This is a weird one. If I try to access at work, or log in to my Google account from any "public" Google page, I get a "Could not connect to remote server" error.
Here's what I've tried:
- All other sites I've visited so far have worked, including Google pages that don't require a login, and other HTTPS sites.
- The same instance of Opera Portable works fine at home.
- I can access Gmail from work using another portable browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
- I installed a brand new, untouched instance of Opera Portable alongside the other one (I've imported settings and bookmarks into that). The fresh install shows the same behaviour.
At both sites, I run XP Professional SP2 with admin rights. The only difference at work is that Internet access is via an ISA Server and Firewall client. As far as we can tell there's no deliberate attempt to block Opera users from Gmail.
Firewalls are usually configured to allow certain things, rather than disallow them. Chrome probably works because it uses all the IE settings for proxy, certificates, etc. Firefox probably works because the firewall is set to allow it. Opera probably doesn't because there are no internal rules to allow it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Nevermind. This applies to the installed version of Opera too - I just tried it. Must be an Opera issue of some sort.
Sorry - must have been typing at the same time.
Thanks for the info; I've been using Opera without issues here for years, but they may have changed something without knowing. I'll check.
Google doesn't like Opera, it's been like that for some time now, hence the connection problems
Gmail has always worked for me in Opera - never had a connection problem, I'm never on a large company network though