Is it possible to change the "my document" path to a folder on my USB-drive?
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yeah you can simply right click on my documents and select target location.
Thanks for your fast reply, but thats not the point I really want to know. My problem is that OOo portable sets its default "my document"-path on c:/documents&settings/user/... If I change the path like in "normal" OOo (Options/Paths) I can choose my USB-Drive for example f:/documents. If I connect to an other computer OOo tries to find the path, even if the USB-drive isn't f:/
Probably not possible ATM, unless there is a variable in OO for the current drive. Otherwise, you need to make a launcher.
R McCue
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I tried setting a DOCUMENTS environment variable in a test launcher but OO ignores it.
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It's quite interesting, I thought the problem would be easy to solve. Until now I used a german version of OOo portable based on Johns Version incl. launcher (the splash screen seems to be older)
In this Version the documents-path is always on the portable drive in the settings/user folder. Unfortunately in this version fonts in the "share" folder do not work. Probably someone can "combine" the launchers.
Actually, that's the REALLY old launcher that used %USERPROFILE%. That version doesn't work on lots of Windows 2000 computers, doesn't support Java and has lots of other issues and isn't recommended for use anymore.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Well rasa, as a german user it may be time to switch over to the versions on this site:
Under 'Projekte' you will find the link to OpenOfficePortable with all the up to date launchers of J.T. Haller (thx a lot man!). You will also find a large OO Portable PLUS Suite all in german
for those who are packaging OOo portable, here is what (and why it) has been done with the version at .
In OOo 2.0.4 the paths handling has been completely changed. In most cases but two this is not visible for the End user.
The two cases (afaik) are: Documents (work) path and temp path.
From 2.0.4 on the default for those path is the system default of the user.
To set those paths back to the USB drive, we created a config file Paths.xcu in Data\settings\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office.
the file has the following content:
So you will get the temp and documents directories in the root of you portable drive.
Hope, this helps.
It helps - an it works fine!! Thank you