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webmail POP3 and IMAP

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webmail POP3 and IMAP

what do you use, besides gmail, yahoo, and hotmail (isn't there another main one?)
which ones work with POP3 (for free) and which with IMAP (also for free)?
so far the results are:

webmail: - not sure how i found this one, seems pretty good so far, pop only - 2 users - 2 users - 1 users [pop only] - 1 users [no longer offers free email, no pop/imap for free] - 0 users (no pop or imap support for free)
Lavabit - 1 ["Due to a recent increase in the number of accounts being created for abusive purposes we have decided to suspend new user registrations until further notice."]

There is big german mail provider, offering also wide range of services. In Switzerland the , then, czech and, all have pop and webmail and imap. (courtesy of Otto)

mail clients:

SeaMonkey - 2 users
POP Peeper Portable - 1
Popman - 1 [better than POP Peeper?]

hostmail: (get free or paid web hosting that comes with email that is probably POP3 and IMAP compatible)


??? - probably need a static ipaddress for this?
host your own mail server using a free or paid domain and mailserver software

free domains:

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is one of the bigger one here.
takes pop, imap, ssl, webmail and what ever for free.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
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strange doesn't work
but does, though in german, which iron portable translates adequately


Last seen: 8 hours 5 min ago
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not strange

because the domain was owned until recently by a private enterprise. So gmx was using many TLD, but not .com in the past.
For the time being, one can obtain a mail address with, but AFAIK not when you are resident in europe, for what ever reason.
Anyway the domain belongs now to the gmx, but their websites are only on net or some of the national domains, like we have for example.

Well it is a german company, so yes all sounds german there first. I am not sure, but recently I was told there is an english speaking website accessible from the main one, but could not find it just now too.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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the help file on their german site says to use, which doesn't work, for me anyway...

I suppose they wont mind me using it in german? Iron translates it well enough


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not so simple

they check your ip location and they will try to place you to a website according to this.

should display something, but for example I am living in switzerland, so I will not able to use that poratl and not be able to make an address with For someone living in us, france, or uk, this is again possible, but he will not be allowed to join the etc.

So it slightly depends on your provider thus your ip for that location.

Now it depends where are you located.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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that works


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not discrete enough

it uses google for it's widgets, which is understandable, but only barely. I wonder what other google it uses. I will use it as another email, but it does not satisfy me completely, as being a completely discrete entity not tied to facebook or google, etc.

I do like the address, though

global mail exchange is a decent moniker

any other suggestions?


Last seen: 8 hours 5 min ago
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many providers like that

in europe, but often national biased.

Actually every provider here does similar service.
GMX is free, but then sure advertising etc on the website is present. For the paid version, well yes many of such things are not here.
As I am using it little or not at all via webmail, this was never any issue to me. The pop works fine, ssl access ok, smtp too, and this is all plain internet mail, no fiddling with mail contents or ads in mails etc.
They will just ask you to enter the website at least once in 6 months, otherwise they dont get the cash from google and who ever.

GMX has some advantage, it has full ssl traffic in the free version and useful filtering and forwarding tools.
Reliability is high, since they sell commercial service to companies, therefore the infrastucture is meanwhile rather good.

There is big german mail provider, offering also wide range of services. I know in Switzerland the , then, czech and, all have pop and webmail and imap.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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Spam Blocking

The only problem I've found with GMX is that it is blocked by many websites/services. I can't vouch for this personally, since I haven't used a GMX email address, but I've heard this from other users. of course, this is a general problem for Webmail accounts, since they are more likely to be used to generate spam (or at least targets for falsification of source).

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it must be blocked

so, it developed a negative rep

I can use it on my school computers but not at the library

oh, well, any other suggestions? (start new thread/new comment)


Darkbee's picture
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To find solution need to know problem

What exactly is your goal? What are you trying to achieve?

In all honesty perhaps you're better off registering your own domain and then using cheap "hosting" solution that provides email/webmail. Registering a domain with someone like is peanuts these days. The only challenge is finding a suitable domain that isn't taken already.

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good point

i guess i'm rather looking for alternatives to google, yahoo, msn, etc.

or, what 'provider' of free services is better, has higher standards, than these... such as no p*rn, or private browsing or at least not storing information on you, and so on...

[while we are on the topic, anything comparable or better than godaddy? I checked on em and saw I could get the 4 main domain extensions for 15/yr. not bad. Looking for free registration with hosting, comparing prices, value...]


Last seen: 8 hours 5 min ago
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not storing?

>at least not storing information on you, and so on...

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
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right, comply with the law

"Stop resisting!" - j/k

I guess I want as much 'privacy' as possible. Push the boundaries of freedom.

btw, you are a great resource for this forum


[the godaddy deal was for the .us @ 4.99 plus .com .net .org for +15.00, so $20, however, you have to sign up from a fresh computer, i was able to duplicate the deal after waiting the 20 minutes for the cart to expire]


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thats different

>Push the boundaries of freedom.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Darkbee's picture
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Don't forget your passport

Time to emigrate to Sealand. Wink

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thats the final solution, I did not know they still operate the servers there, but if we ask them politely..?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 8 hours 5 min ago
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I use it for more then 10 years

and did not find any website not wanting me with any gmx address. Well, there are few services which will not take any domain not belonging to actual ISP whom IP is used just at that moment, but those are some very special cases.

I am using gmx for the more serious part of my mails, the reliability is very high, I think few minutes per year the service might be off, but all maintenance is done on some hot swap server farms, so one does never notice.

I have other mail providers , paid, but they do not in fact offer any better service then the gmx free. When the national telecom here comes onto black list, it takes often 1-2 days until it is cleared again.
The local ISPs do provide ssl mail only for business accounts, not for ordinary people accounts. This can be big problem when operating mail client behind some company firewall etc. Gmx has ssl on the free service, and since there is no point in trying to filter something sent by ssl, all traffic will pass firewalls and filters which I met until now. This can be an important criteria particularly for portable mail operation.

For one of the companies I work for, we actually use gmx free service just for filtering and forwarding mails from industrial mobile devices. Since 2001 without interruption or any problems.

All big mail servers come onto some automatic black list few times a month or few times a day even, but this is often cleared within minutes.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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What's wrong with GMail? I've

What's wrong with GMail? I've been using GMail for quite some time now and I like it. It can be used with an MUA (in fact, I've never used the webmail interface) with POP3 just fine (IMAP with GMail is possible, but a nightmare, though I can't remember why). AFAICT, it has a pretty good spam filter, but I don't receive tons of emails from different addresses all the time, so I can't say for certain how it is with false positives.


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I heard only positive too

but th OP wants something with more privacy, which well google and privacy is kind of contrary...

My mother is using gmail via pop and it seems to work very well as far as I could see it. The only thing which get me confused was when I tried to send her some zip file which was simply deleted by gmail the same way as if it was an exe or so. The reason is probably the automatic unzip function of current operating systems.

I have noticed also here in the forum some questions about gmail and imap behaviour, possibly the functionality version of the web interface is not always precisely the one of the imap. I remember setting up gmail imap in an outlook one day for a friend and then noticed that the folder structure was not 100% same on web and imap. How this can happen I have no idea, because from basics a webmailer is essentially nothing else then imap. It would mean that they run somehow two different copies of something at same time.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Bahamut's picture
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I don't really see a privacy

I don't really see a privacy issue. As far as Google is concerned, I'm a username and set of IPs. They don't have any real private info like my address and I don't send or receive anything sensitive. I wouldn't recommend ANY free email service for someone dealing with sensitive information anyway. In that case, using a mail server set up oneself would be best.


OliverK's picture
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They don't have any real

They don't have any real private info like my address

They can get very close. Your IP can be tracked to a town. I have your name. Now all I need is a phone book from where you live.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Bahamut's picture
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Too many assumptions

1. You assume that the IP chosen is the best to track me. I could be using a friend's connection, or a public hotspot or even a proxy. How are they to know whether I even have my own connection? Sure, the most used hub is a good bet, but it's entirely possible that where I live and where I connect to the internet could be completely different.
2. You assume I'm listed in a phone book.
3. You assume that Google would go to all this trouble for no reason.
4. You assume that it really matters. If I have something to hide, law enforcement has other ways to find this information. If Google starts posting personal information publicly, I'll have a problem, but otherwise, why does it matter so much?


OliverK's picture
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You're right at all

You're right at all points.

There was an individual in IRC that I managed to tick off because I grabbed her host name, then tracked it with freely available utilities. She was kind of annoying, and asking silly questions and wasn't really answering what we needed or were curious about so that we could help her.

I figure I was spot on. When I mentioned what the company she worked for and what the company did, I got a reply of "F**K you".

Its something to be aware of, to at least have in the back of your head buried somewhere under the name of the second to last book you read.

BTW, I don't hold much stock in the "I've got nothing to hide, so why does it matter?" Personally, there's things I like to keep private just because I can. Does it really matter? Only that I can do it because I want to Smile

The correct question for anything privacy related is not "why don't they need to know it" but rather "Why DO they need to know it."

That's my piece on the subject anyway.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Bahamut's picture
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BTW, I don't hold much stock

BTW, I don't hold much stock in the "I've got nothing to hide, so why does it matter?" Personally, there's things I like to keep private just because I can. Does it really matter? Only that I can do it because I want to Smile

It's not really a matter of "I have nothing to hide, so feel free to search the place", but rather "If I have nothing to hide, then who's going to bother to search the place?". As with anything one wishes to keep private, it's always important to consider how much effort/time/money anyone would spend to find that information when deciding how much effort/time/money to spend to keep it private.

The correct question for anything privacy related is not "why don't they need to know it" but rather "Why DO they need to know it."

Of course. This is why I laugh at people who put a ton of personal info on sites like Facebook and then get outraged when that info becomes public, considering that Facebook et al. have no need for that info and since posting it is (AFAIK) not required to use the site, they no real obligation to idiot-proof everything to keep it private.

I think the whole privacy issue isn't nearly as much of an issue as so many people make it out to be. If personal info isn't being made public and it isn't being sold to marketing companies or other bad people, then I don't see an issue.

With all that said, we're getting more and more off-topic.


OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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With all that said, we're

With all that said, we're getting more and more off-topic.

Of course. Is that the way things go here Smile

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
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webmail is worthless

So, you can get hosting for like $5/month with your own .com name. YOu can get the same for free with a sub-domain, with multiple throwaway email addresses. That is fine, and probably better, whether it is free or not. I suppose you could find a host that expressly advertises privacy and security of email and files, etc. Something about having '' is just easy and recognizable and people have no hangups with the domain name, as Google has become as common as Kleenex.

And that is the problem, that google is uberubiquitous, ala der ubermench von Deutchland und der notsees. It is one step away from martial law and government takeover of the servers with your complete psychological profile and history for easy domination of the population.

Not that I am scared, but it is our duty to do whatever we can to be free and promote freedom as well as oppose tyranny wherever we can, as free thinking rational humans being.

Hence, the Free Software Foundation, the Open Source Initiative, etc.

So, if there IS some webmail out there that seems to be better and more biased toward individual freedom, then I'd like to know about it. If a free hosting solution is better, then let's hear it. If the solution is definitely proprietary, then so be it. The best one should win, but not just because it is like google, or has whatever google has that appeals to everyone (it loads fast). They should also be evaluated by their bias for or against freedom, however you define that; free beer or free speech or freedom to browse and email in complete privacy. In fact...

Perhaps the best email would be a peer to peer sort of email. Direct connect, as most computers are online all the time, now. uTorrent mail?


Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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If you're so concerned,

If you're so concerned, simply set up your own mail server. Since the amount of traffic would be so low, you could simply have it run in the background and not see any performance hit. There are services like that you could use for a free/cheap domain name.


Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
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very nice

thank you

but, to just point my finger one more time...

anybody using IMAP webmail and liking it? for example, as a junk email to use when signing up to online forums. If not, what ARE you using and would recommend?


OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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i don't like imap at all.

i don't like imap at all. you have to connect to the server for every_damn_thing that you want to do. POP3 thanks

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
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good point, i agree

thank you

imap is easy but perhaps too easy

it is not too difficult to figure out pop and what hoops to jump through to make it flexible across different mail clients

makes having just one mail client on your stick a must and pa.c the final answer


Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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I like IMAP a lot. I use it

I like IMAP a lot. I use it for my GMail, my university email, and my junk email.


Pyromaniac's picture
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I replied to the other post

but I'll reply to this one too:
oh and I signed up right now for gmx (now I can have an email that says pyromaniac!)

I use POP Peeper Portable to check my mail (which I think is much better than Thunderbird.)

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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and I use...

I use Popman which is much better the PopPeeper. Wink

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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I use Seamonkey, and aside

I use Seamonkey, and aside from gmail and university email, I use Lavabit for IMAP.

If we're dropping recommendations, I'm gonna throw out Lavabit for that at as well since the service has always been good, and the customer support is helpful.


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