two separate doesn't seem to make a lot of sense as you can't use one without the other. It would be a pain to have to remember to copy program and data directories or else my application wouldn't have my settings, or worse still wouldn't even run. I think for portable uses it's much better to keep everything together in one package (read: folder) and avoid the possibility of the application not working or not working as expected. Essentially, each application needs to be thought of as completely separate and distinct rather than a "suite", even if something like PAM gives the illusion of a suite.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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And if you think of each app as a separate entity within itself, then there IS a separation of program and date within the PortableApps Format - you have an APP folder and a DATA folder.

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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why so complicated?

When I have my portable apps, I use them. I like to go ?:\PortableApps because every installer from here has that by default. You just click next, next, finish. And then wait for the menu to load. And done! I have my app ready to run. No editing INI's no playing with the directory structure. Just my apps the way they were intended to be.

And what about upgrading menus? You're going to have to spend another few minutes extra each time you upgrade because you have to remove the folder, and move the ?:\PortableApps\ to Apps. And then delete the PortableApps folder.

Ah, well, I'm sure there is a good reason for you to do that Pardon

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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My apps the way I intend them to be.

So you don't change the default background on your desktop or apply a custom Fire-based theme to Firefox? Wink
Seriously I did address some of my reasons in the response to Chris above and almost everything still works.
As for the launcher menu upgrade I have not tried it yet.
I have upgraded many of the other apps and all the updates with the exception of the one app I move up one level.
That just took dragging and dropping the updated version to the right location and it was set, the launcher menu will be the same.

Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
I do

I do change my background.
I do change themes on Firefox.
But I don't change the way Windows looks for the background nor the location Firefox saves the theme I prefer.

But you said you set up Firefox to run with different profiles on your PCs, so I guess that's reason enough to do that.

And when you say "launcher" do you mean the Menu? Or the AppNamePortable.exe file? I thought you meant AppNamePortable.exe at first, but I got a but iffy when you said that the launcher has a backup utility (which would be interesting if it did).

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Me too

Do you keep your desktop background in the default location for those things or do you link to the current location of the picture you want to use (stored in your "Data" location where ever that is).
RE: "the launcher" I was intermixing a little the only reference to the PortableApps menu launcher was in reference to the backup, the rest were to application launchers.

Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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I don't have a reason to change it.

ok. Have you even tried the Backup Utility from the Menu?

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Yes, not in a long time however.

Why has it changed a lot?

Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
I don't know

I never tried it Blum

Never had my data corrupted, so I don't feel I need it.

And if for some reason my data does corrupt, I have a backup flashdrive loaded with fresh (outdated) portable apps.

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
Exception not the rule?

JestreSo you don't change the default background on your desktop or apply a custom Fire-based theme to Firefox? Wink

I hate to be one of those people but actually, I don't! I've spent too much time over the years customizing my applications/desktop to my liking only to lose my settings (through corruption/version changes/updates/viruses/failure to backup etc.). To this end, I just don't bother any more and I usually stick with the defaults. No "personas" on this copy of Firefox used to post this! Wink

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Thanks for confirming my point

I can commiserate for I to had lost data and configurations over the years and had to restore application customizations from scratch and rebuild complex index files that unruly applications chose to store hidden away in "ProgramFiles" instead of with the project file it was for.
Since adopting this structure and making the application store in a central location I have not had any significant data loss even with several hard drive failures and 2 systems that died.
This includes many of the "configuration" files to customize an app.
My custom configured profiles, themes and backgrounds were available since they were stored in the "data" location which is very backed up.
I am sorry to hear that you gave up on a environment suited to your needs, I will keep up the fight.

Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
I Do Okay

It doesn't bother me that much, I've never really been one for "custom paint jobs" anyway. The real beauty of portable apps for me is the ability to:
a) use them on multiple computers and so maintain the custom preferences that I have changed, and also use the apps that I am familiar with rather than the ones I'm forced to.
b) use them on my desktop and restore them quickly in the event that I have to reinstall Windows (another experience that I've endured many times over) Smile

Don't worry, I'm not sad.

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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I think the best compromise you can come up with is to not use the PortableApps menu but keep the portable apps folders intact. That is what I do. I use ASuite as my menu but I have more customization of the general folder structure below the root folder (which is where ASuite runs from). For example, I create application category folders, much like the categories used here on, and then place all my apps in those category folders. I could if I wanted separate out my PA.c apps from my non PA.c apps but I don't feel the need.

It sounds quite dangerous to move PortableApplications' child folders around like you're doing, I'm sure you will eventually break something! Shock

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I will check it out when I get a chance.
I do occasionally break something, then I get to learn how to fix it. Smile

Movie Wisdom: Don't kick the monster!
Build mechanized armored assault suit to annihilate it, program robots to smash it, Shoot, Spear or even Throw something at it (preferably a grenade), but NEVER kick the monster!
NOTE: Doesn't apply to Black Belts

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Simple explanation

StartPortableApps.exe is purely and simply a shortcut to PortableApps\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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